Title: Catcher Blindness
1Catcher Blindness
Hideki Morii
- - Contents -
- Blindness caused by prompt gamma
- Is it a problem?
- Methodology to estimate this problem
2Blindness caused by prompt gamma
- To see the effects of prompt g ...
- Coincidence efficiency
- Single count rate
- Total number of detected photoelectron
- and using spectrum of prompt g
- Number of blind modules per microbunch
3Coincidence efficiency
- Coincidence efficiency of the catcher
- coincidence condition is front gt4pe , sum
of backing two gt2pe
lower energy (10100MeV)
higher energy (1001000MeV)
4Single count rate
Number of modules which detect more than 1pe when
one track comes to the catcher system
lower energy (10100MeV)
higher energy (1001000MeV)
5Total number of detected photoelectrons
- Sum of the detected photoelectrons in all modules
lower energy (10100MeV)
higher energy(1001000MeV)
6Number of blind modules caused by prompt
- Multiply the single count rate by the energy
spectrum of prompt , we can estimate how many
modules become blind
lower energy (10100MeV)
higher energy(1001000MeV)
energy spectrum of prompt g
7cm spoiler (TN101)
number of hit modules
19.3 modules / m-bunch
8.1 modules / m-bunch
27.4 modules / m-bunch
(catcher total 370modules)
7Methodology to estimate the effect of blindness
- To estimate the effects of blindness ...
- Make hit map by prompt g
- Overlay them on the g event, and estimate the
efficiency loss
hit map of prompt g
g event map
satisfies coincidence condition
this cluster is killed
with the same method, we can estimate the
blindness by neutrons
- About 10 of catcher module might be blind by the
prompt g - Planning to estimate the efficiency loss using
overlay method
9Extra Current Design (Configuration)
Top View
- Module Size 30 x 30 cm
- Number of Modules 370
- (278 in beam core / 92 outside)
- Pb plate 2mm per each layer
- Z-gap between module 35cm
- Coincidence condition
- gt 4 p.e. in 1st layer (A)
- gt 2 p.e. in 2nd layer (B)
Beam envelop
Line from opp. edge at the end of DV