Title: Andrey Remnev 6 (Russian, 1962)
1 Andrey Remnev
2Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Caldera, 2019
3Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Self-isolation, 2021
4Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Music on the
water, 2012
5Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Art Deco portrait,
6Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) East, 2012 30x30cm
7Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) West, 2012 30x30cm
8Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Central Asia, 2021
Marina, 2002
9Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Sergiev Posad
State Historical and Art Museum Homo ludens
exhibition May 28 - July 28 2021
10Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Volkhova, 2024
11Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Year of the Dog
12Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Charcoal, pencil
on paper
13Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) A double portrait
of two children, 2019 (fragment)
14Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Direction of the
wind, 2019
15Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) BonJour, Monsieur
Fujito! 2018
16Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Ice water, 2019
17Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Herbalist, 2021
18Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Curator, 2021
19Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Dionysius, 2021
20Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Returning of the
herd, 2020
21Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Diongue Serigne
Tako, 1990 (student work)
22Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Family heritage,
23Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Family heritage,
2020 (fragment)
24Contemporary Russian artist Andrey Remnev is a
rising superstar on the art scene today. Born in
Yakhroma, a small town outside of Moscow, his
work is very influenced by traditional Russian
25Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Flutist, 2013-2020
26Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Girl with
grapes Commissioned by _at_montemaggio
27Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) From the stove, 2019
28Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Russian stove,
1992, 90?125 cm
29Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Nobleman (Prince
Menshikov), 2018
30Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962)
31Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Horizon line, 2023
32Greatly influenced by Italian Masters, such as
Benozzo Gozzoli and Piero della Francesca, Remnev
enhances his technique and his canvases with the
ancient tradition of egg tempera and oil paint.
In a succession of layers of colour and images,
his artworks are a true fusion between pictorial
traditions and the contemporary, permeated with
organic light and spiritual vision. The
originality of this technique, constitutes the
signature style that make Remnev's works so
33(No Transcript)
34Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Fireworks, 2019
35Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) The longest day,
2020 (fragment)
36Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Tents, 2023
37Remnev combines the old with the new in his own
unique style to create a statement about our
modern world. Just like Russian icon art,
Remnevs work is decorative, colorful and deeply
38Andrey Remnev (Russian, 1962) Itil, 2024
39Text and pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Ilya Beshevli - Autumn Dance