Title: A Guide to the BM Reports Website
1A Guide to the BM Reports Website
2What is BM Reports?
- The Balancing Mechanism Reporting System (BMRS)
website provides near real time and historic
actual data associated with the Balancing
Mechanism. Forecasting data about the
Transmission System is also shown. - National Grid (System Operator) manages the
Balancing Mechanism and uses it to continuously
balance power flows throughout the electricity
transmission network in Great Britain. - The data displayed on this website is shown in
graphical and/or tabular form using information
provided by the System Operator and is updated
throughout the day as new and updated information
is received. - Logica is the Service Provider responsible for
the development and maintenance of the BMRS - If you have any questions about the BMRS, please
contact the BSC Service Desk on 0870 010 6950 or
at bscservicedesk_at_logica.com
3How do I access the data?
- The High Grade service is a dedicated private
communications network. Balancing Mechanism
Reporting Agent (BMRA) data is broadcast to
participants as soon as it is available. Pages
accessed using the High Grade service will
receive Near Real Time updates. This service is a
subscription service and messages are sent using
a software program called TIBCO. - The Low Grade service is the public website,
http//www.bmreports.com. Data is made available
to the High and Low Grade services at the same
time, but if youre accessing the Low Grade
service youll need to use the Refresh facility
to retrieve the latest data as it becomes
available. - Click here for more information on Communications
options and details on how to get a High Grade
4How do I use this Guide?
- This guide explains all the pages on the BMRS
website. - To navigate the guide either click all the way
through or click on the links on the contents
page. The contents page links lead to the
beginning of each section. - This symbol returns you to the contents
page. - This symbol returns you to the beginning of
that section, where you can return to the
contents page.
5What Types of Information are There?
The information on the website is split into four
- General Data information that isnt contained
within the three categories below. - National Data this is information across the
entire system and includes demand forecast data,
pricing data and actual demand data. - Zonal Data this section has forecast data split
into five zones (these zones are BMRA zones and
are not the same as the zones used by National
Grid). - BM Unit Data this section shows data for
specific BM Units. It includes information about
that units capabilities, Final Physical
Notifications and Bid-Offer Data. Click here for
a description of what a BM Unit is.
6Contents (1)
General Data Market View (inner
homepage) Electricity Data Summary -
Overview - Warnings and Peak Demand - Triad and
System Prices - Market Imbalance - System
Demand - Rolling System Frequency - Rolling
System Demand - Temperature - Peak Wind
Generation - Generation by Fuel
Type - Daily Generation - Interconnector
Flows - Other Data Other General Data Large
Combustion Plant Directive
National DataMarket DepthMarket ActivityDay
Day Ahead (Demand)Day Day Ahead (Margin)2-14
Day Ahead2-52 Week AheadInitial Demand
Out-turn Non-BM STOR System PricesBalancing
Services Adjustment DataMarket Index Data
7Contents (2)
Zonal DataZonal Day Day Ahead (Demand)Zonal
Day Day Ahead (Margin)DF Pictorial
RepresentationINDDEM Pictorial
RepresentationINDGEN Pictorial
RepresentationMELNGC Pictorial
RepresentationIMBALNGC Pictorial
RepresentationBM Unit Data BM Unit
DataDynamic DataBid-Offer DataDerived
DataHistoric Balancing Services Volume Data
- Same as national data graphs but for each zone
8General Data
9Market View(Inner Homepage)
This is an overview of the market. The individual
graphs are covered in the National and Zonal Data
10Market View (cont.)
- System warnings inform you of any major
operational - news, e.g. a National Grid outage.
- Credit Default Notices let you know if a Party
has - entered authorised Credit Default. Level 1
is if they go - above 80, Level 2 above 90.
11Electricity Data Summary (1) - Overview
The left hand menu lets you select the data you
want to view. The colour of the text tells you
when this data was last updated. An information
box is below each table/graph on this page.
Hovering over it brings up a detailed
explanation of the table or graph. If there is
historic data available, you can click on the
button below the table/graph to access it.
12Electricity Data Summary (2) Warnings and Peak
- The system warnings are as seen on the inner
- homepage.
