Title: A1261870220xUIXC
1Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
2Sedimentary Rocks
argillaceous limestones
bituminous limestones
calcareous shale
bituminous coal
coal bitumen
cannel coal
carbonaceous shale bone coal
organic matter
Complete continuum!!
3Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
Organic matter
Bitumen high in C H, low in O liquid
petroleum solid asphalt
origin animal fats proteins Humic - high
in C O, low H liquid kerogen
solid coal, peat origin plant lignins
4Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
- Coal
- high percentage carbon
- high molecular weight
compounds - small amounts H, O, N
- may contain S, P, U, Ge
- gt 3000 plant species identified
5Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
Environment of Formation fresh water swamps on
deltas or coastal plains inland lake basins
environment requires rapid accumulation and
burial of plant matter under anaerobic conditions.
6Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
Origin of Coal
- Coal metamorphism
- With increased burial decomposition, increase
in T P - volatiles (CO2, methane, H2O) driven off
- C increases, H O decreases
- amount of plant remains decreases
- hardness increases
- calorific value (BTUs) increases
7Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
Origin of Coal
Transgression and regressions produce multiple,
wedge-shaped coal seams.
8Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
Coal Rank
Meta-anthracite Anthracite Semianthracite
Anthracite Bituminous Subbituminous Lignite
Hard Coals
Low volatile Med. Volatile High Volatile A
Brown Coals
9Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
Coal constituents (lithotypes)
bright, lustrous hydrocarbon-rich sapropelic
(bitumen-like from organic slime)
dull, sooty humic
10(No Transcript)
11Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
Megascopic components of anthraxylon attritus
Clarian - laminated, silky or glossy luster,
smooth fracture perp. to bedding, clean to
touch Durain - homogeneous, dull matte luster,
granular fracture, lead-gray or brownish
black Fusain - mineral charcoal, friable to
powdery, porous, satiny or silky luster, dirty
to touch Vitrain - homogeneous, vitreous
luster, concoidal fracture, brittle, clean to
12Sedimentary Rocks
Organic Sediments
Microscopic components of anthraxylon attritus
vitrinite degraded cell structure cutinite
- leaf or bark surface fusinite - carbonized
wood sporinite - compressed spores resinite
- tree sap micrinite - sub-optical plant
detrital material
Also semifusinite, sclerotinite, inertinite,
exinite, alginite, liptonite maceral groups,
maceral suites
13Sedimentary Rocks
Field distinctions for coals
Lt. tan to dk. brown. Spongy mass of matted,
partly decayed plant remains. Burns readily when
dried w/ smoky flame strong odor. Responsible
for distinct taste of Scotch Whisky.
14Sedimentary Rocks
Field distinctions for coals
Chocolate brown to nearly black, dull
luster. Dense to earthy fragile, crumbles when
dried. Partially decayed plant fragments
preserved. Burns w/ smoky flame strong odor.
Does not coke grades into sub-bituminous coal,
which cokes.
15Sedimentary Rocks
Field distinctions for coals
Dark gray to black, typically banded
w/alternating layers of dull vitreous. Brittle,
tends to break in blocks due to jointing
perpendicular to beds. Does not crumble in
air. Does not contain megascopic plant
debris. Burns readily w/ oily odor.
16Sedimentary Rocks
Field distinctions for coals
Semianthracite megascopically indistinguishable
from bituminous
higher BTUs wont coke Anthracite lustrous
gray to jet black subconcoidal fracture
sometimes iridescent (peacock coal) ignites w/
difficulty but burns w/out smoke or odor
17Sedimentary Rocks