Title: What Is The Best Web Hosting Service?
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- Is there really a magic formula to determine the
best web hosting service? I'm sure thousands of - people want to know the answer to this question
if there was one. To be honest, there is no - absolute correct answer to this. As you know,
individual results will vary from person to
person in - terms of what they want out of a service.
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- If there was a way to find the "best" web host to
ensure you made the right choice, would you be - interested?
- Hopefully the answer is yes!
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4For The Best Web Hosting Service! Click
- I want you to understand that there is no "best"
web hosting service but there are some measures - or steps to help find what's best for you.
- The tips that follow should help someone new or
experienced choose the best possible host the - first time around. It can even help those looking
to switch hosts avoid making the same mistake - twice.
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- Here's a checklist to help you get started in
choosing a great host - Look at what's in front of you
- How is the service and support?
- Testimonial test
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- Let's take the first point look at what's in
front of you. No, really. Look directly at what's
in front of - you. When you visit the web host, how does it
present itself visually? If it doesn't look up to
par in - terms of presentation you may want to avoid them.
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- Low-quality graphics may indicate your typical
"fly-by-night" type of company that won't be
around - very long. Even though anyone can produce
high-quality looking websites, this should raise
a red - flag if identified. While we're on the look of
the website, another turn off should be
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- Misspellings can indicate a business that doesn't
take pride in how they operate. Would you trust - your website in a company that doesn't take pride
in their business? There's no excuse for - misspellings when a lot of applications contain
spell checkers.
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- Service and support
- This is by far the most important thing to have
no matter what type of product or service you
get. - After all, things do fail or break down and you
may need extended support. A way to check the - reliability of a web host is to put them to the
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- Find a contact number (some even provide a toll
free number) or send them an email to inquire - about something they offer. That way you can see
how long it takes before you actually talk to - someone or for them to respond to emails.
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- A good response time for emails should be within
24 - hours. Especially with the large volume of
inquiries they may receive on a daily basis.
Doing this - will allow you to see how friendly and helpful
their support staff is as well.
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- Testimonial test
- I'm sure you've seen many websites post
testimonials to help give credibility to their
products and - services. A good cross check you can do is send
the person who gave the testimonial an email to - find out what they like and don't like about the
web host.
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- You should be able to contact the individual
since websites will usually include the person's
URL - back to his or her site as an incentive for
giving the testimonial. Doing this task will help
you make - a better decision whether or not to invest in the
hosting service according to the feedback
received - from the customer.
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- Using these three points is a great way to gauge
whether or not the host is a good choice for you. - Taking the time now to research the service will
save you headaches and disappointment down - the road.
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- I know there were 3 tips mentioned above, but I
wanted to throw in a fourth way to help you get - the best hosting solution possible. A word of
mouth recommendation is one way you can't go - wrong. Ask a few friends or colleagues if they
have used a particular host and for how long.
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- You may want to ask if they've switched from
another host and the reason for changing. Be sure - to inquire why they continue to stay with the
current host.
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- This is a great way to gather the pros
- and cons of certain hosts based on the first-hand
experience of others. It will also help you make
a - better informed decision before deciding to
invest your hard earned money on a host provider.
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- Article Source
- http//EzineArticles.com/?expertLarry_Washington
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