- The Peak Demands table gives information
on peak - national demand for yesterday, today and
13Electricity Data Summary (3) Triad and System
- The Triad Demand Information table has
details on the - three Settlement periods with the highest
Transmission - System Demand over the last year.
- Recent System Prices highlights useful daily
- information from the system prices found in
National Data.
14Electricity Data Summary (4) Market Imbalance
- This is based on the Net Imbalance Volume (NIV)
- If NIV is positive, the market is short of
electricity. - If NIV is negative, the market is long.
- NIV is used in setting imbalance prices.
15Electricity Data Summary (5) System Demand
This graph contains the forecast demand for the
remainder of today and tomorrow. A similar graph
can be found in National Data, but without the
forecast data.
16Electricity Data Summary (6) Rolling System
This is a real-time graph of system frequency.
The System Operator (National Grid) aims to keep
it as close to 50Hz as possible, at all times.
17Electricity Data Summary (7) Rolling System
This is a real time representation of current
System Demand.
18Electricity Data Summary (8) Temperature
- The reference temperatures are forecasts with
the normal - being the average. The high and low
temperatures provide - an estimate of the expected temperature
variance. - Out-turn is real time temperature data.
19Electricity Data Summary (9) Peak Wind
- Forecast of when Wind Generation will peak for
today - and tomorrow, with a peak generation value in
MW. - The Power Park Modules spreadsheet contains a
list of all - wind farms registered with National Grid.
20Electricity Data Summary (10) Wind Forecast
- The forecast data is for yesterday, today and
the day ahead. - We have the Initial and latest forecasts, plus
real-time - generation (out-turn).
21Electricity Data Summary (11) Generation by
Fuel Type
- Real-time half-hourly generation by fuel type
- Its available as either a graph or a table.
- CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine -I/C
Interconnector - OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine -PS Pumped
22Electricity Data Summary (12) Daily Generation
- Total national generation measured as energy
transported - across the transmission network.
- Normal reference is the forecast and the
High and Low - references cover the expected variance in
23Electricity Data Summary (13) Interconnector
- Half-hourly flows across both French and Moyle
(Irish) Interconnectors. - Positive values indicate energy being imported
into GB. - Negative values indicate energy export.
24Electricity Data Summary (14) Other Data
- The electricity data summary page also includes
- the following information
- System prices
- Day/Day Ahead Demand and Generation
- 2-14 Day Ahead Demand
- 2-14 Day Ahead Surplus
- Long Term Surplus
- This data is also contained within the National
Data section, - where you can find more details.
25Other General Data
- Another link to System warnings and Credit
Defaults. - Trades between System Operators across the
- interconnector (screenshot below).
- A link to the Trading Operation Report.
- Links to other useful websites ELEXON, National
Grid and - Ofgem.
26Large Combustion Plant Directive
27Large Combustion Plant Directive (cont.)
- This page contains the following Large Combustion
Plant data - A list of the Large Combustion Plant (LCP)
- Their current status (Opted Out, Opted In etc.)
- Their cumulative running hours
- The number of hours they have remaining to run
- The limits on emissions
- Any traded emission limits and
- Any derogations the plant have in place.
- You can find out more on LCP on the Environment
Agencys - website.
28National Data
29Market Depth
30Contents of Market Depth Graph
- Indicated Imbalance (IMBALNGC) MW
- Offer Volume/ Bid Volume MWh
- Accepted Offer Volume (AOV)/ Accepted Bid Volume
(ABV) MWh - Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume (UAOV)/Unpriced
Accepted Bid Volume (UABV) MWh - Priced Accepted Offer Volume (PAOV) and Priced
Accepted Bid Volume (PABV) MWh - This page publishes data as it becomes available,
from the first period of the - previous day up to the current period today.
31Indicated Imbalance (IMBALNCG)
The Indicated Imbalance is the difference between
the Physical Notifications submitted by
generation (i.e. the Indicated Generation) and
the National demand forecast made by National
Grid (NG).
32Indicated Imbalance Cont.
