Title: M310 L05 12'6 Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces
1M310 L05 12.6 Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces
- Traces, Cylinders, and Rulings
- 1 Sketching a Parabolic Cylinder
- 2 Two Circular Cylinders
- 3 Use Traces to Sketch an Ellipsoid
- 4 Use Traces to Sketch an Elliptic Paraboloid
- 5 Use Traces to Sketch a Hyperbolic Paraboloid
- 6 Use Traces to Sketch a Hyperboloid of One
Sheet - 7 Use Traces to Sketch a Hyperboloid of Two
Sheets - 8 Use Traces to Classify a Surface
212.6 1 Sketching a Parabolic Cylinder
To sketch the graph of yx2, we first notice z
is missing, and then examine various
312.6 2 Sketching Circular Cylinders
Identify and sketch the surfaces represented by
the following equations.
412.6 3 Sketching an Ellipsoid
Identify and sketch the surface represented by
the following equation. (Use traces.)
512.6 4 Sketching an Elliptic Paraboloid
Identify and sketch the surface represented by
the following equation. (Use traces.)
612.6 5 Sketching a Hyperbolic Parab
Identify and sketch the surface represented by
the following equation. (Use traces.)
712.6 6 Sketch Hyperboloid of One Sheet
Identify and sketch the surface represented by
the following equation. (Use traces.)
812.6 7 Sketch Hyperboloidof TwoSheets
Identify and sketch the surface represented by
the following equation. (Use traces.)
912.6 8 Classify a Surface
Identify and sketch the surface represented by
the following equation. (Use traces.)
1012.6 ? Cone
A clear discussion requires cylindrical