Title: GASB Retiree Life
1GASB Retiree Life Health Valuations and
Medicare Reform
- Implications for Employers, Employees Retirees
OFFICIALS November 4, 2005
- GASB 45 overview
- Solutions to reduce GASB 45 liabilities
- Coverage Plans and Impact on GASB 45
- Current Medicare program and plans
- New Medicare reform and plans
- Other Employee Benefits
3What is GASB 45?
- Government Accounting Standards Board issued
Statement No. 45, Accounting and Financial
Reporting by Employers for Post-Employment
Benefits Other Than Pensions - GASB 43 applies to the plan itself
- GASB 45 applies to the plan sponsors financial
statements - Requires public agencies, including school
districts and county offices of education (COE),
to report their costs and obligations for
post-employment healthcare and other
post-employment benefits (called OPEBs) - Reporting - Similar to pensions
- GASB 25 Plan GASB 27 Employer
- Recognized as a current cost during the working
years of an employee (similar to pension) rather
than after they retire.
4Retiree Health Life Valuations
- Employers FAS 106
- Multi-Employers SOP 92-6
- Municipalities GASB 45
5Impact on School Districts County Offices
- Identify and disclose OPEBs as an expense and
liability on their financial statements for the
first time. - This means each district or county office will
have to evaluate whether they have an OPEB
liability - Need to have an actuarial valuation done to
determine the amount of the unfunded liability
for their financial statements. - Each affected district and county office will
have to address how best to manage this liability
for the future.
6Key Financial Data
- Annual OPEB Costs (annual expense)
- Net OPEB Obligation (balance sheet liability)
- Actuarial Liability
- Funding Status
- Unfunded liabilities
- May impact bond ratings
7Annual OPEB Costs (AOC)
- Employers Expense
- Annual Required Contributions (ARC)
- Normal Cost Actuarial valuation
- Amortization of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued
Liability (30 years) - Amortization of gain/loss and plan changes
depending on plan methods - Plan Adjustments
- Contributions going up
- ARC going down
8What is ARC?
- Annual Required Contribution of the employer
(ARC). - Used to determine the expense and liability
values that appear on the employer's financial
statements for the purposes of GASB 45. - This does not refer to actual contribution
requirements, but to employer's accrual expense.
9Result of GASB 45
- Clients to recognize costs for OPEB when employee
services are rendered (accrual accounting) - OPEB is part of employees compensation
- Client under pressure to fund the obligation in
advance rather than on the prior pay as you go
basis. - Failure to pre-fund the obligation may impact
- Future borrowing costs
- Credit ratings
- Overall financial health of organization
- Perceived financial health of organization
- Most companies do not pre-fund liability (public
or private)
10Implementation Dates
- Depending on the district or county office size,
the compliance dates for GASB 45 are as follows - 2007-08 fiscal year Districts/COEs with total
revenue of 100 million or more must comply in
the fiscal year after December 15, 2006. - 200809 fiscal year Districts/COEs with annual
revenue between 10 million and 100 million must
comply in the fiscal year after December 15,
2007. - 200910 fiscal year Districts/COEs with annual
revenue less than 10 million must comply in the
fiscal year after December 15, 2008. - Figures based on 1999 fiscal year.
- Frequency
- 200 members (every 2 years)
- Less than 200 members (every 3 years)
11Difference between GASB and Pay-As-You-Go
- GASB Level to gradual growth over time since
accruing future costs today - Pay-As-You-Go Increases as population of
retirees increase over time - Impact
- Pay-As-You-Go Manage on a year by year basis
- GASB Reflect future benefit costs now resulting
in potential reduction in retiree benefits to be
offered - Accrued Liabilites 6 to 20 times current annual
costs - Accrual Expense 1.5 to 3 times current annual
12Sample Calculations
13OPEB What is Included?
- Medical
- Dental
- Vision
- Hearing
- Prescription drugs
- Life insurance
- Long-term care
- Long-term disability
- Death benefits
- Other Benefits (e.g., Group Legal)
14Necessary Data to Complete Valuation
- Summary of Plan Offerings
- Census Information
- Plan Costs
- Actuarial Assumptions
15Summary of Plan Offerings
- Multiple Plan Designs
- Current Plan
- Legacy Plans or variations based on hire
dates/class - Coverage Groups
- Retirees Pre 65 Post 65
- Covered Dependents
- Coordination with Medicare
- Contribution Rates
- Flat Amount
- Fixed
- Vary by class, date of hire, employee vs
16Census Information
- Date of Birth
- Date of Hire
- Gender
- Status (Active, Retired, Terminated)
- Benefit Election
- Coverage Tier (Single, Dependents, etc.)