- The System Operator National Demand Forecast is
based on historically metered (three-four years)
generation output for Great Britain. It is the
amount of power that needs to be generated and
includes embedded generation. The 8.45am forecast
doesnt include station transformer load, pump
storage demand and interconnector demand. This
data is included in the 11.00am forecast, once it
becomes available. The 1100am forecast
overwrites the 845am. - A forecast of Indicated Imbalance is received
each day for each of the Settlement Periods of
the following day, normally by 12.00pm. - Indicated Imbalance is measured in MW.
33Offer Volume/Bid Volume
- The Offer volume is the total volume of offers
made available in that period for all BM Units
across the system. - The Bid volume is the total volume of bids made
available in that period for all BM Units across
the system. - A Bid is the willingness for a BM Unit to
decrease generation or increase demand. - An Offer is to increase generation or decrease
34Accepted Offer Volume (AOV)/ Accepted Bid Volume
- The BOV is also known as the System Total
Accepted Bid Volume. - It is the sum of all the Period BM Unit Total
Accepted Bid Volumes (i.e the Accepted Bid Volume
for each BM unit). - They are calculated by adding up either the
positive (offers) or negative (bids) parts of the
Accepted Bid-Offer Volumes, for all the
acceptances in a period.
- The AOV is also known as the System Total
Accepted Offer Volume. - It is the sum of all the Period BM Unit Total
Accepted Offer Volumes (i.e the Accepted Offer
Volume for each BM unit).
The diagram shows the activity for one
(generation) BM Unit. The Offer Volume is
produced above the FPN and the Bid Volume below.
36Unpriced Acceptance Volumes (UAOV/UABV)
- Unpriced Acceptance Volumes are those that are
removed by the Continuous Acceptance Duration
Limit (CADL) i.e. are shorter than 15 minutes - Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume is the volume of
accepted offers that are CADLd out. - - Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume is the volume of
accepted bids that are CADLd out.
37Priced Accepted Offer Volume/Priced Accepted Bid
Volume (PAOV/PABV)
- Its important to remember that there are two
prices, System Sell Price (SSP) and System Buy
Price (SBP). Only one of these is calculated
using Bids and Offers. This price is known as
the main price the other price is the
reverse price. - PAOV/PABV are used in calculating the main price.
- As only one price is calculated using Bid-Offer
data, either PAOV or PABV must be zero (the
reverse price is calculated using Market Index
Data well cover this later). - PAOV/PABV is the total volume of Offers/Bids
still in the stack once theyve been netted off
against each other (Bids minus Offers). - A PABV volume means there was a higher volume of
Bids accepted than Offers. - A PAOV volumes means there was a higher volume of
Offers accepted than Bids. - Click here to find out more about System Prices.
38Historic Market Depth
- To find the Market Depth data for past dates,
use the Historic Market Depth page and enter the
date. - A full date must be entered in the yyyy-mm-dd
format. - The information shown will be the same as on the
Market Depth page.
39Market Activity
40Market Activity (2)
- This page shows a list of Bid/Offer Acceptances
(BOA). These are the latest BOAs that have been
recorded by the System Operator. - Each BOA shows the BM Unit ID and the Acceptance
ID, which is a number allocated by the System
Operator. - It also shows the time at which the BOA was
issued and the time it must commence. These times
are usually a few minutes apart. - They are listed in reverse chronological order.
The most recent BOA is listed at the top left. - The High Grade service operates at near
real-time. The chart will update automatically
and the new acceptances will appear in red. The
Low Grade service shows the 84 latest acceptances
but doesnt update automatically.
41Historic Market Activity
- The Historic Market Activity chart allows you to
enter a date and a Settlement Period to view.
Youll be able to see all of the Bid/Offer
Acceptances that were issued for that Settlement
period. - Both the Market Activity and the Historic
Market Activity charts allow the data to be
viewed in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format by
clicking the icon in the top right-hand corner.
42Day and Day Ahead (Demand)
- This page displays the Demand Forecast,
Indicated Demand and Indicated Generation data
for the current and following days. - The data for the following day is published at
around midday. Its produced by the System
Operator for the Operational Day, which runs from
500am to 500am.
