Title: Book Report
1Book Report
You are going to write three book reports in the
following months January, March and May. Choose
three books. For each book choose a different
activity from The following PowerPoint
presentation. You can write it on the computer
using Windows XP or make a PowerPoint
presentation. Save it on a disc on key or send it
to my e-mail.
???? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ?????,???
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2Book Report
Hi, did you like the book? Was it
interesting? Please, write a letter to the
author. Tell him/her what you think about the
book .
Hi, Did you like the end of the story? If you
didnt you can write a different end to the story.
3Book Report
Choose one of the characters. Write about
her/him the way she/he looks, her/his qualities,
etc. Write five questions to the character. ????
??? ????????.???? ???? ???? ??? ?????,???????
??? ???'. ???? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ??
4Book Report
Write about the author of the book. Answer the
following questions 1)What is the name of the
author? 2)Where and when was he born? 3) What did
he do in his childhood/youth and when he became
an adult? 4) Were there any events that
effected his life? 5) What books did he write
and what is special about his writing?
- ???? ?? ?????/? ????/? ?? ???? ??????.
- ??? ?? ?????? ?????
- ?? ???/??? ?? ?????/??
- 2) ??? ????? ????/??
- 3) ?? ???/???? ???????/???????, ???????/???????,
- ???????/????????
- 4) ??? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????/?????
- 5) ??? ????? ???/? ??? ?????? ???? ??????/???
5Book Report
Make an advertisement to your book. ????? ??????
???? ??????.
3)Plan your advertisement 1)Who is going to be
seen in the advertisement? 2) What will they do
in the advertisement? 3) What will be the
background of the advertisement? 4) What is the
idea you want to express in the
advertisement? 5) Make your advertisement.
- Who is your audience?
- ???? ??? ???? ????
2)In what media would you like to publish your
advertisement? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ??????
????? ???? ????. (????, ????????, ??? ??? ??"?)
???? ?? ????? ??????? 1. ?? ??/?? ???? ????????
2.?? ???? ??????? ???????? 3.?? ???? ???? ??
???????? 4.??? ?????? ???? ???? ?????
???????? 5.????? ?? ???????.
6good luck,pupils