Title: Illustrations from The Mitten
1 Illustrations from The Mitten
- By Mrs. Doyles
- First Grade Students
- January 2006
2By Jade Carpenter
3I see a rabbit.By James Stanley
4I see trees. I see houses. I see a farm. I see
everything.By Cameron MacRae
5I see a fox trying to eat the little mouse.By
Courtney Lehan
6By Gabriel Pelletier
7This picture is good.By Grant Montecalvo
8All of the animals are in the mitten.By Joshua
9By Katelynn Brunelle
10The mitten is yellow with animals in it.By Maeve
11I put some of the animals from The Mitten in
it.By Molly Moore
12There is a mitten and there is animals too.By
Natalie Veloz
13I see all the animals going to the mitten.By
Nicholas Bennett
14A boy with a mitten. I see animals. I see
trees. The boys house.By Quinn Campbell
15I see a big line. I see four. I see one
mitten.By Sarina Wilson
16I see six animals. And I see a mitten. And I
see some trees.By Tanner Derby
17(No Transcript)