43Demand Forecast (MW)
- The System Operators National Demand Forecast
is based on historically metered (three-four
years) generation output for Great Britain. Its
the amount of power that needs to be generated
and includes embedded generation. - The National Demand Forecast (NDF) is published
at 8.45am and doesnt include station transformer
load, pump storage demand and interconnector
demand. - The System Operator only receives this
information at 11.00am and publishes the
Transmission System Demand Forecast (TSDF), that
does include this data. - This means that only the NDF for is directly
comparable to the Initial Demand Out-Turn (INDO),
as in they include the same variables.
44Indicated Demand (MW)
- The Indicated Demand (INDDEM) is a forecast
provided by the System Operator. - Its the half-hour average expected demand in
each Settlement Period. Its calculated as the
sum of all Physical Notifications for that
Settlement Period at the time of the forecast.
It only includes BM Units whose Physical
Notifications are negative, i.e. theyll be
importing energy.
45Indicated Generation (MW)
- The Indicated Generation (INDGEN) is a forecast
provided by the System Operator. Its referred to
as the Margin Forecast on the website. - Its the half-hour average expected generation
in each Settlement Period calculated as the sum
of all Physical Notifications for that Settlement
Period. It only includes BM Units for which the
Physical Notifications are positive, i.e. will be
exporting energy.
46Day and Day Ahead (Margin)
- This page displays the Indicated Margin data and
Indicated Imbalance data for the current and
following days. - Like the Day and Day Ahead (Demand) forecast,
the data for the following Operational Day is
published at around 12pm by the System Operator.
47Indicated Margin (MELNGC) (MW)
- This is a forecast for the system on the
following day, its received from the System
Operator. - The Indicated Margin forecast for each
Settlement Period is the difference between the
sum of the Maximum Export Limits of all BM Units
for that period and the Demand Forecast made by
the System Operator. - The greater the value the more spare capacity
there is forecast to be in the system. - Small margins are a usually an indicator of high
system prices.
48Indicated Imbalance (IMBALNGC) (MW)
- The Indicated Imbalance is the difference
between the Physical Notifications submitted by
generators (i.e. the Indicated Generation) and
the National Demand Forecast (NDF) made by
National Grid (NG) as the System Operator. - A forecast of Indicated Imbalance in the system
is received each day for each of the Settlement
Periods of the following day. The System
Operator normally sends this by 1200 hours.
Indicated Imbalance is measured in MW.
492-14 Day Ahead Data
- This page contains the
- Following data
- National Demand Forecast
- Day (NDFD) in Black
- Transmission System
- Demand Forecast Day
- (TSDFD) in Yellow
- OCNMFD Surplus (SPLD) in
- Green
- We describe each in more detail on the next page
50Forecast Data NDFD and TSDFD (MW)
- The NDFD and TSDFD are the predicted peak periods
for each of the days 2-14 ahead. - These forecasts are produced by 300pm each day
by the System Operator. - Only the TSDFD includes station transformer load,
pump storage demand and interconnector demand. - Forecasted weather is used for week 1 but
weighted to include normal weather which is
used for all of week 2. Normal weather is based
on a 30 year history of British weather. Great
Britain is split into six weather zones for
51Surplus (SPLD)(MW)
- The Surplus is the difference between the sum of
forecast Generation availability i.e. the sum of
the Maximum Export Limits (the maximum power
export level of all BM Units) and the National
Demand Forecast (NDF). - This is calculated for the predicted peak period
of the day. - The numbers are not inclusive of any transfers
across the Interconnectors.
522-52 Week Ahead Data
This is laid out in an Identical fashion to
the 2-14 Day Ahead Data, just for a longer
period. Week 1 is the first week of the year. A
week begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday.
53Yesterday/Today Initial Demand Out-Turn
54Initial Demand Out-Turn (MW)
- The Initial Demand Out-Turn is the average demand
in a particular period. Its provided by the
System Operator within 15 minutes of the end of a
Settlement Period. - Its derived from operational metering (not
Settlement metering) associated with all "Large"
generators and Imports from the interconnectors.
