Title: Ali Long Rearing Channel Habitat Improvements Upper Methow River
1Ali Long Rearing Channel Habitat Improvements-
Upper Methow River
2Overall Goal For The Methow Subbasin
to restore and protect the abundance,
productivity, and diversity of biological
communities and habitats with the Subbasin.
Methow Subbasin Summary, Foster 2001
3Additional Goals To Guide Fish, Wildlife
Habitat Activities Are-
- use of strategies that rely on natural
production and healthy habitat to achieve
restoration and protection goals - ...passing on to future generations a
functioning ecosystem capable of supporting
self-sustaining populations of anadromous and
resident fish
Methow Subbasin Summary, Foster 2001
4Protect intact healthy habitat and restore
habitat connectivity and overall habitat quality
in degraded areas.
Yakama Nation Objective One
- improved instream base flows,
- restore cut off side channels...
- remove constrictions and constraints with the
channel migration zone
Yakama Nation Strategy One
Methow Subbasin Summary, Foster 2001
5Methow Subbasin Habitat Goal
to restore and maintain normative biological
and physical processes such that healthy
indigenous populations of aquatic and terrestrial
species can sustain themselves over the
Methow Subbasin Summary, Foster 2001
6Lost River Confluence
Goat Wall
Mazama Bridge
Early Winters Creek Confluence
7River miles 68.5 to 69.5
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12Limiting Factors Addressed- Physical
- Increase floodplain conveyance.
- Increase channel complexity.
- Increase groundwater storage capacity.
13Limiting Factors Addressed- Biological
- Increase off-channel rearing capacity for newly
emergent fry and parr late March through August.
Long-Term Benefits To Salmonids- ???
14Project Objectives
Objective 1. Conduct a geomorphologic-hydrologica
l assessment of the side channel and adjacent
main channel.
Objective 2. Reconnect the side channel to the
main channel.
Objective 3. Increase side channel complexity .
Objective 4. Monitor and evaluate project the
project in terms of usage by fish and changes in
channel formation of the side channel.