This know also, that in the last days perilous
times shall come. 2 Timothy 31 (KJV)
2The Bible gives us many signs by which we can
tell that the Coming of Jesus is Near, even at
the door. We will look at some of them in other
Slideshows, but perhaps one of the most visible
is found in man himself!
There has been given to us a character profile
whereby we can KNOW where we are in history. You
can find it in 2 Timothy 31-7
3This know also, that in the last days perilous
times shall come. 2 Timothy 31 (KJV)
The last days will be perilous times. No other
place in the Bible is the word "perilous" used.
Perilous very dangerous involving exposure to
very great danger. Any way you look at it, the
end times will be bad! BUT WHY?
41) lovers of their own selves,
Have you noticed the shift in focus in these last
decades? Where formerly a man was admired as he
sacrificed for family country God. But now a
man boasts of Doing His Own Thing, and people
do not question it. Abandoning others so one can
Live His Own Life is the IN thing!
And what about all the emphasis on Self
Gratification Self Esteem ? Treat yourself
You deserve it! Pamper yourself!
Where in the not too distant past, people lived
worked and co-operated for the sake of their
extended families these days see even teens
wanting their Own Apartments so they can do as
they please.
5(No Transcript)
2) Covetous ! People now want and want and want,
even when they can't afford to have. Even what
they have no right to have!
Never before in history have people been more
caught up with things and the latest gadgetry.
Never before has credit been so available but
still the cry is More! More! More!
7(No Transcript)
3) Boasters ! Dictionary to praise yourself, or
speak arrogantly about things you possess or have
Just listen to people talk about themselves! We
even have countless Talk-Shows for this purpose.
4) Proud ! You may recall that it was pride that
led to the fall of Lucifer out of heaven. Pride
and Self-exaltation made a demon out of the
brightest angel! The Bible teaches that the proud
and arrogant will not be in heaven. Think about
it, if God allowed anyone in heaven that fit the
descriptions of this text, He would have to
apologize to Lucifer and invite him back into
heaven. People are so prideful, even those that
claim to be saved!
11(No Transcript)
12Lucifer stated "I will" five times, in his proud
boast about how he would take the place of God
and overthrow the heavenly host of angels.
13I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God I will sit also
upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides
of the north I will ascend above the heights of
the clouds I will be like the most High. Yet
thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides
of the pit. Isa 1413-15
5) Blasphemers ! The Bible states that a
blasphemer is a person that claim themselves to
be God or to assume His authority. There are
groups that claim that man, over a process of
time, can be god. Think about that! God has
placed his signature on all of creation. He has
created something from nothing. No man or devil
can do this!
A Blasphemer is also one who denies God or
insults Him. In our age we are seeing such
Heaven-daring rudeness to God as even criminals
of the past would have feared to speak or do. And
most people laugh at it!
15(No Transcript)
6) Disobedient to Parents! In the past people
still very much respected their parents. Today we
see even small children screaming I Hate You!
at their parent when they have been denied some
small indulgence.
Children will tell parents what they are going to
do, like it or not! They have become manipulative
of the parents for their own selfish desires. As
for my people, children are their oppressors
Isaiah 312
17(No Transcript)
7) Unthankful! Dictionary without feelings of
gratitude. People are not thankful. They believe
that the world owes them a living whether they
earn it or not.
Parents have taught their children to expect
gifts just because of what day it is - and the
attitude is that this is their right!
They also have no sense of the debt they owe to
their Creator and Redeemer!
8) Unholy ! The Bible states that we are to be
holy because God is Holy. The character of God is
that He cannot tolerate SIN. Yet we as a people
of God tolerate sin in our body on a continual
basis. We explain it away by saying, Surely
God......... (Before we finish the statement....
that is blasphemy). We cannot begin to imagine
what God would allow in our body. We cannot begin
to imagine how God thinks! We must take heed to
His Word!
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so
are my ways higher than your ways, and my
thoughts than your thoughts. Isa 559
20(No Transcript)
9) Without natural affection! Jude 10 refers to
such a person as a "Brute Beast", then continues
to say "Woe unto them for they have gone the way
of Cain". Cain murdered his brother Able because
Able tried to warn him not to sin! Selfishness is
the root of this lack of love.
