Title: Todays Material
1Todays Material
- Number Systems
- Decimal
- Binary
- Octal
- Hexadecimal
- Conversion between number systems
- Arithmetic Operations
- Representation of Signed Numbers
- Sign-Magnitude
- Ones Complement
- Twos Complement
2Decimal Numbers
- Most commonly used numbering system
- Based on the number 10
- called the radix or basis of the system
- In any numerical system, the basis tells us how
many different symbols there are in the system - In decimal system, there are 10 symbols
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 each called a digit
3Number Systems
- In general, given any positive integer radix
(base) N, there are N different individual
symbols that can be used to write numbers in the
system - The value of these symbols ranges from 0 to N-1
- According to this definition
- Decimal (radix 10) has 10 symbols
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Binary (radix 2) has 2 symbols
- 0, 1
- Octal (radix 8) has 8 symbols
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Hexadecimal (radix 16) has 16 symbols
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A(10), B(11),
C(12), D(13), E(14), F(15)
- To indicate the basis on which a given number is
written, we will use a subscript at the lower
right side of the number - 10012
- 0110112
- 4568
- 2278
- 12356410
- 129010
- 1016
- 2C116
- FF16
5Positional Systems
- Binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal systems
are called positional systems - That is, the value represented by a symbol in the
numerical representation of a number depends on
its position in the number - E.g., digit 4 in decimal number 478 represents
400 units whereas digit 4 in decimal number 842
represents 40 units. - As a side note, Roman numerals is not a
positional system - Consider the roman numeral XXII
- position of X or I has no significance.
- Decimal equivalent XXII 22
6Calculating the Value of a Symbol
- In positional systems, the value of any symbol in
a number can be calculated as follows - Number the digits from right to left using
superscripts. Begin with 0 as the superscript of
the rightmost symbol, and increase superscripts
by 1 as you move from left to right - Use each superscript to a power of the basis
- Multiply the symbols own value in decimal by its
corresponding power of the basis - Sum all products together to calculate the
decimal equivalent of the entire number
7Example I Decimal Number
- Whats the value of each digit in 324510
- (1) Number digits using superscripts
- 33 22 41 50
- (2-3) Use superscripts to form powers of the
basis and multiply the digits own value, in
decimal, by its corresponding power - The value of 3 in 3245 is equal to 3103 31000
3000 - The value of 2 in 3245 is equal to 2102 2100
200 - The value of 4 in 3245 is equal to 4101 410
40 - The value of 5 in 3245 is equal to 5100 51
5 - (4) Adding the decimal equivalent of each digit,
we calculate the decimal equivalent of the number - 3000 200 40 5 3245
8Example II Binary Number
- Whats the value of each digit in 110012
- (1) Number digits using superscripts
- 14 13 02 01 10
- (2-3) Use superscripts to form powers of the
basis and multiply the digits own value, in
decimal, by its corresponding power - The value of 1 in 11001 is equal to 124 116
16 - The value of 1 in 11001 is equal to 123 18
8 - The value of 0 in 11001 is equal to 022 04
0 - The value of 0 in 11001 is equal to 021 02
0 - The value of 1 in 11001 is equal to 120 11
1 - (4) Adding the decimal equivalent of each digit,
we calculate the decimal equivalent of the number - 16 8 0 0 1 25
9Example III Octal Number
- Whats the value of each digit in 137028
- (1) Number digits using superscripts
- 14 33 72 01 20
- (2-3) Use superscripts to form powers of the
basis and multiply the digits own value, in
decimal, by its corresponding power - The value of 1 in 13702 is equal to 184 14096
4096 - The value of 3 in 13702 is equal to 383 3512
1536 - The value of 7 in 13702 is equal to 782 764
448 - The value of 0 in 13702 is equal to 081 08
0 - The value of 2in 13702 is equal to 280 21
2 - (4) Adding the decimal equivalent of each digit,
we calculate the decimal equivalent of the number - 4096 1536 448 0 2 6082
10Example IV Hexadecimal Number
- Whats the value of each digit in 3D8F16
- (1) Number digits using superscripts
- 33 D2 81 F0
- (2-3) Use superscripts to form powers of the
basis and multiply the digits own value, in
decimal, by its corresponding power - The value of 3 in 3D8F is equal to 3163 34096
12288 - The value of D in 3D8F is equal to D162 13256
3328 - The value of 8 in 3D8F is equal to 8161 816
128 - The value of F in 3D8F is equal to F160 151
15 - (4) Adding the decimal equivalent of each digit,
we calculate the decimal equivalent of the number - 12288 3328 128 15 15759
11Conversion Between Binary, Octal, Hex
- Here is the representation for the first 15
decimal numbers in binary, octal, hex, decimal
- Given a hex number, we can find its binary
equivalent by replacing each hex symbol by its
binary equivalent - Whats the binary equivalent of hex number AF3C4?
