Title: Distribution Amplitudes of Light Mesons in the Instanton Model
1Distribution Amplitudes of Light Mesons in the
Instanton Model
- A.E. Dorokhov (JINR, Dubna)
Introduction Instanton Model of QCD
vacuum Definitions of Pion, Rho and Photon
DAs Light cone DAs ZOO Conclusions
Together with W. Broniowski (INP, Krakow) and E.
Ruiz Arriola (Granada University)
2Hadronic Distribution Amplitudes (DA)
Twist expansion
Coefficient function
Distribution Amplitude
DA (source) is the probability amplitude to find
qq pair in the Pion with xqx
3Pion DAs in QCD
Twist 2
Twist 3
Fixed by chiral symmetry
Symmetries do not define fTp
4QCD is the interaction theory of hadrons in terms
of fundamental degrees of freedom massless
gluons and massive quarks
Perturbative series are asymptotic one
There are nonperturbative phenomena, non
analytical in g
Instanton is nonperturbative solution of
classical Yang-Mills equations.
Instanton Quark Zero Mode Solution
r0.3 fm is the size of instanton
5Instanton Liquid Model
The dressed quark propagator is defined as
f(k) is quark zero mode in the Instanton field
The pion vertex
6Pion DAs of twists 2 and 3
Axial-Vector (leading twist 2) Pseudo-Scalar
(twist 3) Tensor (twist 3)
Important that DAs are suppressed at edge points
x0,1, since a(x(1-x)q2) is not small there
7The result for couplings is
8Pion Transition Form Factor (CLEO data vs
Instanton Model)
The points are CLEO data
The curve is Instanton Model prediction
9Photon DAs
Twist 2
Twist 3
Magnetic susceptibility of quark condensate
(Ioffe, Smilga)
10Conserved Vector current.
as in pQCD
The Vector vertex
Nonlocal part
11Nonperturbative parameters
QCD sr (Braun, Ball)
12Tensor Photon DA (Twist 2 )
13Off-shell effects on photon DA of leading twist
q2 0 GeV2 dashed line
q2 0.25 GeV2 solid line
q2 -0.09 GeV2 short-dashed line
asymptotic DA dotted line
Dependence of the twist-2 tensor component of the
photon DA on transverse momentum squared
14Twist 3 Axial Photon DA
q2 0 GeV2 dashed line
q2 0.25 GeV2 solid line
Dependence of the twist-3 axial-vector component
of the photon DA on transverse momentum squared
15Twist 3 Vector Photon DA
q2 0 GeV2 dashed line
q2 0.25 GeV2 solid line
Wandzura-Wilczek approximation
Conformal Expansion model
Dependence of the twist-3 vector component of the
photon DA on transverse momentum squared
16Effects of QCD evolution
Instanton model scale 530 MeV
The LO ER-BL evolution of the nonlocal model
predictions for the leading-twist tensor photon
DA. Top left the real photon DA, top right the
virtual photon at q2 0.25 GeV2 bottom the
virtual photon at q2-0.09 GeV2. The dashed lines
show the asymptotic DA. Initial conditions are
indicated by dotted lines. The solid lines
correspond to evolved DAs at scales Q 1, 2.4,
10, and 1000 GeV.
17Leading twist Transverse and Longitudinal r-meson
Strong suppression of hadronic (rho) DAs at
endpoint region
18A number Applications of DAs Pion and g may be
measured in the as a transition form factor like
g?pg (JLAB, USA) In diffractive double-jet
production (HERA FNAL) g and r are important
for diffractive r meson production
(HERA) B-meson exclusive decays B?pp, rg (KEK)
19Pion and Photon dissociation to q q via two-gluon
(Pomeron) exchange
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22- Conclusions
- Twist 2,3 and 4 pion, photon and rho DAs are
found within the instanton model at low momenta
scale. - 2) At this scale they differ essentially from
asymptotic shape and thus QCD evolution is
important for phenomenology. - 3) Hadronic DAs (p,r) are suppressed at edge
points x0,1 reflecting nonlocal structure of QCD
vacuum. It make pQCD to be applicable to some
hard processes as(x(1-x)Q2) - 4) At the same time hadronic component of photon
DAs is almost constant because it couples to
currents locally. Photon DAs are calculated for
real and virtual photons with transverse and
longitudinal polarizations. - 5) First direct experimental measurements of pion
and photon DAs in dissociation processes are
presented - The Instanton Liquid Model resembles the
nonperturbative - QCD dynamics.