2Accomplish verb vykonat, provést, uskutecnit,
- Synonyms accomplish, achieve, carry out, pull
off - Accomplish
- To do something successfully
- You wont accomplish anything by arguing.
- Achieve
- To succeed in doing something after trying very
hard - Have you achieved all your aims?
- The company has achieved great success in the USA.
3Accomplish verb vykonat, provést, uskutecnit,
- Carry out
- To do something, especially something that has
been planned - Doctors carried out tests on the patients.
- The police carrying out a search for the missing
man. - Pull off
- To succeed in doing something very good,
especially if it is unexpected - The deal will be great for the company, if we can
pull it off.
4Anger noun hnev, zlost, zurivost, vztek
- Synonyms anger, annoyance, irritation,
resentment, fury, rage - Anger
- A feeling of being very annoyed
- He managed to control his anger.
- She couldnt hide the anger she felt.
- Annoyance (zlost, mrzutost, trápení)
- A feeling of being slightly upset or impatient
- There was a tone of annoyance in her voice.
5Anger noun hnev, zlost, zurivost, vztek
- Irritation (podráždenost, roztrpcení)
- A feeling of being annoyed and impatient
- She watched with irritation as he tried to fix
the wheel again. - Resentment (nelibost, zlost, vztek, odpor)
- The feeling of being angry and upset about
something that someone else has done - The decision caused a lot of resentment among
local people.
6Anger noun hnev, zlost, zurivost, vztek
- Fury (besnení, zurivost, vztek)
- Very strong anger
- He shouted at us in fury.
- Rage (vztek, hnev, zlost)
- Sudden extreme anger
- Her face was red with rage.
7Annoy verb obtežovat, jít na nervy,
znepokojovat, soužit
- Synonyms annoy, irritate, bother, bug
- Annoy
- To make someone feel slightly angry or impatient
- Their rude behaviour really annoyed us.
- Irritate (dráždit, provokovat, popudit)
- A feeling of being slightly upset or impatient
- There was a tone of annoyance in her vioce.
8Annoy verb obtežovat, jít na nervy,
znepokojovat, soužit
- Bother (rušit, vyrušovat, otravovat)
- To make someone feel slightly upset or irritatted
- It bothers me that it takes so long to get a
reply. - Bug (otravovat, jít na nervy)
- (informal) to make someone feel slightly angry,
especially for a long time. - That noise is really bugging me.
- Its bugging me that I cant remember his name.
9Annoy verb obtežovat, jít na nervy,
znepokojovat, soužit
- Antonyms
- Please (potešit, uspokojit, udelat radost)
- To make someone happy of satisfied
- Delight
- To give great pleasure to someone