- GASB 34
- Update
- GASB 41
- Budgetary Comparison Schedules Perspective
Differences - Statement No. 40
- Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosures
- Statement No. 39
- Determining Whether Certain Organizations Are
Component Units
- Technical Bulletin
- Disclosure Requirements for Derivatives Not
Presented at Fair Value on the Statement of Net
Assets - Exposure Draft
- Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers
for Post-Employment Benefits Other Than Pension
(OPEB) - Exposure Draft
- Impairment of Capital Assets
3Statement No. 41, Budgetary Comparison Schedules
Perspective Differences
- Purpose
- amendment to Statement 34, clarifies the
budgetary presentation requirements for
governments. - Issue
- presenting budgetary comparisons when
perspective differences exist. - Perspective differences exist when the structure
of the financial information for budgetary
purposes differs from the fund structure defined
in Statement 34.
4Statement No. 41, Budgetary Comparison Schedules
Perspective Differences
- Governments with perspective differences are
required to present budgetary comparison
schedules as required supplementary information
based on the structure used for its legally
adopted budget. - Statement requirements should be implemented with
Statement 34. If Statement 34 implemented prior
to this Statement, requirements are effective for
periods beginning after June 15, 2002. - Statement requirements apply only to legally
adopted budgets.
5Statement No. 40, Deposit and Investment Risk
- Purpose
- Inform financial statement users about deposit
and investment risk that could affect a
governments ability to provide services and meet
obligations. - Issue
- State and local governments are exposed to
risks that could result in - losses.
- Establishes and modifies disclosure requirements
related to investment risk credit risk, interest
rate risk, and foreign currency risk.
6Statement No. 40, Deposit and Investment Risk
- Governments should disclose policies related to
the following deposit or investment risk - Credit Risk
- Concentration of Credit Risk
- Interest Rate Risk
- Disclose credit quality rating of investments in
debt securities - Obligations of the U.S. Government or guaranteed
by the U.S. Government are not considered to have
credit risk and no disclosure is required. - Credit quality ratings of external investment
pools is required. - Disclose by amount and issuer, investments in any
one issuer that represent 5 or more of total
7Statement No. 40, Deposit and Investment Risk
- Disclose interest rate risk
- A government is required to disclose information
about the interest rate sensitivity of their debt
investments. - Interest rate sensitivity is disclosed by
communicating either investment maturities or
information developed about portfolio volatility
under different scenarios. - Effective for periods beginning after June 15,
8Statement No. 39, Determining Whether Certain
Organizations Are Component Units
- Purpose
- Provides criteria for determining whether certain
organizations should be reported as component
units based on the nature and significance of
their relationship with the primary government. - Issue
- Inconsistencies in applying GASB 14, The
Financial Reporting Entity
9Statement No. 39, Determining Whether Certain
Organizations Are Component Units
- A legally separate, tax-exempt organization
should be reported as a component unit if all of
the following are met - The economic resources are entirely or almost
entirely for the direct benefit of the primary
government, its component units or its
constituents. - The primary government, or its component units is
entitled to or is able to assess a majority of
the economic resources. - The economic resources are significant to the
primary government. - Requirements are effective for periods beginning
after June 15, 2003.
10GASB Exposure Draft, Accounting and Financial
Reporting by Employers for Post-Employment
Benefits Other Than Pension (OPEB)
- In the public sector, post-employment benefits
are usually financed on a pay-as-go basis. - Proposed requirements will require an accrual
basis of accounting for post-employment benefits. - The exposure draft requires that the expected
cost of post-employment benefits for all
participants be projected into the future, then
discounted back to the measurement date.
11GASB Exposure Draft, Accounting and Financial
Reporting by Employers for Post-Employment
Benefits Other Than Pension (OPEB)
- An actuarial valuation will be required. Smaller
plans will be exempt from valuation requirement. - Annual OPEB cost would be equal to the employers
annual required contribution to the plan
determined by the actuarial valuation. - An OPEB obligation would be required to be
reported if there is a difference between
required contributions and actual contributions. - Governmental organizations would be required to
disclose information on each defined OPEB plan in
which they participate. - Implementation occurs in three phases based on
total revenues in the first fiscal year ending
after June 15, 2003.
12Exposure Draft Impairment of Capital Assets
- Impairment
- A significant, unexpected decline in the service
utility of a capital asset. - Service Utility
- The usable capacity expected to be used to
provide service. - No evaluation of future recoverability included
in evaluation of impairment.
13Exposure Draft Impairment of Capital Assets
- Two factors to weigh when determining whether an
asset is impaired - Magnitude of decline in service utility
- Unexpected nature of decline in service utility
- Three methods to determine amount of impairment
- Restoration Cost Approach
- Service Units Approach
- Deflated Depreciated Replacement Cost Approach