Title: Chapter 2 Accessing Your System and the
1Chapter 2Accessing Your System and the Common
Desktop Environment
2User Accounts
- Root or "super user"
- system admin
- set up by default during the installation process
- owns all system files and has access to all files
- used to create new users, manage file systems,
install software and perform other high-level
system admin tasks - Most sysadmins have a regular user account and
only login as root when necessary to perform
administrative tasks - Regular User
- created and maintained by the sysadmin when
logged on as root - can run applications programs and customize
working environment - can also create and modify files in their home
3Login ID and Password
- Login ID
- users public name
- usually some combination of a users first and
last names - must be unique and limited to eight lower case
letters and numbers - stored in the password (/etc/passwd) file which
can be viewed by all users - encrypted passwords are stored in the /etc/shadow
file - Solaris Passwords
- no less than six and no more than eight
characters - different from the Login ID
- at least two alphabetic characters and one
numeric or special character - case sensitive
- new password must differ by at least three
characters - may contain spaces and special characters
- these password rules do not apply to the root
4CDE Login Screen
Options Button Language - set at installation
and is not used often Session - choice of GUI
also failsafe login for troubleshooting (safe
mode in Windows) Remote - login to another
Solaris machine Command Line - bypasses GUI and
goes directly to console prompt Reset Login
Screen - puts all settings back to their defaults
5Opening Terminal Window
from CDE, right click on the background bring up
the Workspace Menu click on Tools click on
6Shutting Down
- UNIX systems designed to be left running
continuously - administrator shuts down to install a new OS, add
hardware or system maintenance - can only be done at command line and only by root
- Become superuser or root
- init 0 (init ltspacegt zero)
- OR
- shutdown
7Changing Password
- must be done at command line
- can be done by regular user
- passwdpasswd Changing password for
user02Enter login password ABC 123New
password abc 456Re-enter new passwd abc 456
8Workspace Buttons
- virtual desktops
- one for administrative tasks, one for
applications and regular user tasks, one for
special projects and another for application
9Workspace Menu
provides easy mouse access to all applications,
tools, and files through cascading submenus Move
the pointer to the backdrop, then right click
Lab 2.1.5 Accessing Your System Lab 2.2.7
Becoming Familiar with CDE Lab 2.4.2 Customizing
Your Workspace chapter 2 assessment
11(No Transcript)