Title: MagBeam:
R. Winglee, T. Ziemba, J. Prager, B. Roberson
J. Carscadden
- Coherent Beaming of Plasma
- Separation of Power/Fuel from Payload
- Fast, cost-efficient propulsion for multiple
2Plasma Propulsion
Major Savings in Mass through higher energy/speed
plasma systems
Deep Space 1
Inherently low thrust systems very low
Solar electric 1 10-4 m/s/s
3Plasma Propulsion
Major Savings in Mass through higher energy/speed
plasma systems
Inherently low thrust systems very low
Solar electric 1 10-4 m/s/s
Nuclear electric 1 10-3 m/s/s
Long duration and/or costly dedicated power units
for single missions
4Beam Propagation
Beam Expansion will reduce the efficiency of any
beamed energy system
Nature regularly propagates plasma beams over
10s km to 10s of Earth radii
Able to do so by using collective behavior of
MagBeam uses these same collective processes to
minimize beam dispersion
5Importance of MagBeam
Benefit 1
By studying focusing techniques obtain Higher
Efficiency Plasma Thrusters
Divergent Plasma Stream
Can yield increases by factors of 50 performance
Highly Focused Plasma Beam
6Importance of MagBeam
Benefit 2
Compact electrodeless thrusters Able to take high
power operation without degradation Means
consider orbital transfers for large systems like
Space Station
7Importance of MagBeam
Benefit 3
- Modify spacecraft orbits (raise or lower)
- Planetary/lunar transfer orbital for multiple
- Reduced cost due to reusable nature of system
Full up system would facilitate human exploration
to the Moon, Mars and Beyond
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9Plasma Plume
10Confined Plasma Plume
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12Implementation of Magnetic Nozzle System
13Plasma Diagnostics
14UW 6ft long x 5ft diameter Vacuum Chamber
Magnets 30 cm 5cm resolution
Magnets 30 cm 5cm resolution
Evolution of Magnetic Field
Magnets 30 cm 5cm resolution
Evolution of Magnetic Field
Log Plasma Energy Density
Density 2 1013 cm-3
Bulk Speed 30 km/s
Thermal Speed 30 km/s
Magnets 30 cm 5cm resolution
Evolution of Magnetic Field
Multi-Fluid Equations
Log Plasma Energy Density
Density 2 1013 cm-3
Bulk Speed 30 km/s
Thermal Speed 30 km/s
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29No Nozzle Configuration
30High Power Helicon No Magnetic Nozzle
31Improved Performance with Magnetic Nozzle
32With magnetic Nozzle
33High Power Helicon With Magnetic Nozzle
34Far Field View of Beamed Plasma
35MagBeam Hitting the Target
MagBeam Interaction
36MagBeam Middle of Chamber
37MagBeam End of Chamber
38MagBeam Hitting the Target
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41Power System Requirements
- Fast Discharge Rates (associated with LEO and
- Charging - Solar Electric
42Bootstrapping into Space
Suborbital LEO Space Station
43Bootstrapping into Space
800 kg of propellant
44Suborbital to LEO ?V 3 km/s
to Geo. Transfer ?V 1.5 km/s
45To Escape Velocity ?V 3 km/s
10,000 kg payload
Fire Again
30 min interaction time
200,000 kg batteries
2000 kg of propellant
46Fast Trip to Mars ?V 20 km/s
Longer Acceleration Period Need to Start with
Space Station at higher Altitude
47Fast Trip to Mars ?V 20 km/s
Rendezvous using geosynchronous-like transfer
48Fast Trip to Mars ?V 20 km/s
10,000 kg payload
4 hr interaction time
3 106 kg batteries
or 1.5 106 kg advanced nuclear electric
300 MW thruster, Isp 4000s
7,000 kg of propellant
49Mars Station Provides Braking ?V 25 km/s
- ?V 7 km/s right at surface
50Total Trip Time 0 Day - Start
51Total Trip Time 50 Day - Arrive at Mars
52Total Trip Time 61 Day - Leave Mars
53Total Trip Time 96 Day - Arrive Eath
Model/lab results demonstrating performance
Beamed Plasma System ? Fast Missions
Reusable system eliminates large power units
for each new mission ? cost effective solution
for multiple missions
Phase II
- Demonstrate beam coherence in expanded UW
chamber (to 9 ft)
- Comparative model/lab studies in larger
chambers (help from NASA centers to perform
studies to 30 ft)
- Demonstrate performance of higher power
thrusters and develop scaling laws for large
Further work demonstrate km range
using sounding rocket experiment -
orbital demonstration
56Still Finds the Target Even if Deflector
57Differential motion between the ions and
electrons are generated currents and electric
fields such that the magnetic field in which the
plasma is born stays with the plasma.
58Magnetic Field is essentially the transmission
wire of space for plasma and power