The term "Large" is all generators gt 100MW in
England Wales, all generators gt 30 MW in South
of Scotland and all generators gt 10MW in North of
Scotland. - It takes into account transmission losses but the
INDO does not include station transformer load,
pumped storage demand or interconnector demand.
This data is included in the ITSDO.
55Historic Initial Demand Out-Turn
- This page allows you to define a previous date
and view the information for Initial Demand
Out-Turn for that date in graphical and tabular
form. - A whole date must be entered, wildcard characters
cant be used.
This data is available as both current and
historic, in tabular and graphical formats. What
is Non-BM STOR? find out on the next page.
- This is the volume of Short Term Operating
Reserve (STOR) instructions that the
Transmission Company has asked of Non BM Units. - It can be to either increase generation or
reduce demand.
58Yesterday/Today System Sell System Buy Prices
This data is displayed from the first period of
the last day until the period of today for which
the calculations have most recently been
completed. The data is available both as a graph
and a table. Click here for an explanation of how
system prices are calculated
59Detailed System Prices
- This page lets you know which Bids and Offers
have gone into making the main price and
highlights the various stages in the price
calculation - The price derivation code tells you the
conditions behind the prices and this is covered
in the next slide.
60Price Derivation Code (PDC)
- This indicates how the system prices were
calculated. They range from A to L. - A SBPMain Price, SSPReverse Price - Net
Imbalance Volume (NIV) is positive (Offer stack
is larger), Market Index Volume is non-zero. - B SSP Capped to SBP - NIV is positive (Offer
stack is larger), Market Index Volume is non-zero
but SSP greater than SBP. - C SSP Defaulted to SBP NIV is positive but
Market Index Volume is zero. - F SSPMain Price, SBPReverse Price- NIV is
negative (Bid stack is larger), Market Index
Volume is non-zero.
61Price Derivation Code (PDC) Cont.
- G SBP Capped to SSP - NIV is negative (Bid stack
is larger), Market Index Volume is non-zero but
SBP greater than SSP. - H SBP Defaulted to SSP- NIV is negative but
Market Index Volume is zero. - K SSP and SBP Defaulted to Market Price NIV is
zero but Market Index Volume is non-zero. - L SSP and SBP Defaulted to Zero NIV is zero
and Market Index Volume is zero. - Price codes D, E, I and J are now redundant.
62Historic System Prices
- To find the system prices data for a past date
use the Historic System Prices page and enter the
date. - A full date must be entered and no wildcard
characters can be used. - The information shown will be the same as on the
System Prices page.
63Yesterday/Today Balancing Services Adjustment
- This is how the balancing actions, taken pre-gate
closure, by the System Operator are taken into
account when calculating the Energy Imbalance
Prices (SSP/SBP). - The data is submitted by the System operator
before 5pm for the following day starting at
0030. Its then submitted on a half hourly basis
after gate closure and can be resubmitted if
required. - Click here to find out what goes into the BSAD
values and how they are calculated.
64Disaggregated BSAD (DISBSAD)
- National Grid submits details of all their
balancing actions and this is known as
disaggregated BSAD - They will highlight which action were taken for
energy balancing (ensuring supply matches demand)
and system balancing (ensuring stability of the
transmission system). Only energy balancing
actions are used in the pricing calculation. - An SO Flag of T indicates that the action was
taken for system balancing.
65Historic BSAD Data
- To find the BSAD data for past dates, use the
Historic BSAD Data page and enter the date. - A full date must be entered and no wildcard
characters can be used. - The information shown will be the same as on the
BSAD Data page.
66Latest Market Index Data
67Market Index Data
- This reflects prices in the short term markets in
Great Britain for wholesale electricity and shows
information covering each Settlement Period today
and yesterday. - It is provided by Market Index Data Providers
(MIDP). - It consists of a Market Index Volume and a Market
Index Price. The data is a weighted average of
the data provided by the MIDPs. The volumes
submitted by the MIDPs are a weighted average of
the trades in that period for each MIDP. - The volume and price will be displayed as zero if
the Market Index Volume is below the Liquidity
Threshold (a minimum traded volume requirement).