- Salary
- Benefit Amount (e.g., Life Insurance Face Amount)
- Class
- Contribution Rates
17Plan Costs
- Fully Insured Benefits
- Current Premium Costs
- Historical Premium Costs
- Self-Funded Benefits
- Current Admin Fees TPA, PPO, UR
- Claim Costs Current Historical
- Stop Loss Insurance Specific Aggregate
- Variations by Class Plan
- Pre-65 vs Post-65
- Contribution Rates
18Actuarial Assumptions
- Benefit costs Pre 65 vs Post 65
- Healthcare cost trend rate
- Interest discount rate
- Retirement rates
- Turnover rates
- Disability rates
- Mortality rates
- Aging Assumptions (Age/Sex Factors)
- Asset return on investments (if funded)
- Salary increases (life insurance)
- Plan Participation
- Actuarial cost methods
19Benefit Costs
- Baseline calculations drives financial results
- Pre-65 vs Post-65
- Critical to negotiate favorable cost structure
- Reduction in cost has magnified long term savings
(lowers liability and future accruals) - Impacts collective bargaining negotiations
- Future active and retiree benefits
- Favorable impact to community
20Benefit Costs (Continued)
- Key Negotiation Factors
- Medical inflation
- Reserve completion factors
- Insurance company risk charges (profit margins)
- Insurance company administrative expense loads
- Credibility factors
- Values for plan changes
- Other factors - Intangibles
21Challenges in Valuation Process
- Quality of Data
- Impact of Current Experience
- Limitations in collective bargaining flexibility
- Fully insured vs. Self-funded
22Implications for Current Employees
- Increases expense and liabilities to be
recognized. - Requires additional pressure to reduce costs of
employee benefits. - Actives
- Retirees
- Impacts Budget Process
- Impacts Collective Bargaining
23What makes liabilities increase?
- Increase in health care costs and inflation
(trend) - Reduction in discount interest rates
- More early retirements
- Lower turnover (non-vested)
- Mortality improvements
24Strategies to Reduce Liability
- Lower current medical costs
- Managed care plans
- Consumer Driven Health Plans
- Mandate certain benefit requirements (mandatory
mail order prescription drugs and generics) - Reduce benefit offerings
- Terminate benefit coverages
- Mandate Medicare Part B participation
- Change future retiree benefits
- Tighten eligibility
- Increase employee contributions
- Raise contribution rates
- Implement dollar or inflation caps (limit future
trend increases)
25Other Solutions
- Define contribution strategy
- Cap employer subsidy
- Give employees money to buy their own benefits
- Medicare Part D will shave some costs for post-65
retiree population - Seamless administration will be critical for
success - Retiree buyouts (selling off liabilities)
- Be Proactive
- Initiated discussions now with various
departments - Discussions with collectively bargained personnel
- Evaluate various scenarios to identify
26Medicare Parts
- Part A
- Include Hospital coverage, skilled nursing
- Exclude Custodial, long term care
- Individual Deductible of 952 first 60 days
(2006) - Free to most over 65
- Part B
- Physician, ambulance, outpatient therapy and
other professional services - Deductible 80/20 coinsurance
- Deductible 124 (2006)
- Monthly premium 88.50 (2006)
- Part C
- Medicare Choice
- Now re-named Medicare Advantage (MA)
- Private plans made available in lieu of Parts A
B - Part D
- New Prescription Drug plan
27Medigap Plans
- Secondary Payment Plans after Medicare (must have
Medicare) - Medigap Good housekeeping label
- Labeled Plans A through J and new K and L
- Provided by Insurance Companies
- Standard features all carriers, generally all
states - Many provisions make little sense
- Reimburse enrollee for Medicare deductibles and
coinsurance - Limited or no coverage for Rx
28Medicare Managed Care (Part C)
- Exchange entitlement to Parts A and B for
opportunity to enroll in private plan - Government pays private plan the value of the
Medicare coverage (AAPCC) - Restricted networks (similar to Commercial HMOs
and PPOs) - Offer increased benefits
- Dental
- Rx (e.g., generic coverage, discount cards)
29Medicare Reform
- The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and
Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) adds prescription
drug coverage as of January 1, 2006. - Available to those eligible for Medicare benefits
due to age, disability or end-stage renal
disease. - Provides that employers who continue prescription
drug coverage for retirees who would otherwise be
eligible for Medicare drug benefits can receive a
tax-free subsidy.
