Title: Evaluation of processes used in screen imperfection algorithms
1Evaluation of processes used in screen
imperfection algorithms
- Screen compensation algorithm
- Divided in four parts
- Projector characterization
- Camera characterization
- Geometrical alignment
- Screen compensation
- A Projection System with Radiometric
compensation for Screen Imperfections, Nayar et
al. - Making One Object Look Like Another Controlling
Appearance Using a Projector-Camera System,
Grossberg et al. - Robust Content-Dependent Photometric Projector
Compensation, Ashdown et al.
- Screens increases the cost of projectors
- Screens takes up space
- Screens decreases projectors mobility
- And therefore decreases functionality.
- Can alter color of objects (Virtual offices).
- Thesis
- General
- Goal
- General model for characterization
- Projector
- Camera
- Geometrical alignment
- This thesis focus on the different steps of
achieving screen independence. - Evaluated 2 projector characterization methods
and established their parameters. - Evaluated 4 camera characterization methods and
established their parameters. - Transformation of coordinates of the screen from
the captured image to the original image. - Use of regression to compensate for the screens
6Thesis- general
Colors are modified by the projector.
Color I is projected
Colors are modified by the screen
Camera captures projected colors. Colors are
again modified, this time by the camera
7Thesis - general
- Input and output devices are restricted by their
sensors and/or ability to reproduce colors. - To be able to calculate how screens modify
colors, we need to know how input and output
devices modify them first.
- Evaluate characterization methods for camera
- Evaluate characterization methods for projectors
- Implement Geometrical alignment algorithm
- Investigate the effect of screen compensation as
the characterization error changes.
9General model of characterization
Ex.Spline interpolation
10Projector Resarch Questions
- How many colors are needed for linearization
using linear, spline and cubic interpolation? - How will PLCC compare against a characterization
using regression? - How many colors in the training set is needed to
for the color difference to be considered hardly
visible, when regression is used?
11Projector - Characterization methods
- 3 different interpolation techniques for
linearization. - Piecewise Linear assuming constant chromaticity
model (PLCC). - Regression
Gamut of the projector
Color difference is calculated for different
amount of colors used in linearization and as
trainining-set. PLCC do no require
training-set. Different interpolaiton techniques
was used to linearize RGB.
51 colors for the training-set
33 colors pr ramp
150 Random colors
100 colors for test-set
10 to 20 colors
10 to 20 colors
13Projector conclusion
- PLCC performed better than regression. With only
12 colors used in linearization acceptable result
is achieved. - Possible threat The assumptions of the PLCC
model is correct for the test-set but not for the
whole gamut. - It is possible to achieve good result with
regression using 12 or more colors for
linearization and 12-18 colors in the
14Camera Research questions
- How many colors should be used for regression?
- What order of polynomial regression should we
use? - How will the use of only the cubic root function
before transformation to LAB perform? - How will use of CIELAB compare to CIEXYZ?
- Will always the method that performs best in
CIEXYZ perform best also in CIELAB? - How stabile are these methods?
15Camera characterization methods
Method name Method description
Method 1 Gamma method for linearization and regression into CIEXYZ space
Method 2 Polynomial fitting for linearization and regression into CIEXYZ space
Method 3 No linearization beyond a cubic root function and regression into CIELAB space
Method 4 Gamma method and a cubic root function for linearization and regression into CIELAB space
Method 5 Polynomial fitting and a cubic root function for linearization and regression not CIELAB space
16Camera Experiment
- Regression up to fourth order was used.
- Methods were tested 100 timer per training-set.
- 180 random colors were measured
- 33 grey values were used for linearization.
Size of regression Matrix Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4 Method 5
3x3 10.35 7.77 19.66 9.03 7.80
3x5 8.11 7.18 16.29 8.21 6.18
3x10 6.20 3.97 6.58 3.51 3.75
3x20 4.52 2.24 2.82 1.79 2.53
3x35 3.20 1.40 1.34 1.10 1.37
- Number of colors used for regression was
dependent on methods and order of regression. - Minimum order Second order regression.
- Use of cubic root function proved to yield good
results but was very unstabile. - CIELAB performed better than CIEXYZ and was more
stabile. - Its not certain that method that perfoms well in
CIEXYZ performs as well in CIELAB. (Method 1 and
4 versus Method 2 and 5). - Stability was dependent on amount of colors in
the training-set, order of regression and
linearization method.
19Geometrical alignment.
20Geometrical alignment
- The points are detected
- Each point are binary coded.
- Divided in blocks
- Regression for finding transformation matrix.
- Compensation
- Divide image in blocks.
- Multiply with the transformation matrix.
- Dependent on size of the screen, the resolution
of the camera and number of points and blocks.
- I want to thank Mr. Hardeberg and HiG
administration for giving me chance to visit
Japan. - I want also to thank Tsukdada-san, Toda-san,
Funyama-san, Inoue-san and rest of the NEC
employees who have welcomed me warmly.
22Resten av slides er bare i tilfelle jeg trenger
23ProjectorMean Delta
24ProjectorMean Delta
25Projector interpolationregression
27Camera-standard deviance.