Title: Consumer Behavior
1Chapter 16 Consumer Behavior and Product
216.1 A Expectancy Disconfirmation Approach to
Prepurchase performance expectations
Post purchase performance perceptions
Satisfaction / dissatisfaction
316.2 Categories of Brand Commitment and
Purchasing Patterns
Brand Loyalty
Variety Seeking
Consumer Commitment
Low High
Repeat Purchase
Varied Behavior
Single Multiple
Number of brands purchased in a particular time
416.3 Brand Loyalty and Usage Rate
Brand Loyalty
Brand-loyal heavy users
Brand-loyal light users
Light usage
Heavy usage
Brand-indifferent light users
Brand-indifferent heavy users
Variety Seeking
516.4 The Adoption curve
Innovators Early Early Late
Laggards adopters
adopters adopters
3-5 10-15 34
34 5-15
Adoption rate 0 100
616.5 Analyzing Consumer-Product Relationships
- Compatibility- How well does this product fit
consumers current affect, cognitions and
behavior? - Triability-Can the consumer try the product on a
limited basis with little risk? - Observability- Do consumers see or otherwise
sense this product? - Speed- How soon do consumers experience the
benefits of this product?
716.6 Analyzing Consumer-Product Relationships,
- Simplicity - How easy is it for consumers to
understand and use this product? - Relative advantage- What makes this product
better than competitive offerings? - Product symbolism- What does this product mean to
consumers? - Marketing strategy- What is the role of other
marketing mix elements in creating a functional
or image-related relative advantage?