30Prescription Drug Program Medicare Part D
- Voluntary Drug Benefit in 2006
- Stand-alone benefit, for a premium (compete with
Medicare Advantage) - Provided through private plans
- Enrollment begins 11/2005
- Standard plan or actuarially equivalent plan
- Catastrophic coverage, with minimal benefits for
those with lower costs - Subsidies to employers who provide coverage
31Prescription Drug Program Medicare Part D
- Prescription Drug Plan Design
- 250 deductible
- Medicare covers 75 of cost up to 2,250
- Medicare covers 0 from 2,250 to 5,100
- Medicare covers 95 of costs above 5,100
- Low income subsidies
- Waive premiums/deductibles increase benefits
for low income patients - Medicare will be primary payer (over Medicaid)
32- Okayso how do we assess the cost of all these
benefits? -
33Part D -- Illustrative Cost Sharing
Retiree also pays 420 Annual Premium
Overall reimbursement Is about 50 of cost
34Impact on Individual Beneficiaries -- 2006
35Impact of Medicare Reform on These Employers
- Employers maintaining Rx plans get tax-free
subsidies of 28 of gross drug costs between 250
and 5,000 (indexed) - Worth perhaps 500 (cash) per year if programs
are kept in place - Reflect present values in FAS 106 (or GASB 45)
valuations - Larger savings if plans are dropped
- Requirements for subsidy
- Plan must be at least actuarially equivalent to
the Medicare Rx plan - Provide actuarial certification
- Maintain records, disclose as required
- Plan redesign may be needed
- Meet minimum requirements for subsidy
- Reduce or eliminate coverage
36How the Subsidy Will Operate
- A cash credit to the Employer tax-free
- Based on the amount of claims underlying the
benefits provided - 28 of the amounts between 250 and 5,000 per
person per year. - Estimate subsidy and actuarial equivalence
- Model Rx costs by person, projecting costs to
2006 - Use both current employer design, and Medicare
37Planning Issues for Employers with Retiree Plans
- Should an Employer keep a plan or not?
- A question of potential savings vs. retiree
reaction - Subsidy estimated as 400 to 500 per person
(cash savings) - Total elimination could be 1,600 to 2,200 per
person (cash) - FAS106 GASB 45 expense and obligation are also
reduced - Alternative strategies
- Eliminate Rx coverage, but pay the Part D premium
(projected to be 420 in 2006, but increasing by
drug trend). - Encourages members to enroll in Part D, but
benefit levels will not be the same as under the
Employer Plan.
38Retiree Response
- Retirees with employer coverage and/or low drug
bills may not want to buy in to Part D - Potentially difficult choice
- Premiums are substantial for low risk
individuals breakeven point is at 810 of drug
expense in 2006. Higher in future years. - Those opting out will be taking a risk, as they
may not be able to enroll at will - Contributions likely to be a driver
- If Employer plan costs less than Medicare,
retirees likely to stay with Employer - High cost Employer plan may push retirees to
39Impact on Medigap Policies
- Recognition that current plans encourage
utilization - NAIC to be asked to develop new plan standards to
recognize changed conditions and need for cost
controls - New ground rules effective 1/1/2006
- Prohibits sale or renewal of Medigap with Rx
coverage - But, those who decline Part D may renew such
plans - Current Plans H, I J to be modified to exclude
drugs and offered to new enrollees - Two new plans
- 50 and 25 coinsurance, and OOP limits
- No coverage of Part B deductibles
40Other Medicare Reforms
- Medicare to provide
- Cover preventative screenings
- Pay for Medication Therapy Management services,
which can be administered by a pharmacist - Cover Chronic Care Improvement programs for
patients with high healthcare costs or multiple
chronic disease states - Standards for Electronic Prescribing to be set
(compliance required by 2008?)
41Resources for InformationWebsites to Know
- Medicare - www.medicare.gov
- Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS)
www.cms.gov - American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) -
www.aarp.org - State Specific
- New York Health Insurance Information,
Counseling Assistance Program-
www.hiicap.state.ny.us/medicare/ - Many other resources
42 43Thank you
Michael L. Frank, ASA, MAAA, FCA President
Actuary Aquarius Capital Phone (914)
933-0063 E-Mail michael.frank_at_aquariuscapital.co
m Donald J. Rusconi II, CFA Vice President
CFO Aquarius Capital Phone (203)
458-1495 E-Mail donald.rusconi_at_aquariuscapital.c
om Website www.aquariuscapital.com