Title: Informal Document No. GRRF-57-24 57th GRRF,31 January
1 Informal Document No. GRRF-57-2457th
GRRF,31 January February 4, 2005Agenda Item
5.9.Submission by the United States of America
for information on the status of rulemaking on
tire pressure monitoring systems Tire Pressure
Monitoring Systems Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- U.S. Congress mandated a final rule to require a
warning system in motor vehicles to indicate to
the operator when a tire is significantly
under-inflated be completed by November 1, 2001 - Congress mandated that this rule must take effect
by November 1, 2003
3TPMS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- Final Rule published on June 5, 2002
- NHTSA sued by Consumer Groups to prevent use of
1-tire 30 under-inflation systems - In August 2003, U.S. Court of Appeals invalidated
final rule and directed the agency to publish a
new final rule - New NPRM published September 16, 2004 (Docket
4Highlights of the NPRM
- Proposed requirements are performance-based and
allows any design based on performance criteria - Must detect under-inflation in 1 to 4 tires at
the greater of 25 percent below placard pressure
or minimum activation pressure - Must provide a warning within 10 minutes of
under-inflation - Must provide a yellow Low pressure warning
indicator - Must provide a yellow Malfunction indicator to
warn of TPMS malfunction due to incompatible
tires or other malfunction
5Other Major Issues Addressed
- Other Major Issues
- Replacement tire requirement has been dropped
- Test course specified
- Calibration procedures
- Telltale symbols and color
- Warning activation within 10 minutes
- Disablement of TPMS
- Concerns of small volume manufacturers
6Effective Dates
- Proposed phase-in with effective date beginning
- September 1, 2005 for 50 percent installation
- September 1, 2006 for 90 percent installation
- September 1, 2007 for 100 percent installation
- Therefore, beginning September 1, 2007 all light
vehicles are required to be equipped with a TPMS.
7Low Tire Pressure Activation
Tire Type Max. Inflation Pressure (kPa) Min. Activation Pressure (kPa)
P-metric - Standard 240 300 350 140 140 140
P-metric Extra Load 280 340 160 160
LT load range C 350 200
LT load range D 450 260
LT load range E 550 320
8Major Comments
- NPRM published with 60-day comment period. Major
comments included - Delay effective dates and phase-in
- Increase low pressure detection time
- Malfunction detection issues
- Malfunction indicator lamp issues
- Minimum activation pressures for LT tires
9Next Steps
- Agency plans to publish Final Rule in 2005
- Petitions for Reconsideration
- Must be submitted within 45 days after the final
rule is published