Title: Large Deformation Data in DFT Fits
1Large Deformation Data in DFT Fits
N. Nikolov, N. Schunck, W. Nazarewicz, M. Bender
Proposal Include data on well-deformed nuclei
like position of bandheads of super-deformed
bands or fission isomers in the fit of the
- Leptodermous expansion LDM Energy from
microscopic effective interactions - Observation some parameters of the expansion
(assym) are very poorly constrained
Isospin and mass dependence imply larger
uncertainties in neutron-rich nuclei
Force SkM SkP SkI3 SkI4 SLy4
assym -52 MeV -45 MeV -75 MeV -34 MeV -54 MeV
2N. Nikolov, N. Schunck, W. Nazarewicz, M. Bender
- Leptodermous expansion show stability of deformed
neutron-rich nuclei caused by (poorly
constrained) surface-symmetry energy - Benchmarking of excitation energy of
super-deformed states and fission isomers with
microscopic interactions show fluctuations larger
than theoretical and experimental uncertainties
1 P.-G. Reinhard et al, Phys. Rev. C73, 014309
(2006) 2 M. Bender et al, In preparation