- A 10 1010
- F 15 1111
- 3 0011
- C 12 1100
- 4 0100
- A F 3 C 4
- 1010 1111 0011 1100 0100
- To convert binary numbers to their hex
equivalent, we reverse the process - Form 4-bit groups beginning from the rightmost
bit of the binary number. If the last group at
the leftmost position has less than 4 bits, add
extra zeros to the left of the bits in this group
to make it a 4-bit group - Replace each 4-bit group by its hex equivalent
14Binary-2-Hex (cont)
- Whats the hex equivalent of the following binary
number 1101011010110 - 11 1010 1101 0110
- Add 0s to left of 11 to make it 0011
- We have 0011 1010 1101 0110
- 3 A D 6
- Given an octal number, we can find its binary
equivalent by replacing each octal symbol by its
binary equivalent - Whats the binary equivalent of octal number
23754? - 2 010
- 3 011
- 7 111
- 5 101
- 4 100
- 2 3 7 5 4
- 010 011 111 101 100
- To convert binary numbers to their octal
equivalent, we reverse the process - Form 3-bit groups beginning from the rightmost
bit of the binary number. If the last group at
the leftmost position has less than 3 bits, add
extra zeros to the left of the bits in this group
to make it a 3-bit group - Replace each 3-bit group by its octal equivalent
17Binary-2-Octal Example
- Whats the hex equivalent of the following binary
number 1101011010110 - 11 101 011 010 110
- Add a 0 to the left of 11 to make it 011
- We have 011 101 011 010 110
- 3 5 3 2 6
18Converting Decimal to Other Bases
- Conversion of a given decimal number to another
integer basis r (rgt0) is carried out by initially
diving the number by r, and the successively
dividing the quotients by until a zero quotient
is obtained - Decimal equivalent is obtained by writing the
remainders of the successive divisions in the
opposite order to that in which they were
19Decimal-2-Binary Example
- Whats the binary equivalent of decimal 46
- Number Quotient when Remainder
- Dividing by 2
- 46 23 0
- 23 11 1
- 11 5 1
- 5 2 1
- 2 1 0
- 1 0 1
- Binary number is 101110
- Verify this by converting it to decimal
- 125 024 123 122 121 020
32842 46
20Decimal-2-Octal Example
- Whats the octal equivalent of decimal 46
- Number Quotient when Remainder
- Dividing by 8
- 46 5 6
- 5 0 5
- Octal number is 56
- Verify this by converting it to decimal
- 581 680 406 46
21Decimal-2-Hex Example
- Whats the hex equivalent of decimal 46
- Number Quotient when Remainder
- Dividing by 16
- 46 2 14E
- 2 0 2
- Hex number is 2E
- Verify this by converting it to decimal
- 2161 E160 3214 46
22Rules for Forming Numbers
- Given a positional number system, how do we form
consecutive numbers higher than that represented
by the systems largest symbol? - Consider decimal number system
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Then how do we proceed?
- After writing all single-digit numbers, we form
all 2-digit combinations beginning with 1. Then
we form all 2-digit combinations beginning with 2
and so on until we reach 99. - After exhausting all 2-digit numbers, we start
forming 3-digit combinations, then all 4-digit
combinations and so on.
23Rules for Forming Numbers (cont)
- We follow a similar strategy in binary, octal and
hex number systems - Binary Base 2
- 0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001,
1010, 1011, .. - Octal Base 8
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 20, .. - Hex Base 16
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1A, 1B,
1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 20, 21..
24Arithmetic Operations (Addition)
- Arithmetic operations in binary, octal and hex
systems follow similar rules to the decimal
system - In decimal, how do we add 342 and 485?
25 7 (no carry)
28 12-102 (carry 1)
134 8 (no carry)
25Addition of Binary Numbers
- Add the following binary numbers
- 1101 (13)
- 0111 (7)
- 0 0 0
- 0 1 1
- 1 0 1
- 1 1 0 with a carry of 1
110 (carry 1)
1010 (carry 1)
1111 (carry 1)
1100 (carry 1)
- Final result is 101002 2010
26Addition of Octal Numbers
- Add the following octal numbers
- 3241
- 276
167 (no carry)
4711-83 (carry 1)
1225 (no carry)
300 (no carry)
27Addition of Hex Numbers
- Add the following hex numbers
- 1A23
- 7C28
3811B (no carry)
224 (no carry)
AC22-166 (carry 1)
1179 (no carry)
28Arithmetic Operations (Subtraction)
- In decimal, subtract 982 from 4015?
