Title: German contributions to AMS02 Prof' S' Schael, RWTH Aachen
1German contributions to AMS-02Prof. S. Schael,
RWTH Aachen
2AMS-02 Particle Identification
3The project is funded by theGerman space agency
(DLR) 25 scientists engineers
4AMS-02 TRD Project
RWTH Aachen
Uni. Karlsruhe
Uni. Rome
5TRD Flight Hardware
6AMS-02 Transition Radiation Detector
7Detector Thermal Vacuum Test
4 layers of straw modules
Gas System
8(No Transcript)
9Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial
PhysicsProf. Dr. J. Trümper
AMS-02 Space Qualification
1990-1999 ROSAT, P.I. J. Trümper
10Tracker Mechanics Alignment System
11AMS-02 Tracker support structure
12(No Transcript)
13ACC purpose
- ACC detects unwanted particle (p-, ) tracks
running through the tracker volume outside the
main acceptance mimicking antinuclei. - Requirements
- High detection efficiency
- operational in high field
- fast response for trigger
14ACC System
15ACC AMS-01 ETH Zürich July 1997
16 17Summary
- AMS is an excellent project supported by the
German Space Agency due to - it's outstanding potential to discover new
physics - it's technical challenges
- it's international visibility
- it's attractiveness for young, bright students