Title: Life of the Paleozoic
1Life of the Paleozoic
2Paleozoic Organism Innovations
- Shelly fauna
- Land plants
- Amniotes
- Vertebrates
3Precambrian Life
- Precambrian life begins as
- Prokaryotes (beginning at least 3.5 bya, possibly
3.8 bya or more, in the Archean) - Archaea (including thermophiles of deep sea
hydrothermal springs) - Bacteria (some of which were anaerobic)
- Photosynthetic cyanobacteria which constructed
filamentous algal mats (stromatolites), sometimes
called blue-green algae.
4Precambrian Life (continued)
- Eukaryotes (beginning about 1.4 -1.6 bya in the
Mesoproterozoic) - Microscopic unicellular organisms of various
types (Protozoa) - Acritarchs - probably phytoplankton
- Algae
- Metazoans or multicellular organisms (beginning
in the Neoproterozoic) - Soft-bodied Ediacaran fauna (beginning about 630
mya or 0.63 bya) - Small shelly fossils - tubes etc., few mm in
size, possibly the remains of primitive molluscs,
worms, sponges.
5Modes of Life in Marine Zone(pg. 130-132)
- Location nektonic, planktonic, benthic
- Bottom dwellers epifaunal, infaunal, mobile
- Feeding strategy filter-feeders, sediment-feeders
6Marine Ecosystem
- Where and how animals and plants live in the
marine ecosystem
7Animals with shells
- Pre-Shells Proterozoic (Ediacaran) Fossils
- Tommotian Fauna Fossils from Siberia, Sweden, N.
America, Antarctica, and England - Shells and elements of tiny mollusks, sponges,
and cap-shaped tubular shells (calcium carbonate
or phosphate) - Anabarites tubular fossils (three tubes joined
together) - Lapworthella cap-shaped and ornamented
8Late Precambrian and Early Cambrian shell-bearing
fossils from Siberia. (A) Anabarella, a
gastropod (B) Camenella, affinity uncertain
(C) Aldanella, a gastropod (D) sponge spicule
(E) Fomitchella, affinity uncertain and (F)
Lapworbella. (After Matthews, S. J., and
Missarzbevsky, V. V. J. 1975. Geol. Soc. London
131 289-304.)
- Extraordinary Early Cambrian Soft-Body Fossil
Sites - Burgess Shale, British Columbia, Canada (525 m.y.
old) - viewed as one of the most important faunas in
fossil record - impressions and films on bedding planes
- limited exposure near Mt. Wapta, BC
- discovered by C.D. Walcott in 1909
- Chengjiang site, China (535 m.y. old)
- 10 m.y. older than Burgess Shale
- Early chordates
10Figure 10-2 (p. 332) Geologic time scale across
the Proterozooic-Cambrian boundary showing
position of the Ediacaran, Chengjiang, and
Burgess Shale faunas.
11(No Transcript)
12Burgess Shale Fauna
- Several groups of arthropods, including
trilobites and crustaceans - Sponges
- Onycophorans
- Crinoids
- Molluscs
- Three phyla of worms
- Chordates (Pikaia)
- Many other species, some of which cannot be
placed into known phyla
13Burgess Shale Fauna
Pikaia, one of the oldest known Chordates.
The giant predator of the Cambrian seas,
Anomalocaris, up to 60 cm long.
Hallucigenia-- Which way is up?
14Invertebrates of the Paleozoic
- Unicellular Groups (Protistans)
- Cup Animals archaeocyathids
- Pore-Bearers porifera (sponges)
- Corals and Other Cnidarians
- Bryozoans (Moss Animals)
- Brachiopods (most abundant diverse Paleozoic
fossil) - Mollusks
- Arthropods
- Echinoderms (Spiny-skinned)
15Protists of the Paleozoic
- While not members of Kingdom Animalia, they are
animal-like (non-photosynthetic) single-celled
organisms with shells or hard parts living during
the Paleozoic. -
- Both the Foraminifera and the Radiolaria belong
to Phylum Sarcodina.
17Cup Animals archaeocyathids
- Conical or vase-shaped skeletons
- Extinct phylum by end of Cambrian
- Earliest reef builders
- N. America, Siberia, Antarctica, Australia
- Australian reefs 60 m x 200 km
18The archaeocyathan skeleton. (A) Longitudinally
fluted cup of an archaeocyathan, about 6
centimeters in height. (B) Transverse section of
a nonfluted archaeocyathan having closely spaced
parieties and a vesicular inner wall (maximum
diameter is 4 centimeters).
