Title: An Overview of the Federated MCAT design
1- An Overview of the Federated MCAT design
- (SRB 3.0)
- By Michael Wan
- http//www.npaci.edu/DICE/SRB/
2Single MCAT architecture
- Federated middleware system
- Single MCAT server
- Metadata catalog
- Use traditional DBMS
- Federated resource servers
- Single client signOn on anyone of the servers
- Access to all resources in the federation
- Robust server-server operation
3Single MCAT architecture
Peer-to-peer Brokering
Client Read
Parallel Data Access
Logical Name Or Attribute Condition
SRB server
SRB server
SRB agent
SRB agent
Server(s) Spawning
1.Logical-to-Physical mapping 2. Identification
of Replicas 3.Access Audit Control
Data Access
4Single MCAT Concepts and Features
- A single global User Space
- Single sign-on, access all resources
- Single class of Admin User
- Multiple authentication schemes
- GSI, secure passwords, tickets
- Robust access control
5Single MCAT Concepts and Features (cont1)
- Data and Collections
- Logical Name space -
- UNIX like directories (collections) and files
(data) - Mapping of logical name to physical attributes -
host address, physical path. - UNIX like API and utilities for making
collections (mkdir) and data creation (creat) - Virtualisation of Resources
- Mapping of a logical resource name to physical
attributes Resource Location, Type - Client use a single logical name to specify a
6Single MCAT Concepts and Features (cont2)
- Performance enhancement
- Client and Server-driven Parallel I/O strategies
(3-4 times) - Interface with HPSSs mover protocol for parallel
I/O - Parallel third party transfer for copy and
replicate - One hop data transfer between client and data
resource - Container physical grouping of small files for
tape I/O - Bulk load and unload speed up uploading and
downloading of small files (10-50 times)
7Motivation for a Federated (multiple) MCAT system
- MCAT performance network latency for a world
wide network. - East/west coast latency for a simple query 1-2
sec. - Local control
- Security issue multiple admin users from
different sites - organizations want to have more control on the
data and resources that they are sharing
worldwide. - Scalability of the MCAT.
- No single point of failure
8Design goal of 3.0
- Very Basic features - incremental changes
- Multiple MCATs
- MCAT ZONE a new term
- defines a federation of SRB resources controlled
by a single MCAT - Each Zone has its own sys admin - local control
of users and resources - Peer to peer zone architecture
- Each Zone can operate entirely independently from
other zone. - Data and Resource sharing across ZONES
- Use storage resources in foreign zones
- Access data stored in foreign zones
- Copy data across zones
9Peer to peer Federated MCAT
10Peer to peer Federated MCAT implementation
- Development tasks needed
- 1) New metadata for Zones
- new Zone table
- add zone to user metadata
- 2) Authentication across zones
- 3) Resource and data access across zones
- Version 3.0 - Unix server, Scommand client only
111) Zone metadata implementation (1)
- System of MCAT zones
- Each MCAT manages most metadata independently of
other zones - No change for most metadata and metadata
operations - New meatdata
- Zone Info - new table defines all zones in the
federation - zoneName logical name
- Network address
- Local/Foreign
- Authentication info
- Each MCAT maintains a complete zone table
121) Zone metadata implementation (2)
- User Info - defines all users in the federation
- Single global user name space
- Each MCAT maintains a table of all users
- Local/Foreign user a user local to only one
zone - Sensitive info (password) only stored in users
local zone
131) Zone metadata implementation (3)
- New Admin tool for handling new metadata
- Zone Authority page
- obtain a unique zoneName
- Web page available with 3.0 release
- Create and modify Zone metadata
- Java admin GUI , command line
- User Admin tool
- Modified to handle Zone related metadata
- New tools to poll foreign MCATs for new users and
add to local MCAT.
