Title: Welcome to''''
1Welcome to....
8th Grade U.S. History
1. Pass out Volunteer Sheets
2. Quick Autobiography Eric Davis
3. What will my student be studying?
3Our Units are organized into Themes
This means that instead of covering the units
chronologically, we study the units based on
various themes. This allows the students to seem
how certain themes run through all events in
American History.
4 Units of Study
Basic Geography
-The Five Themes of Geography - 50 States and 50
Capitals - 28 Areas of Historical Importance
How and Why do we study History?
- Primary Sources - Secondary Sources - Bias -
Revisionists History - We Study History to
understand the Present and Plan for the Future
5The Westward Expansion of the United States
- Study of the American Peoples Westward
Expansion Such as - The
movement to the Colonies - Lewis and Clark
Expedition - Manifest Destiny
The American Belief System
- Study the Formation and relevancy of the
great American Documents - Constitution,
Declaration of Independence, etc.
6The Economic System of United States
- We will study the impact of Economics in
United States History and simple Financial
Leadership and the Presidency in America
- An in-depth study of the Presidency in
America. - What is the Presidents role and
power? - Examine closely the lives of at least
12 Presidents
7Diversity and Prejudice in America
- Examine the historical interactions between
people of different ethnic backgrounds in the
United States (positive and negative) - A close
look at immigration and Native Americans
Women in American History
- A study of the American Women. From the
Frontier Wife to Susan B. Anthony.
8Conflict in American History
- Wars in American History from the French-Indian
War to the Civil War. Featuring Civil War Day!