19Pore-Bearers porifera (sponges)
- Sessile, bottom dwellers
- Spicules--found commonly in sediment record
- Stromatoporoid
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21Corals and Other Cnidarians
- Main groups
- sea anemones
- sea fans
- jellyfish
- Hydra
- reef-forming corals
- Body form polyp or medusa
- Anthozoa (stony corals) polyp secrets Calcium
carbonate cup and lives within it - theca (cup) divided by vertical plates (septa)
- tabulae (horizontal growth plates in theca)
23Figure 10-22 (p. 341) Comparison of polyp and
medusa forms in cnidarians.
24Rugose versus tabulate corals
- Rugose have septa at four locations
- Tabulate corals have obscure septa, tabulae are
dominant (e.g., honeycomb and chain corals)
25Rugose versus tabulate corals
26Bryozoans (Moss Animals)
- Minute, symmetrical, colonial, twig-like
macroscopic appearance - Zooid individual fossil living site
- Zooecium capsule which contains zoids
- Range Lower Ordovician to present
- Paleozoic forms common in reefs
- Encrusting or arborescent
- Branching zooarium
- Star-shaped patterns
- Corkscrew fenestellid colony, Archimedes
- Fan-Shaped
Fenestrella, a lacy bryozoan from the Devonian
Specimen of the fossil bryozoan, Archimedes
28Brachiopods (most abundant, diverse, and useful
Paleozoic fossil group)
- Bivalves symmetrical across the valve (shell)
valves are dorsal and ventral - Calcium carbonate (most taxa), chitin, calcium
phosphate - Articulate brachipods valves hinged along
posterior margin (teeth and sockets) commonly
ribbed or ornamented - first occurred during Cambrian
- flourished during Ordovician
- common during Late Paleozoic
- persist today
- Inarticulate brachiopods valves held by muscles
- commonly chitino-phosphatic
- simple spoon-shaped or circular valves
- major decline in diversity during Ordovician
exist today
29Living positions of articulate and inarticulate
brachiopods. (A) The articulate (B) Interior of
brachial valve showing ciliated lophophore. (C)
The inarticulate brachiopod lives in a tube
30Articulate Brachiopods
Ordovician strophomenid articulate brachiopod,
Miscellaneous Paleozoic articulate brachiopods.
31Inarticulate Brachiopod
32Phylum Mollusca
- Clams, oysters, snails, slugs, Nautilus, squid,
octopus, cuttlefish - Mollusca means " soft bodied" .
- Chief characteristics Soft body enclosed within
a calcium carbonate shell. Muscular part of body
of clams and snails and some other groups of
molluscs is called the foot. - Geologic range Cambrian to Recent.
- Mode of life Marine, freshwater, or terrestrial.
Some swim, some float or drift, some burrow into
mud or sand, some bore into wood or rock, some
attach themselves to rocks, and some crawl.
33Figure 10-31 (p. 347) Some common members of
the phylum Mollusca. (From Levin, H. L., 1975.
Life Through Time. Dubuque, IA William C. Brown
34Class Bivalvia (Pelecypoda)
- Includes Clams, oysters, scallops, mussels
- Name Bivalvia means " two" (bi) " shells"
(valvia). - Chief characteristics Skeleton consists of two
calcareous valves connected by a hinge. Bilateral
symmetry valves are same - Geologic range Early Cambrian to Recent
- Mode of life Marine and freshwater. Many species
are infaunal burrowers or borers, and others are
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36Class Gastropoda
- Includes Snails and slugs
- Name Gastropod means "stomach" (gastro) "foot"
(pod). - Chief characteristics Asymmetrical,
spiral-coiled calcareous shell. - Geologic range Early Cambrian to Recent.
- Mode of life Marine, freshwater or terestrial.
Fossil gastropod
Modern gastropod
38Class Cephalopoda
- Includes Squid, octopus, Nautilus, cuttlefish
- Name Cephalopod means " head" (kephale) "
foot" (pod). - Chief characteristics Symmetrical cone-shaped
shell with internal partitions called septae
(singular septum). Shell may be straight or
coiled in a spiral which lies in a plane. Smooth
or contorted sutures visible on the outside of
some fossils mark the place where septae join the
outer shell. - Geologic range Late Cambrian to Recent.
- Mode of life Marine only carnivorous
(meat-eating) swimmers.
39Nautiloids and Ammonoids
Diagram of a nautiloid cephalopod illustrating
suture pattern.
Diagram illustrating ammonite sutures in an
Ammonite cephalopod.