Title: Towards agricultural sustainability
1Towards agricultural sustainability - Victoria,
Australia Anna Ridley Gary Stoneham
(Primary Industries Research) Kim Lowe
(Department of Sustainability and Environment)
2Sustainability concepts
- 1. That current consumption should not preclude
future generations from a comparable standard - 2. Biodiversity loss limits options
- World Commission on Environment and Development,
Our Common Future (1987)
3Sustainability concepts
- Strong Stocks of natural capital are not
depreciated through time - eg EU - Weak Trade-offs allowed, provided overall
ability to consume is maintained -eg Australian
agriculture - But need to consider off-site impacts
4Sustainability in Australian agriculture
- Economic (weak) - maintaining ability of the land
to produce for the future - Environmental (weak 1st, then strong) - No
off-site impacts on resource assets - - Protect min. amount of remaining assets
- Social (hybrid weak/strong) - capacity of society
to provide for wellbeing of citizens equitably
5International environmental agreements
- Federal Government
- Commonwealth Departments eg. Environment
Australia (EA) - Adopt International agreements (Agenda 21,
Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) - National Strategy for ESD - State of Environment
Reporting - Coordinate intergovernmental agreements (eg.
Murray Darling Basin management)
- State and Territory Governments
- State policies, planning controls
- State of the Environment reporting
- State Departments to provide policy, science,
education - State Environmental Protection Authorities (EPA)
- Regional / catchment organisations
- 4th tier of government
- decisions, plan and implement strategies
- ranging degree of power/autonomy
- enforce regional arrangements
- Local Government
- Manage recreation and cultural facilities,
weed/pest control, limited statuatory powers
- Community LandCare
- Voluntary groups, on-ground delivery of national
programs, not formally linked to government
6Victorian State Government Ministers Catchment
Management Framework
Report on operation of Catchment Land
Protection Act 1994
Contribute to policy
Dept of Sustainability Environment (MDBC / NAP
/ NHT)
Victorian Catchment Management Council Ministerial
ly appointed
Dept of Primary Industries RD,policy,QA,Reg
Federal State funding (NAP, NHT)
RD and joint policy development
Policy Strategy
- Policy Strategy
- RD
- Extension
Catchment Management Authorities - 10 regions
established under the CALP Act
Investment in regions to meet policy objectives
Sustainable landscapes (public private land)
CMA Boards ministerially appointed
- Regional Catchment Strategies
- set strategic direction and objectives for NRM
- form basis of investment from State
Commonwealth governments
CMA Functional/ Implementation Committees
Regional Catchment Investment Plans linking RCS
to investment
Policies on ground works voluntary programs
grants incentives
7Catchment modelling framework
8Result of loss of native vegetation Low water use
of farming systems
9(5) Sustainable Grazing Systems
(3) Ecosystem Biodiversity
(4) Vibrant Communities
(1) Economic Growth
(2) Reduced footprint through perenniality
(6) Catchment Response
1010 km
11Example biodiversity rules into modelling
- Rule 1 At least one 40 ha remnant for every 400
ha. - Rule 2 At least two 10 ha remnants for every 400
ha. - Rule 3 Buffer secondary and tertiary roads to 40
m. - Rule 4 Buffer streams to 50 m either side.
- Rule 5 Link buffered remnants with 40 m corridor
to nearest road, stream or remnant gt40 ha,
whichever is closest.
12Streams Roads
Existing vegetation
Modelled vegetation
13New ideas in economics
- Information problems prevent transactions that
create environmental value - Transactions between government and landholder
prevented by - hidden information - farmers know about costs and
profit - missing information - scientists know about
impact - Need policy mechanisms that truthfully reveal
information - New solutions are possible - examples
- non-point source problems - auctioning
conservation contracts - point-source - tradeable emission permits
- credence goods - eco-labelling
14Auction process
- Farm visit
- Landholder informed of actions and HSS
- fence remnant, exclude stock, control rabbits
etc. - Landholder selects actions and places a bid
- Ranking bids
- Bids assessed on value for money basis
- BBI BSS HSS/ bid
- BSS not revealed to landholder
- HSS provided to landholder
- Contracts and monitoring
- Contracts ranked until budget expended
- Progress payments on basis of performance
15Supply of biodiversity
Budget line
Unsuccessful bids
Best value
Marginal bid 2.30/BQ