Title: ??????? s?ed?as
1??????? s?ed?asµ?? ??a t?? ?a????? ß?µata ?a?
?. ?. Staµ?t?? ???t??? 2009
2- ??µ? pa???s?as??
- ? e?d?p???? d?af??? ap? t?? ???e? ???e? t?? ??.
- ?p? s??d?? p????se?? se p????aµµa d??s??.
- ??t??a??????? ??s???µe??.
- ?????????? ???t?? ???pe?a? ??p???
3Cancer control plans - EU-27 and EEA countries
Source www.acs.min-saude.pt
4- ???p??µe t? das??
- ? ???e??? s?????t?µ???? s?st?µat?? ??a t??
?a????? e??a? ap?t??esµa t?? d???t?µ?µ????
non-system. -
- s?st?µa p??t?ß??µ?a? f???t?da?
- saf?? d?a????sµ?? p??t?ß??µ?a?, de?te??ß??µ?a?
?a? t??t?ß??µ?a? pe???a???? - s?st?µa pa?ap?µp??
- s?st?µa p????f?????
- d?asf???s? p???t?ta? ?a? asf??e?a?
- ???µ?st??? p?a?s??
5- S?µf????µe ?t? ? ??e?a e??a? a?a?? d?af??et???
ap? ta ???a -
- ?e? ?p???e? e?e??e?? a???? ??a ?p??es?e?
??e?a?. ??s??t? µ????? ??a ??????????? ?p??es?e?!
- ????ap??? ????? t?? ???t???
- - ?a????a? ?p??es??? ??e?a?
- - ?a????a? ?p??es??? d?µ?s?a? ??e?a?
- ???µat?d?t?? ? a???ast??
- ???µ?st????
- - ?p?te?????
6American States with Certificate of Need Programs
7?????????? ???t?? ???pe?a? ??p??? ?????e?s? ????
as?e??? 2006 - 2008
2006 2007 2008
????????p???? 84 84 81
????????p???? 4 5 6
????te? ????? ?.?. 9 9 11
????te? ????? ????? 3 2 2
S????? 100 100 100
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10Monthly and Median Costs of Cancer Drugs at the
Time of Approval by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), from 1965 through 2008
Bach P. N Engl J Med 200910.1056/NEJMhpr0807774
11- ???e? a?t? T?µ??, ????e, ??? ??daµe? p?? ?p??e??
p?? d???µe?a t?? ?d?? e?d??a? (????. 145) -
- St???? st?at?????? ??a t?? ?a?????
- ?e??s? ???s?µ?t?ta?
- ????s? ep?ß??s??
- Te?ape?a ep?st?µ????? te?µ????µ??? ?a?
??????µ??? ap?te?esµat??? ?a? ß??s?µ? - ?s?t?ta p??sßas??
12- ??de??t??? s???e???µ??a ß?µata ??a t?? ????a
?e?ape?a -
- ?????aµµa ?p?t??f??? ??a ste????s? t?? ?T
µ???d??. - ??d???t?ta ??s??e?t???? ????????a? ap? t? ?????.
- ??a?????s? t?? e?d???t?ta? t?? a?a???f?st????
?at?????. - ?p?t??f?e? se ?at???? ??a ?a ap??t?s??? t??
e?d???t?ta t?? a?a???f?st???? ?at?????. - ?p?p??s?et? et?s?a ??????a st??? ?? ?a? ??S???F
??a s???e???µ??? ?a? s?µf???µ??? ep??tas? t??
?p??es??? ?at ????? ??s??e?a? 365/24. - ?p?p??s?et? ??????a st??? s??d?sµ??? (ap? ??????)
µe s??p? t?? d?µ??????a ?a? ?e?t?????a hospice
st? ?eµes?.
13- ??t??a??????? ??s???µe??
- ?? d???t?µ?µ??? non-system ?a? ?
?ata?e?µat?sµ?? de? µp????? ?a a?t?µet?p?st???
d?af??et??? -
- ?? ???sµ?? est?as? st?? ?a?????, p??t?st? µ???µa
?? ?a?????pa?e?? -
14??t??a??????? ??s???µe??
??e??e?t?µata ??a t??? as?e?e??
??st?? ?e?t?????a?
??µ???s? / s?ss??e?s? eµpe???a?
????? ???????? ?p??es???
?p?pt?se?? se ?????? pa???e??
15- ?????????? ???t?? ???pe?a? ??p???
- ??e? ed?a??se? ?????te????? ?p?d?µ?, a????p???
d??aµ??? ?a? s?st?µata ??a s??????e? ?e?ape?e?
(??T ?a? ?T) - ??e? s?????t?se? ???s?µ? µ??a e?d???? ?at??? ?a?
????? ep?st?µ???? ?? ?p???? as??????ta?
ap???e?st??? µe t? ?e?ape?a t?? ?a?????? - ??e? ???a??se? e?e?d??e?µ??e? µ???de? µe ßa??te??
e?e?d??e?s? st?? ????e? µ??f?? ?a?????? - ???????e? t?? e?ß?se?? t?? ?e?ape??? t??
- S?µß???e? ?a????st??? st?? a?aß??µ?s? t??
p??sd????? ?a? t?? ?p??es??? -
- ?d? ed?a??µ??? st? s??e?d?s? p???t?? ?a?
?at??? ?? ???t??? a?af???? ???? ?a? t??
s?ss??e?µ???? s a?t? ???s?? ?a? eµpe???a?. -
- ???ed??? ??S
16?a?????te? p?? d?aµ??f????? t?? p??te?a??t?te?
?a? t? ?a?a?t??a t?? ??????????? ???t???
S?S???? ??????S / ??????O?
???S??S ??? ?? ??????????
- S?S???? ??????????S?S OKTK
- ???t??
- ???pe?a ??p???
- Saf??e?a ?p???e?se?? p??? t? ????????? s?????
- ???sd???e? t?? as?e???
- ?a?µ?? a?t???µ?a?
- S?st?µa ????d?s?a?
- S???pe?e? ap? e?de??µe?? ap?t???a
Adapted from A. Harding and A. Preker,
Understanding Organisational Reforms, World Bank,