ANYWAY? Sunday, November 29, 2009
2MASS CHOIR ANTHEM Preparing to Celebrate by
Bruce Harding
/lighting the candle
3Lighting the Candle of Hope
words from Candles Conifers
/hope is a candle
4Hope Is a Candle words will be projected Words
Music Linnea Good 1993 Reproduced with
permission under Licensing 420 Please stand,
as you are able
6People Look East Tune Voices United 9 Words
will be projected Words Eleanor Farjoen 1928
Music French folk melody Please stand, as you
are able
7Gathering Prayer Celebrate Gods Presence
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Scripture Reading Jeremiah 3314-16
9Theres a Voice in the Wilderness Tune Voices
United 18 Words will be projected Words
James Lewis Milligan 1925 Music Henry Hugh
Bancroft 1938 Please stand, as you are able
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Scripture Reading Luke 2125-28
11MASS CHOIR ANTHEM African Advent Carol By
Michael Barrett
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Scripture Reading Luke 2129-33
/prayer of unburdening
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Prayer of Unburdening
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Scripture Reading Luke 2134-36
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Our offerings
16I Thank You, Thank You, Jesus Tune More Voices
188 Words and music traditional song, East
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Prayer of Dedication
18All Who are Thirsty Tune More Voices 4 Words
Music Benton Brown Glenn Robertson 1998
Please stand, as you are able
19We are waiting, Jesus Come and Live with us
Soon. Jesus, we are waiting because we know who
you are The creator of the world, The God who
took on human form, The son of Mary, a girl just
like any other girl. We are waiting, Jesus
20Come and live with us soon. Come, Lord Jesus,
come. Come Lord Jesus, come. Come, Lord
Jesus, come. Come Lord Jesus, come.
21Jesus, we are waiting because we have faith in
you. We know that we can trust you. We remember
that you are good to us, and we thank you for all
the good things that you give to us every day. We
are waiting, Jesus
22Come and live with us soon. Come, Lord Jesus,
come. Come Lord Jesus, come. Come, Lord
Jesus, come. Come Lord Jesus, come.
23Jesus, we are waiting here, Here in Richmond,
here in the lower mainland of BC Waiting for you
to come into our houses, our streets, our stores
and offices, to fill them youre your light and
peace. We are waiting, Jesus
24Come and live with us soon. Come, Lord Jesus,
come. Come Lord Jesus, come. Come, Lord
Jesus, come. Come Lord Jesus, come.
25Jesus, we are waiting for you to come and change
things To bring health to our sick ones, To make
our asylum seekers welcome, To comfort those who
have lost loved ones and to turn us around so
that we can be your hands and feet, your ears and
eyes, in this world that needs you so much. We
are waiting Jesus
26Come and live with us soon. Come, Lord Jesus,
come. Come Lord Jesus, come. Come, Lord
Jesus, come. Come Lord Jesus, come. Amen
28MASS CHOIR ANTHEM Come Lord, Jesus By Mark
/verse 3 congregation
29Thank You!