Title: Community Languages Provision in Wolverhampton
1Community Languages Provisionin Wolverhampton
- Naresh Chandla
- EAL Community Languages Manager
- Equalities and Diversity Service
2Community Languages Provision
- Unique provision in the country
- mainstream classes
- supplementary classes
- Mainstream No of pupils
- GCSEs Panjabi /Urdu KS4 and AS/A level
- Supplementary Classes No of languages on offer
Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kurdish, Panjabi,
Polish, Tamil and Urdu - 20 primary and secondary schools - Saturday
3Status of Community Languages
Mainstream curriculum as an option in Modern
Foreign Languages
Good GCSE/AS/A level results at KS4 contributing
in raising the attainment of target Indian and
Pakistani pupils at KS4 identified
underachieving group
Setting a good example
Working in collaboration with MFL Department
Setting example for good practice at national
Outstanding OFSTED reports
Good GCSE and A level results (Ongoing) Publicatio
n of GCSE Panjabi Book European Award for
Languages 2001 Short listed for Bectas ICT
Award for inclusion 2003 Languages for All-
Language for Life (DFES) 2004 Modern Languages
in the Key Stage 4 Curriculum 2004 Publication of
Curriculum Guide for Panjabi Goldmith College
2007 Publication of Lets Learn Panjabi
2008 Development of Our Languages Resources
File 2009
5National Curriculum MFL KEY STAGE 4 2004 Mode
rn foreign languages in the key stage 4
Featured in for good practice
The Kings Church of England School At key stage
3, all pupils are taught French or German in
alternate years. At key stage 4, students must
include a foreign language in their option
choices and can study two languages if they wish.
There are GCSE and Entry level courses in French
and German, and the school also offers GCSE
courses in Panjabi and Urdu. These courses cover
all aspects of the GCSE specifications and are
taught by visiting teachers provided by the LEA.
All students from the school entered for GCSE
Panjabi or Urdu have achieved grades A-C.
6Other Developments
Mainstreaming Community Languages provision
through citywide offer in 14-19 provision
Accrediting learning in these languages through
Asset Languages in all languages
Teaching Panjabi at KS2- entitlement delivery
in a Primary school (started this half
term) Another school on board
7Outstanding Features
State of the art CPD programme at all levels
(PGCE,GTP,OTP support and NQT induction)
Language Diversity Conference A Level Panjabi
day Other Conferences and CPD sessions in
prtnership with a wide range of agencies