142) Cross Zone Authentication (1)
- Support 2 authentication schemes
- Encrypted Password
- challenge-response scheme
- no password over the net
- Phased out plain text password and SEA
152) Cross Zone Authentication (2)
- Support a robust set of server-server operations
- servers running as privileged SRB users perform
operations on behalf of client users. - Want to limit privilege of admin user from
foreign zone - an admin user can only requests a foreign zone to
perform operations behalf of client users from
the SAME zone - sensitive info - password of local user stored
only in local MCAT - security compromise in one zone cannot spread to
other zone
162) Cross Zone Authentication (3)
- Implication of security measure
- Lost a little transparency.
- Users must first connect to a server in its own
zone first for across zone operation - Only your own admin user can go across zone for
you - Very minor effect on data operation
173) Resource and data access across zones (1)
- Make easy by robust server-server support
- Most existing operations are supported across
zones - put, get, copy, bload, bunload, register,
container operations, etc - replication across zone not supported (use Scp
for now) - Typical operation open a collectionName /x/y/z
for read. - Data server queries MCAT for location, file type,
etc - But which MCAT to query ?
- The first entry in the collectionName specifies
the zoneName where the metadata is stored - for /z1/x/y/z z1 is the zoneName
- Similar to mount point in FS
- Most data handling codes unchanged. New codes to
determine which MCAT to go to.
183) Resource and data access across zones (2)
- Most work involves adding logic to determine
which MCAT to go to. - Sput S s1 foo /z1/x/y/z
- (Scd /z1/x/y/z Sput S s1 foo .)
- Upload the local file foo to SRB.
- Create foo in mcat Zone z1, in resource s1 of
z1 - SRB server query mcat z1 for metadata for
resource s1 (network address, file type) - Upload foo and put it in resource s1
- Register the file /z1/x/y/z/foo with mcat z1
193) Resource and data access across zones (3)
- Sget /z1/x/y/z/foo .
- Download the SRB file foo to local FS
- SRB server queries mcat z1 for metadata for
file /z1/x/y/z/foo - Discover file is in resource s1.
- Request resource s1 server to download the
203) Resource and data access across zones (4)
- Scp S s2 /z1/x/y/z/foo /z2/a/b/c
- Copy the SRB file foo managed by mcat z1 to the
resource s2 of mcat z2 - Query z1 for file foo, found file in resource
s1. Query z2 for resource s2 - Copy the file foo stored in resource s1 to
sources2. - Register the file /z2/a/b/c with mcat z2
213) Resource and data access across zones (5)
- Some Scommand does not involve collectionName -
use z option - -z zoneName option - explicitly specify a
zoneName - Use cwd if -z option not used
- SgetR -z z1
- Smkcont -z z1 -S s1 cont1
- If cwd/z2/x/y/z, Slscont
223) Resource and data access across zones (6)
- Registration of data files in more than one Zone
- File created/registered in zone z1
- /z1/u.d/x/y in resource s1 in zone z1
- Register also in zone z2
- /z2/u.d/x/y in resource s1 in zone z2
- s1 should be known to z2
- Note that collectionName changes.
- Some system-metadata carried over when doing
inter-zone registration - Copy user-defined metadata across the zones (if
needed) - Lazy synchronization (user-controlled)
- In 3.0
- Zone z1 and z2 are unaware of each others copies
- In later versions - awareness improved
- Metadata synchronization
- Deletion notification
- User-controllable delay in synchronization
23Zone A
Zone B
/A/u1/f1? R1P1
/B/u3/f2? R2P2
/A/u3/f2? R2P2
/B/u1/f4? R1P4
User Synchronization
/A/u2/f1? R1P3
User Synchronization
Resource Synchronization
Zone Synchronization
243.0 Status
- Slightly delayed
- All core development done
- Zone metadata
- cross zone authentication
- cross zone resource and data access
- Items not yet complete
- User management tool - another week
- Documentation
- testing
- Release date - Later part of September
25Future plans
- 3.1 - The rest of SRB software - window, inQ,
mySRB, Jargon and Matrix - 3.2
- use of proxy certificate for cross zone
authentication - Kerstin Kleese group at DL
- Cross zone replication
- Synchronization of copies
- versioning
- locking across zone ?
- Cross zone soft link