Title: Looking at students' work
1Looking at students' work
By Adela CHUNG Doreen CHEUNG GCEPSA Kwun Tong
Primary School Tel 2343-7343
Curriculum planning material design
Every day?
Once a term?
Once a year?
Too late? Too frequent? How to strike a balance?
Quantitative analysis?
All parts?
Selected parts only?
Qualitative analysis?
NO prescribed mode
Primary concern Looking for patterns in
students work and understanding why the students
make mistakes (Misconception? Laziness?
Carelessness? Not taught before? Lack of input?
Infrequent practice / recycling? )
5What NEXT?
- Re-teaching / re-cycling in the next module
- Careful scaffolding
- Change in teaching strategies
- Designing worksheets etc.
Be specific, explicit and clear
6From finding to modular planning
7Reading Comprehension
8P.1 1st Term Test Part 3 (Reading
9(No Transcript)
10Marks distribution for Part 3 in Class 1C
0 4
3 9
6 3
9 5
12 1
15 1
18 1
Total No. of Students. 24
21 out of 24 students failed
11P.1 1st Term Test Part 3 (Reading
Students are very weak in comprehension.
- Revisit the adjectives and parts of the body in
the next module (Animals in Funnyland) - Design some reading comprehension exercises for
12Revisit the adjectives and parts of the body in
the next module (Animals in Funnyland)
13P.1 1st Term Exam Part C (Reading
14(No Transcript)
15Marks distribution on comprehension in Class 1C
0 3
0.5 0
1 0
1.5 0
2 6
2.5 0
3 0
3.5 0
4 2
4.5 0
5 0
5.5 0
6 13
Total No. of Students 24
9 out of 24students failed
16P.1 1st Term Exam Part C (Reading
Most learners tend to make assumption on the
possible answers by reading the first sentence in
each question, but fail to confirm their choice
by reading the rest of the given information.
- More explicit teaching on this reading strategy
(assume -gt check -gt confirm) in Activity 2
Animal riddles of the next module My friend and
18using powerpoint slides to demonstrate how to
eliminate the possible answers
Animal riddle
19Worksheet 1
- Design some worksheets to help students confirm
their answers through careful checking
20Worksheet 2
21P.1 2nd Term Test Part B (Reading
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24Marks distribution on comprehension in Class 1C
No. of Stu.
0 4
0.5 0
1 0
1.5 3
2 1
2.5 0
3 1
3.5 4
4 0
4.5 0
5 0
5.5 4
6 1
6.5 0
7 0
7.5 1
8 0
8.5 0
9 0
9.5 6
10 1
Total No.of Stu. 26
13 out of 26 students failed
25P.1 2nd Term Test Part B (Reading
- Most students use a instead of an for
elephant - In general, improvement is shown in comprehending
longer texts and eliminating the possible
answers. In the 1st term test, most students
simply gave up and did not attempt at all.
- Teacher helps students revisit the reading skills
in Activity 4 fruit riddles of the module
How powerful I am through - the use of PowerPoint slides (to show the steps
of working out the answers by elimination) - designing a worksheet to help students work out
the answers of the fruit riddles by elimination. - emphasizing the use of a/an when presenting the
fruit riddles (e.g. an apple, an orange)
27Guided Writing
28P.1 1st Term Test Part 4A (Guided Writing)
29(No Transcript)
30Marks distribution for Part 4 in Class 1C
0 4
2 1
5 1
6 3
7 2
8 1
9 4
10 3
12 3
14 2
Total No.of Students. 24
11 out of 24students failed
31P.1 1st Term Test Part 4A (Guided Writing)
Most students fail to describe the objects with
the use of adjectives
- More emphasis on writing in the next module
Funnyland - More classroom activities on writing (group work)
32P.1 1st Term Exam Part I (Guided Writing)
33(No Transcript)
34(No Transcript)
35Marks distribution for Part I in Class 1C
5 2
5.5 0
6 0
6.5 0
7 1
7.5 0
8 0
8.5 0
9 1
9.5 0
10 0
10.5 0
11 5
11.5 0
12 1
12.5 0
13 4
13.5 0
14 7
14.5 0
15 3
3 out of 24 students failed
36P.1 1st Term Exam Part I (Guided Writing)
Most students can write according to the model
given. Some students forget the article though it
is given in the model.
- More writing activities in the next module My
friend and I - 2. More emphases on the following in the
classroom activities - Pair work
- Self corrections
37Follow-up after teaching
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40P.1 2nd Term Test Part D (Guided Writing)
41(No Transcript)
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44(No Transcript)
45Marks distribution for Part D in Class 1C
No. of students
0 5
0.5 0
1 0
1.5 2
2 1
2.5 1
3 0
3.5 2
4 0
4.5 0
5 0
5.5 2
6 1
6.5 0
7 0
7.5 3
8 1
8.5 1
9 2
9.5 1
10 2
10.5 2
11 1
11.5 0
12 0
13 out of 24 students failed
46P.1 2nd Term Test Part D (Guided Writing)
- Most students make mistakes in subject-verb
agreement and fail to use plural nouns
Students will revisit subject-verb agreement and
the use of plural in next module How powerful I
47Discussion time
48What are students problems in learning?
How can students learn better?
49Parts E G of 2nd Term Test
50(No Transcript)
elgth nlne
58Part E
- Finding
- Most students make spelling mistakes
- 10 ter the tan
- 9 nlne
- 8 elgth eiger
- 7 seveh siver
- 5 fier
- 4 foue
- 3 tree
- Some mix up i l as well as n h.
- Follow-up
- The students will have dictation on numbers (from
one to ten) again. They are required to spell ALL
the words correctly. Assessment will be given in
the 2nd term examination.
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63Part G
- Finding
- For Q2, some students count the number as one
instead of five because they count the number
of toy cars on one rack only. - Most students forget to use plural nouns.
- Compared to Part E (where the students have to
fill in the numbers for the hopscotch), the
students make fewer mistakes in numbers. Possibly
this is because they need to spell one to ten in
Part E but only one to five in Part G. The
students have more problems in handling six to
ten. - Follow-up
- Revisiting the numbers (with emphasis on six to
ten) and the use of plural nouns in Exercise 5
(counting the classroom objects) of the module
How powerful I am
64Part F of 2nd Term Test
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67Same colours
Same colours
68dark green instead of light green
69light blue instead of dark blue
70Part F
- Finding
- Some students do not understand the meaning of
dark and light. -
- Follow-up
- The students will revisit the use of dark and
light in Exercise 7 (describing what the
students can see in a toy shop) of the module
How powerful I am. They have to read a text
about a toy shop and colour the toys
71Part H of 2nd Term Test
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76Part H
- Finding
- Some students cannot distinguish between square
and rectangle. -
- Follow-up
- The students will be given examples on how to
describe the shape of an object in Task 3 (show
and tell) of the module How powerful I am.
(e.g. These are rulers. They are long. They are
rectangles. They are hard. I love them.) They
will be required to show and tell their friends
some objects they like based on the examples.