Title: Best German Language Schools in Germany
1Escuela Panamá
Best German Language School in Germany
Michele E. Broszio, M.A. Owner and Language
Trainer for Spanish and German at the Escuela
Panamá Born and raised in Colón Panamá
Geomar Martínez Pérez Since 2018 Spanish and
German Language Trainer at Escuela Panamá Born in
1990 in Havana, Cuba
3Our Business Offer
We provide special language training for all
variety of companies and business that Is
outlined for all the successful interaction with
business clients and partners in different places
all across the globe. Our courses can be
transpired in our school, in your business places
as an inhouse training.
4Our Offer in Details
- Spanish for Business Situations
- Online Language Courses
- Intercultural Workshops (Language Trips, Cooking
Courses, Dance Workshops, Sporting Events) - DELE Preparation
- German as a Foreign Language for Business and
Everyday Situations - Guidance for Foreign Employees of Businesses in
Bremen (Support with Leisure Activities, Local
Authorities, Kindergarten, School Searches, etc.)
5- Michele Broszio, Managing Director.Aumunder
Feldstr. 47,28757 Bremen - Fon 49 421- 8357232
- Fax 49 421- 8357233
- Email info_at_escuela-panama.com
- Web www.escuela-panama.com