5-23B (no borrow)
11-83 (borrowed 10 from the left digit)
9-90 (borrowed 10 from the left digit, then
gave 1 to the right digit)
3-03 (gave 1 to the right digit)
29Subtraction in other bases
- Subtraction in other bases is very similar to
decimal - When borrowing from the left digit, we borrow as
big a number as the size of the radix - This means that
- In binary, we borrow 2
- In octal, we borrow 8
- In hexadecimal, we borrow 16
30Subtraction of Binary Numbers
- Subtract 1112 (7) from 1000102 (34)
2-11 (borrowed 2 from the left digit)
2-11 (borrowed 2 from the left digit)
1-10 (borrowed 2 from the left digit,
gave 1 to the right digit)
1-01 (borrowed 2 from the left digit,
gave 1 to the right digit)
1-01 (borrowed 2 from the left digit,
gave 1 to the right digit)
- Final result is 110112 2710
31Subtraction of Octal Numbers
7-61 (no borrow)
83-74 (borrowed 8 from the left digit)
4-22 (gave 1 to the right digit)
3-00 (no borrow)
32Subtraction of Hex Numbers
A-37 (no borrow)
16-C(12)4 (borrowed 16 from the left digit)
F(15)-87 (borrowed 16 from the left digit,
gave 1 to the right digit)
E-0E (gave 1 to the right digit)
33Hint on Arithmetic Operations
- Arithmetic operations in binary is error prone
for humans since we have to deal with lots of 0s
and 1s - So when you are asked to work with binary
numbers, first convert the binary number to
hexadecimal, do the operation and convert back to
binary representation
34Representing Signed Numbers
- Until now we have assumed that all numbers are
unsigned, i.e., positive - How do we represent both positive and negative
numbers with n bits? - General convention is to use one bit as the sign
bit and the remaining n-1 bits as the magnitude - Leftmost bit represents the sign
- 0 means a positive number, 1 means a negative
number - Remaining n-1 bits represents the magnitude
35Signed Number Conventions
- There are 3 conventions used to represent signed
numbers - Sign-and-Magnitude convention
- Ones Complement convention
- Twos Complement convention
36Sign-and-Magnitude Convention
- Given a basic unit of n bits, the leftmost bit
represent the sign - The remaining n-1 bits represent the magnitude
- The range of values that can be represented in
this convention ranges from -2n-11, 2n-1-1 - E.g. How do we represent -49 in 8 bits?
- Bits 0-6 would represent the magnitude
- Bit 7 would be the sign 1
- Whats the binary value of 49? 0110001
- So, 49 would be 00110001, -49 would be 10110001
37Twos Complement Convention
- Most popular convention
- Positive numbers are represented similar to sign
and magnitude - To represent a negative number do the following
- (1) Express the absolute value of the number in
binary - (2) Change all 0s to 1 and all 1s to 0
(complement the number) - (3) Add one(1) to the binary number in step 2
- The range of values that can be represented in
this convention ranges from -2n-1, 2n-1-1
38Twos Complement Convention (Ex)
- How do we represent -49 in 8 bits?
- Step1 49 00110001
- Step2 Complement 11001110
- Step 3 Add 1 11001111 CF
- How do we represent -1?
- Step1 1 00000001
- Step2 Complement 11111110
- Step3 Add 1 11111111 FF
39Twos Complement Convention (Cont)
- To find the positive equivalent of a negative
number represented in 2s complement, simple
apply steps 2 3 - E.g. Given the negative number 11001111, whats
the positive equivalent? - Step 2 Complement 00110000
- Step 3 Add 1 00110001 49
- E.g. Given 11111111, whats the positive
equivalent? - Step2 Complement 00000000
- Step 3 Add 1 00000001
40Ones Complement Convention
- Positive numbers are represented similar to sign
and magnitude - To represent a negative number do the following
- (1) Express the absolute value of the number in
binary - (2) Change all 0s to 1 and all 1s to 0
(complement the number) - The range of values that can be represented in
this convention ranges from -2n-11, 2n-1-1
41Ones Complement Convention (Ex)
- How do we represent -49 in 8 bits?
- Step1 49 00110001
- Step2 Complement 11001110 CE
- How do we represent -1?
- Step1 1 00000001
- Step2 Complement 11111110 FD
42Representation of Some numbers in Different
- Notice that 0 has 2 representations in
sign-magnitude and 1s complement conventions! - This complicates ALU design. So modern machines
use 2s complement to represent signed numbers
- Computers represent numbers in binary, which uses
0s and 1s to represent numbers - Since dealing with binary numbers is difficult
for humans, we can use octal or hexadecimal
number systems to represent binary numbers - Signed numbers are represented in twos
complement convention in modern architectures,
which has a single representation for each number
- There is a good interactive tutorial on