If the MIDP has failed to submit the data in
time for a particular calculation no data will be
published. - The Market Index Price is used as the reverse
68Historic Market Index Data
- This page displays the Market index Data for
previous settlement days. - The user must enter a specified date and single
69Zonal Data
70Zonal Data
- We show the following information by zone
- Day and Day Ahead (demand)
- Day and Day Ahead (margin)
- Demand Forecast (DF) Pictorial Representation
- Indicated Demand (INDEM) Pictorial Representation
- Indicated Generation (INDGEN) Pictorial
Representation - Indicated Margin (MELNGC) Pictorial
Representation - Indicated Imbalance (IMBALNGC) Pictorial
- Great Britain is split into five zones to reflect
the original constraints on the Transmission
Network - These zones are
- They are labelled export or import according to
the net flow across them.
72Pictorial Graphs
- There are graphs for Demand Forecast (DF),
Indicated Demand (INDEM), Indicated Generation
(INDGEN), Indicated Margin (MELNGC) and Indicated
Imbalance (IMBALNGC). - The peak forecasted values are shown for each
zone as well as the forecast time and the
Settlement Date and Period. - The values are shown numerically and also on a
colour coded dial for easy comparison.
73Demand Forecast (MW)
- The System Operator National Demand Forecast is
based on historically metered (three-four years)
generation output for Great Britain. This value
takes into account transmission losses. Only the
forecast received after 1100am takes into
account station transformer load, pump storage
demand and interconnector demand.
74Indicated Demand (MW)
- The Indicated Demand (INDDEM) is a forecast
provided by the System Operator. - Its the half-hour average expected demand in
each Settlement Period. Its the sum of all
Physical Notifications for that Settlement Period
and for BM Units for which the Physical
Notifications are negative, i.e. will be
importing energy.
75Indicated Generation (MW)
- The Indicated Generation (INDGEN) is a forecast
provided by the System Operator. - Its the half-hour average expected generation in
each Settlement Period. Its the sum of all
Physical Notifications for that Settlement
Period, and for BM Units for which the Physical
Notifications are positive, i.e. will be
exporting energy.
76Indicated Margin (MW)
- The Indicated Margin forecast is the difference
between the sum of the Maximum Export Limits (the
maximum power export level of a particular BM
Unit at a particular time) and the Demand
Forecast made by the System Operator. - The greater the value the higher the margin. This
means theres greater capacity for additional
generation, if required.
77Indicated Imbalance (MW)
- The Indicated Imbalance is the difference between
the Physical Notifications submitted by
generation (i.e. the Indicated Generation) and
the Demand Forecast made by National Grid as the
System Operator. - It can be either positive or negative.
78BM Unit Data
79BM Unit Data
- These pages contain data specific to particular
BM Units. - Click here to see a list of BM Unit IDs.
- Types of BM Unit
T - Directly Connected to Transmission SystemE
- Embedded in Distribution SystemI -
Interconnector UserG - Supplier (base)S -
Supplier (additional)M Other - By convention the first letter of a BM Unit ID
indicates what type of unit it is (T, E, I, M).
Supplier BM Unit IDs (G and S) begin with a 2. - Some of the pages will allow the use of wildcard
characters () in order to select more than one
BMU if the user is unsure of the exact ID. E.g.
EGG will select any BMUs with EGG anywhere in
their ID. T_ will select all BMUs with an ID
beginning T_.
80Latest Physical BM Unit Data
- This page shows data in a graphical and tabular
form for the latest Settlement Period available
(hence the greyed out day and period options). - It shows the Final Physical Notification (FPN),
the expected generation of the BM Unit - The Quiescent Physical Notification (QPN), the
expected power generated or consumed by an
underlying process of the BM Unit. Its optional
to submit this and its not used in Settlement - The Maximum Import Level (MIL) and Maximum Export
Level (MEL), the maximum power a BM Unit can
import/export at a particular time and - The Bid-Offer Acceptances for this BM Unit
81Historic Physical BM Unit Data
- The historic page will allow the user to choose
either a range of BMUs or a range of periods by
using the wildcard character. The date must be
entered fully. - If a range is produced, the page will only show
data in tabular from. For a single BMU and period
the page will show the data both as a graph and
in a table.
