Title: Can Energy Production Scale?
1Can Energy Production Scale?
- Choices and Challenges for the Current Century
Our Waveform of Consumption
2Three Main Challenges
- Electricity Production ? per capita consumption
is increasing faster than energy efficiency - Electricity Distribution ? Aging grid already at
capacity - Fuel Usage ? 3.5 Billion gallons a day (would be
more if not refinery limited) ? 400 million
gallons a day in the US
3Production and Consumption on the Century
4A Century of Change (1900 (1) vs 2000)
- Industrial Output 40
- Marine Fish Catch 35
- CO2 Emissions 17
- Total Energy Use 16
- Coal Production 7
- World Population 4
No More Fish by 2100 at this rate of Consumption
5Waveforms of Growth
6The Terrawatt Power Scale
- Currently we are a 14.5 TW Planet
7The Earth Limited Scale
- Scaling from the last century leads to the
absurd 235 TW of required Power - Well, what kind of facilities/infrastructure
would need to be built to generate 235 TW of
8Option 1
- Build 40,000 more of these worldwide
9Hey What about World Wide Wind?
- We would need to build 50 million of these 5 MW
machines - This requires 75 Billion Tons of Steel ? whoops,
we aint got that much Steel left
10Option 3 Pave the Deserts
- We only need 30 million square kilometers spaced
out continuously in each time zone. - Note that the entire Sahara desert is 9 million
square km.
11More Earth Limitations
- Total fuel cell production limited by amount of
accessible platinum on the planet 500 million
vehicles ? lithospheric exhaustion in 15 years - Higher efficiency PVs limited by accessible
amount of Cadmium or Gallium or Indium - Conventional Transmission media limited by
available new Copper - Clear need for Carbon based materials (fiber,
nanotubes) to overcome this.
12Business As Usual Scenario
- Population stabilizes to 10-12 billion by the
year 2100 - Total world energy use from 2000 to 2100 is 4000
Terra Watt Years (Current world use is about 14.5
TW years) - 40 TWyr is compromise between current 14.5 TWyr
and scaled 235 TWyr
13Ultimately Recoverable Resource
- Conventional Oil/Gas
- Unconventional Oil
- Coal
- Methane Clathrates
- Oil Shale
- Uranium Ore
- Geothermal Steam - conventional
- 1000 TWy (1/4 need)
- 2000
- 5000
- 20,000
- 30,000
- 2,000
- 4,000
14Other Possibilities
- Hot Dry Rock
- Sunlight/OTEC
- Wind Energy
- Gulf Stream
- Global Biomass
- 1,000,000
- 9,000,000
- 200,000
- 140,000
- 10,000
In Principle, Incident Energy is Sufficient ? but
how to recover and distribute it in the most cost
effective manner?
15Dollars Per Megawatt per unit Land use per unit
Material Use
- 20 KW power buoy
- 5 MW Wind Turbine
- LNG closed cycle
- Wind Farm
- PV Farm
- Stirling Farm
- Pelamis Farm
- 850 Tons per MW
- 100 Tons per MW
- 1500 MW sq km
- 600 MW sq km
- 50 MW sq km
- 40 MW sq km
- 30 MW sq km