Title: The Planning Model will be used to project selected
1 The Planning Model will be used to project
selected operational scenarios into the future
A modified Operations model will be
used Number of accounts will be reduced River
leakage will reflect changes in ground water
extraction rates Operational rules will reflect
current authorities
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4Ground-surface water interaction estimates into
the future
Use latest (McAda and Barrolls ground water
flow model Run appropriate ground water
pumping scenarios Build output files of
river leakage for changing extraction
volumes Feed river leakage estimates
associated with future ground water extraction
to the URGWOM planning model
5Example of MODFLOW River leakage estimates
6Planning Model runs will Use no local inflow in
the Middle Valley
Inflow data from ungaged tributaries (local
inflow) are not available Little actual local
inflow occurs in the Middle Valley Currently no
Middle Valley model considers local inflow
Is it justified to not use an estimate of local
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9Is there local inflow considered in the model
for other areas of URGWOM?
Yes, for all areas above Cochiti.
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11Local inflow above Cochiti will be computed for
each reach from 1975 thru 2001
- For Planning Model runs
- Selected historical hydrology will be used as
model input - Corresponding historical local inflow
- will be used