82Latest Dynamic Data
83Latest Dynamic Data Contents
- The Run-Up/Run-Down Import/Export Rates is how
quickly the BM Unit can increase its rate of
generation or consumption. Its expressed in
MW/minute and there can be up to three of each in
a settlement period. - The Notice to Deviate from Zero is the length of
time in minutes a BM Unit will need to start
importing/exporting from a zero level because of
a Bid-Offer Acceptance. - Notice to Deliver Offers/Bids are expressed in
minutes. Theyre the time required for a BM Unit
to start delivering Offers and Bids respectively
from the time that the Bid-Offer Acceptance is
issued. - The Minimum Zero Time is the minimum time that a
BM Unit which has been exporting must operate at
zero or be importing before returning to
exporting. It can also be the minimum time that
a BM Unit which has been importing must operate
at zero or be exporting before returning to
importing as a result of a Bid-Offer Acceptance.
Its shown in minutes.
84Latest Dynamic Data Contents (2)
- The Minimum Non-Zero Time is also expressed in
minutes and is the minimum time that a BM Unit
can operate at a non-zero level as a result of a
Bid-Offer Acceptance. - Stable Export/Import Limits are the minimum value
at which the BM Unit can, under stable
conditions, export/import to or from the GB
Transmission System. They are expressed in MW at
the Grid Entry Point or Grid Supply Point. - The Maximum Delivery Volume (MDV) is the maximum
volume of energy MWh of Offer (or Bid if
negative) that a particular BM Unit can deliver
within the associated Maximum Delivery Period
which is the maximum period over which the MDV
applies in minutes.
85Historic Dynamic Data
- The historic page will allow the user to choose
either a range of BM Units or a range of periods
by using the wildcard character. The date must be
entered fully. - The Lead Party Name and NG BM Unit Name are just
descriptive entries.
86Latest Bid Offer Data
- This page shows all the Bid-Offer Pairs submitted
by a particular BM Unit two periods ahead i.e.
the period for which gate closure has just
occurred. - It can be shown diagrammatically like this
Bid-Offer Pair No.2 645MW Offer 150 Bid 21.5
Bid-Offer Pair No.1 100MW Offer 45 Bid 21.5
Bid-Offer Pair No.-1 95MW Offer 38 Bid 21.08
Bid-Offer Pair No.-2 135MW Offer 38 Bid 18.15
Bid-Offer Pair No.-3 115MW Offer 38 Bid 17.15
Bid-Offer Pair No.-4 645MW Offer 38 Bid 125
87Historic Bid Offer Data
- The historic page will allow the user to choose
either a range of BM Units or a range of periods
by using the wildcard character. The date must be
entered fully. - The Lead Party Name and NG BM Unit Name are just
textual descriptions. - When choosing a range of periods, the information
displayed does not indicate which period it is
for, only the timings for the pair.
88Latest Derived Data
89Latest Derived Data (2)
- The Bid/Offer Acceptance Volumes are an estimate
of the Bid and Offer volumes accepted, for a
particular BM Unit. - - For each acceptance theres an indication of
its duration ('S' for short and 'L' for long). - The Indicative Period BM Unit Acceptance Volumes
is a summary of all accepted Bid and Offer
volumes. - The cash flow for the BM Unit is provided as a
summary of accepted Bids and Offers.
90Historic Derived Data
- The historic page will allow the user to choose
either a range of BM Units or a range of periods
by using the wildcard character. The date must be
entered fully. - The Lead Party Name and NG BM Unit Name are just
textual descriptions.
91Historic Balancing Services Volume Data
- The Balancing Services Volume Data MWh for a BM
Unit is the net volume of energy
production/consumption by that BM Unit due to
Balancing Services. - The Balancing Services are those actions carried
out by the System Operator prior to Gate Closure
and does not include Bids and Offers. - Its only available historically and must be
submitted by the System Operator within 2 working