Natural affection is the love that God placed
within our being to have for one another. We are
now living in a time where a child growing in its
mothers womb is worth only the amount of money
required to abort it. God wants us to love one
- 10) Trucebreakers - Breaking agreements and
promises whenever it is convenient to do so.
  11) False Accusers - to charge somebody falsely
who is not guilty of crime or what we accuse them
- 12) Incontinent - unrestrained and
uncontrolled, primarily lacking restraint in
sexual matters. Not only is this rampant in the
world today but even amongst professing
Christians and mostly people ignore it.Â
- Â Â Â Â 13) Fierce - showing aggression or anger.
More and more people are impatient and quick to
wrath than ever before. People will blow you away
for cutting them off in traffic.
2414) Despisers of those that are good- I remember
when good and well doing was admired and promoted
on movies and in books. Today the character shown
as good in a story is usually ridiculed or
played down while the wicked are held up as being
realistic. Â
Many a young person does wickedly merely so his
friends wont call him a sissy or a
goody-goody. Time after time on TV and even
cartoons we see the studious and hard-working set
out as geeks or misfits and the sexually pure
are mocked as not with it or prudes.
Even those who want to uphold right will usually
say, well everyone has their own opinions. This
is what is right for me! Rarely do we hear
This is WRONG! and almost never This is SIN!
- 15) Traitors - Those who betray the trust of
others, and behave in a disloyal or treacherous
- Â Â 16) Heady - impetuous impulsive and rash in
behavior If it feels good- Do it!    Â
- 17) High-minded - To inflate ones-self with
self-conceit, to be lifted up with pride. To
think oneself highly important.
- Â Â Â Â 18) Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of
God -! There has not been any other time in these
past two thousand years, since this book of
Timothy has been written, that people love their
pleasures and entertainment more than they do
today. Certainly they love pleasure more than
they love God! Even their worship of God
centers on indulgence, church suppers, and
27(No Transcript)
28When on every side we hear the chants "true
knowledge places man above all law" that
"whatever is, is right" that "God doth not
condemn" and that "all sins which are committed
are innocent." When the people are thus led to
believe that desire is the highest law, that
liberty is license, and that man is accountable
only to himself, who can wonder that corruption
and depravity teem on every hand?
Multitudes are eagerly accepting teachings that
leave them at liberty to obey the promptings of
the carnal heart. The reins of self-control are
laid upon the neck of lust, the powers of mind
and soul are made subject to the animal nature,
and Satan exultingly sweeps into his net
thousands who profess to be followers of Christ.
29These -- the teachings of SPIRITUALISM - Are even
heard in our pulpits today! And they are called
LOVE by the deluded.
3019) Having a form of godliness but denying the
power thereof! Of all this amazing prophecy,
this item is perhaps the greatest sign of our
times! Never has religion been so widely
accepted among the worldly minded and never
before has so much worldliness been accepted and
welcomed into the church! In the past, getting
religion was associated with repenting and
turning from at least the grosser sins. Now it
means socializing and indulgence, entertainment
and anything goes.
31But if you start to talk of the POWER of the Lord
to free the life from SIN! People turn away. If
you have a problem You will be advised to go to
counselors, self-help seminars, therapy groups.
The POWER of God is pushed aside and Humanism
stands in its place. The first question is not
What is Truth? but What organization or group
do you belong to?
Pr 3011 There is a generation that curseth
their father, and doth not bless their mother.
12 There is a generation that are pure in their
own eyes, and yet is not washed from their
filthiness. 13 There is a generation, O how
lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are
lifted up. 14 There is a generation, whose teeth
are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to
devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy
from among men".
Jesus said Rev. 317 Because thou sayest, I am
rich, and increased with goods, and have need of
nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched,
and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked
What are we advised to do when we see these
things? "From such turn away."
34What are we to turn to? "I counsel thee to buy
of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be
rich and white raiment, that thou mayest be
clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do
not appear and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve,
that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I
rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore, and
repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock
if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I
will come in to him, and will sup with him, and
he with me." Re 318-20