Title: Objective
1Assessment of the Impact of Different Land
Surface Models and Land Initial Conditions on the
Monsoon Climate in the NCEP Climate Forecast
System Evaluations over Asian Monsoon Region and
Indo-Pacific Sector 1Soo-Hyun Yoo , 1Jae Schemm,
1Song Yang, 2Rongqian Yang, and 2Kenneth
Mitchell 1Climate Prediction Center
2Environmental Modeling Center, NCEP/NWS/NOAA,
Camp Springs, Maryland 20746, USA
Objective To understand the impact of new land
surface model (LSM) and land initial condition
(IC) on Asian monsoon climate and its
relationship with Indo-Pacific SST in the NCEP
Climate Forecasting System (CFS).
- Data
- SST Reynolds/NCEP version 2 monthly 1x1
optimally interpolated SST (OISST) - Winds NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data (144x73)
- Precipitation monthly CPC Merged Analysis of
Precipitation (CMAP) data (144x72) - 2m Temperature GHCN/CAMs Global T2m (T126)
- Model Experiments
- Models NCEP CFST126L64 (GFS-OP3T3 MOM-3) with
OSU LSM (2 soil layers)/Noah LSM (4 soil layers) - Initial conditions Apr 19-23, 29, 30, and May
1-3 from Global Reanalysis 2 (GR2)/Global Land
Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) - Four configurations of T126 CFS hindcast runs
- a) OSU_GR2 OSU LSM with initial land states
from GR2 - b) Noah_GR2 Noah LSM with initial land
states from GR2 - c) Noah_GLDAS Noah LSM with initial land
states from T126 GLDAS/Noah - d) Noah_GLDAS_Clim Noah LSM with initial
land states from GLDAS/Noah Climatology - Experiments 6-month (up to September) forecast
runs from 1980 to 2004 - Main Issues
- Improvement from OSU to Noah LSM Comparison
between the configuration a) and b) - Importance of land Ics Comparison among the
configuration b), c), and d)
- Summary
- CFS simulations change more noticeably between
different land models than among different land
initial conditions. - The summer climatologies over Asia are more
reasonably simulated in CFS Noah LSM compatible
GLDAS initial conditions than other model
configurations. - Correlation scores for precipitaion and 2-meter
temperature are the best over subtropical Asia
in configuration CFS Noah_GLDAS.