Title: FastGrow Plant Systems
1FastGrow Plant Systems
International Innovative Technology,
Inc. and Empire Business Brokers, Inc
2The Problem
- Traditional transplant cells have an inverted
pyramid shape allowing plants to be easily
removed from above
Inverted pyramid cells inhibit root branching
and promote spiraling
3The Solution
- The FastGrow system turns the problem upside
4Dr. BK Huang
156 scientific publications
42 US and foreign patents
AE50 Innovation awards, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005
Rainbird Engineering Concept of the Year, 2001
Inventor of the FastGrow Plant System
5FastGrow cell shape was optimized using 3D
analysis of root architecture
6FastGrow cell depth was optimized using growth
- Plant roots, like shoots, follow a sigmoidal
growth pattern.
Optimum time for air-pruning
Growth rate
Cell Depth
7FastGrow Cells Maximize Root Branching and
Growth Rate
- When roots reach the bottom of the cell,
air pruning stimulates the growth of new roots.
Early growth
Root branching is maximized
Air pruning
Growth rate
Root growth rate is maximized
8Effect of air-pruning on root area
Air pruning cells
Non-air pruning cells
Root area (mm2)
More root area
Tray cell depth (cm)
9FastGrow plants have more root tips
resulting in superior uptake of nutrients and
10FastGrow trays
HDPE is durable and easily sanitized
200 cell tray
Cell depth varies depending on plant type
Size depends on greenhouse requirements
The bottom screen is detachable allowing plugs
to be easily pushed out the bottom
11FastGrow Superior Growth
12Liner production using the FastGrow system
- Maple tree liners
- FastGrow pot with air-pruning screen
- traditional pot with air-pruning
screen - traditional pot
13Research summary
10 to 68 higher yields
- Hundreds of tests with woody and herbaceous
species indicate that FastGrow plants
consistently outperform plants produced using
other tray/pot designs.
14Automated Transplanting
Video clips of the automated transplanting system
are available.
AE50 2003 Award Winner
15Automated removal of plugs from trays
Tray handling is a fully automated process
performed on an actuated platform with an
electric eye for plant detection. Plugs are
removed through the bottom of trays by a
pneumatic pulse.
AE50 2000 Award Winner
16FastGrow matrix transplanter
Transplanting from FastGrow trays into
multi-packs is easy, fast, and inexpensive.
AE50 2005 Award Winner
17FastGrow Patents
- US Patent 6357180, 3/2002
- Shape of Container
- Depth of Container
- Air pruning tray bottom
- US Patents 5573558 and 5254140
- Transplanting Systems
- Matrix
- Field (Mulch and non-mulch)
18Summary of Fast Grow Plant Systems
- Three Key Design Factors
- Cell Shape, Cell Depth, and Air pruning screen
lead to - Superior root architecture
- Superior field establishment
- Reduced growing time
- Less media required
- Fully or semi-automated transplanting
19Licensing Terms
- 10,000 up front fee for cell/pot design patents
license Same for license of auto and
semiautomatic transplanting patents plus - 5 revenue royalty on each pot or tray
- Lower as volume increases
- Flexible Timing
- Right to audit
- Non-exclusive
20Contact Information
- Tim Martin, Empire Business Brokers, Inc.
- 919-524-7070
- jtim3667_at_earthlink.net
- Pat Bentley, Empire Business Brokers, Inc.
- 919-858-7528
- pbentley_at_nc.rr.com
- Joel Gruver, N.C. State Soil Science Department
- 919-515-2644
- jbgruver_at_unity.ncsu.edu