Title: A1262292085vqOtF
1Role of agriculture in water research
From vision to ACTION P.S. Bindraban
2World Water Forum
- how to cope with increasing water scarcity?
- what scarcity?
3food for thought...
sufficient food availability world-wide
sufficient water available per person world-wide!
4food for thought...
Primarily rainfed agriculture
solutions to water problems should be location
specific... help to solve the food problems...
5food for thought...
world population is increasing 2000 6 000 000
000 2040 11 000 000 000
people get richer ? consume more food (meat)
Mainly irrigated agriculture
6food for thought...
rainfed agriculture
irrigated agriculture
7International context
- most attention in World Water Forum / dialogues
on irrigation
- not-well exploited are options to increase food
production and water use efficiency under
rainfed agriculture and in non-terrestrial
- multistakeholder platforms do not include
8wasting water in the Sahel!
- apply water ? yield hardly increases
- apply fertilizers ? yield increases much
not water, but nutrients limit yield!
9water for food Role of agriculture in water
10Water saving in rice cultivation Converting
inundated rice cultivation into dry rice
11Why research on rice ecosystems?
- heavy water consumer 5000 l/kg rice
- important food crop 50 of the world population
- in Asia 80 of caloric intake is rice
- food security lt--gt water security
12Rice wet or dry
- land preparation
- weed
- water buffer
- inflow of nutrients
- nitrogen fixing organisms
- dissolving nutrients
- controlling acidification
- diseases
- fish
13Changing conditions - changing practices
- Labor requirement and direct seeding
- Land pressure and multiple cropping
- Water scarcity and water-less-rice production
- Global climate change and methane emission in
rice fields
14Project aims
- Strengthening international rice networks and
capacity building
Plant Research International Netherlands Devel
opment Economics group Netherlands WL Delft
hydraulics Netherlands Nanjing Agric.
Univ. China Jiangxi Agric. Univ. China Tam
il Nadu Agric. Univ. India Central Research
Institute for Food Crops Indonesia University of
Antananarivo Madagascar Cornell Intern.
Institute for Food, Agric. and Dev. USA IRRI,
16MSc studenten Tamil Nadu - India
17Marrying irrigation to plant, animal, social and
other disciplines
- Crop/variety choice
- Agronomic practices
- Multistakeholder platforms
18International role of advanced institutions
- Not at agronomic or disciplinary level
- Integrated analyses (crop-soil-water-air,
bio-economic) - Integration of scales (field - farm - irrigation
scheme - region) - Utilization of advanced technology
- Advanced knowledge on high production - low
environmental impact - International exposure