Title: Few activities in Statistics: Higgs Exotics
1Few activities in StatisticsHiggs Exotics
Samir FERRAG University of Glasgow
- Very useful Stat Workshop at CERN last week
- Interacted and triggered some projects
- Alex Read (Shape analysis for ttH, Saverio)
- Kyle (Stat Framework for ATLAS based on Roofit)
- Feasibility of ttH
- Extract the constraints on the background
uncertainty - If feasible define the priorities on real data
- PDF, Background, ttH
- Counting experiment constraints to be extended to
shape analysis
3Theoretical uncertainties on ttbb
Quadratic summation
High-x gluons are not the main Source of
uncertainties 3
Relative uncertainty ()
PDF number
- ttbb production via gluon-gluon and
quark-antiquark fusions - ttbb cross section from AlgGen sttbb 2.55 pb
- Theoretical uncertainties
- /- 6 from PDFs (classical recipe)
- /- 55 from factorisation and
renormalisation scales 1/2m0 ltmlt2m0 - PDF uncetainties can be irreducible and
constitutes a serious source to - constraint the analysis
4constraint on ttH
- For a relative systematic uncertainty e on the
background, the significance is
- By extracting the relation between S/B and e, we
obtain the constraint relation
5Constraint on ttH for 10fb-1
Requested S/B For 3s significane For 6 PDF
S/B0.14 From Markus analysis (ATLFAST)
systematic uncertainty on B ()
6 of PDF uncertainties (on ttbbttjj)
Need 1 to 2 of accuracy On background to reach
2s significance
6Constraint on ttH for 100fb-1
Requested S/B For 3s significane For 6 PDF
S/B0.14 From Markus analysis (ATLFAST)
systematic uncertainty on B ()
6 of PDF uncertainties
Need 4 of accuracy On background to reach 3s
7Variation with the Higgs mass
ATLFAST analysis
ATLFAST analysis
8Conclusion Counting experiment!
- Is ttH feasible ?
- Reduce the PDF uncertainties to ltlt 6
- if not
- PDF uncertainties are enough to cancel the
discovery power - Background (ttbbttjj) measurement accuracy at lt
5 - Including PDF uncertainties above (?)
- Systematic uncertainties from Luminosity (?)
- Reconstruction and performance tools (?)
- If Likelihood, Probability Density Function
parameterisation (?) -
- For 100fb-1 (in 2011) and Background accuracy of
5 - S/B30 for a 5s discovery (mHiggs120 GeV)
- S/B16 for a 3s evidence (mHiggs120 GeV)
9Extend to Shape Analysis
From the Statistic workshop at CERN
Counting Experiment
Shape (PDF)
Alex Read Saverio ? Chris
10First Steps in Roofit
- Roofit part of the package ROOT 5-02
- Compiled and installed on my Laptop
- Goal use it and develop the framework for
- Compute limits (Exotics)
- Research of bumps (Higgs)
- Very nice Topic for Glasgow/UK collaboration