Title: Enter and Process Spreadsheet Journals
1State of ConnecticutCore-CT Project Enter and
Process Spreadsheet Journals 4 hrs
Updated on 04/10/03
2Getting Started
- Welcome to the Enter and Process Spreadsheet
Journals course! - Instructor introduction
- Participant introduction
- Training facility orientation
- Ground rules
- Parking lot
- To participate in this course, you should have
already completed the following training - PeopleSoft Navigation Tutorial
- General Ledger Overview course
- Create and Maintain Budgets course
- In this training, you will learn to
- Apply the new GL processes that you learned about
in the Overview course. We will specifically
focus on the following processes - Creating Spreadsheet Journals using the Excel
template - Saving Spreadsheet Journals to a Flat File
- Uploading Spreadsheets into Core-CT
- Inquiring on Spreadsheet Journals in Core-CT
- Use Core-CT as a tool in supporting the processes
- Utilize Core-CT functionality to maximize your
5Training Tools
- In this training session, we will use tools
created specifically for this course. - Presentation
- We will use a PowerPoint presentation to guide us
through our discussion of processes and key
points related to using Core-CT to support those
processes - Exercises
- We have developed exercises that will enable you
to practice the skills you will learn in each
module - Training Database
- The functionality in our database mirrors the
Core-CT production environment closely, though
changes may be made prior to go-live - Data has been loaded into the system to help you
learn how to use the system, not to reflect a
specific agencys transactions - You can make mistakes and experiment without
6Training Tools
- We will also use a web-based help system during
the class. This tool will be available to you
after go-live. - Web Learning Assistant
- Web-based tool that provides help for specific
processes (e.g. Hire an Employee) - Contains procedures, job aids, glossary
- Will be your primary reference tool once Core-CT
goes live
7Training Tools
- Job Aids are available to reinforce the
information introduced in this course. Job Aids
summarize key information and outline critical
processes in Core-CT. - General Job Aids
- Module Specific Job Aids
- Reporting Job Aids
8Core-CT Navigation
- Review of Core-CT Navigation.
- Universal Navigation Header
- Activity Log in and use the Universal Navigation
Header to sign off Core-CT - Left-Hand Navigation Menu
- Activity Use the Left-Hand Navigation Menu to
step through the various levels of the directory
structure - Page Tabs
- Activity Use page tabs to move between pages
within a component - Links
- Activity Use links to access and return from
pages within a component
Creating Spreadsheet Journals
- Creating Spreadsheet journals involves the
following - Understanding the Components of the Journal
Workbook - Understanding Journal Defaults
- Agencies may need to set defaults after
downloading the spreadsheet - Entering Journal Headers and Lines
- Each journal must be created with a unique
Journal ID
11Process Flow
Creating Spreadsheet Journals
Enter Journal Headers and Lines
Validate Journal defaults
Journals posted to the GL
Create the Flat File
Upload Journals
12Key Points
Creating Spreadsheet Journals
- Remember the following when Creating Spreadsheet
Journals - Source for all Spreadsheet Journals is SSJ
- Set as a default and should not be changed
- Each user creating a spreadsheet journal entry
must have a valid Core-CT Operator ID to use when
creating the entry - Follow the Journal ID naming standard to avoid
creating duplicates - Standard agency acronym sequential number
- Example DAS0000001
13Walk-through and Exercise
Creating Spreadsheet Journals
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- First, we will walk-through the process together
- Scenario Creating Journal Entries using the
Spreadsheet Journal template. - WLA Path
- General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journals gt
Data Entry Procedures gt Entering Journal Defaults - General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journals gt
Data Entry Procedures gt Entering Journal Headers
and Lines - General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journals gt
Data Entry Procedures gt Creating Reversing
Entries - On your own, complete exercises 4-5 in your
Exercise packet - Remember to utilize the Web Learning Assistant
- Raise your hand if you need any assistance
Modifying Spreadsheet Journals
- Once created spreadsheet journals can be modified
in the following ways - Editing Existing Journals
- To complete incomplete journals
- Copying Journals
- To avoid redundant data entry
- Deleting Journals
- To delete journals that have not yet been
uploaded to Core-CT
17Walk-through and Exercise
Modifying Spreadsheet Journals
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- First, we will walk-through the process together
- Scenario Copying, Deleting, and Editing
existing spreadsheet journals. - WLA Path
- General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journals gt
Data Entry Procedures gt Copying Journals - General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journals gt
Data Entry Procedures gt Deleting Journals - General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journals gt
Data Entry Procedures gt Changing the Import
Status of Journals - On your own, complete exercise 9 in your
Exercise packet - Remember to utilize the Web Learning Assistant
- Raise your hand if you need any assistance
Uploading Spreadsheet Journals
- Uploading Spreadsheet Journals involves the
following - Creating the Flat File
- Save to a location determined by your agency
- Running the Spreadsheet Journal Import Process
- Process run daily by agency
20Process Flow
Uploading Spreadsheet Journals
Enter Journal Headers and Lines
Validate Journal defaults
Journals posted to the GL
Create the Flat File
Upload Journals
21Key Points
Uploading Spreadsheet Journals
- Remember the following regarding Uploading
Spreadsheet Journals - Agency responsibilities
- Run the Spreadsheet Journal Import Process daily
- Determine where the Flat File will be saved
- Each Flat File must be saved with a unique name
- Standard acronym date (MMDD) operators
initials sequential number - Example DMV0401JS1
- Central responsibilities
- OSC will review the spreadsheet journals online
in Core-CT and then kick-off the Edit, Budget
Check, and Post processes
22Walk-through and Exercise
Uploading Spreadsheet Journals
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- First, we will walk-through the process together
- Scenario Creating the flat file and running the
spreadsheet journal import process - WLA Path
- General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journal Entry
gt Data Entry Procedures gt Creating the Flat File - General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journal Entry
gt Process Procedures gt Running the Spreadsheet
Journal Import Process - On your own, complete exercises 12-13 in your
Exercise packet - Remember to utilize the Web Learning Assistant
- Raise your hand if you need any assistance
Inquire on Spreadsheet Journals
- Journal and Ledger Inquiries
- Have drilldown functionality available, allowing
you to see the details behind summarized data - Allow you to view up to date information from the
transactional database (where daily transactions
occur) - Are a quick way to validate information, because
they pull information from the live transactional
25Process Flow
Inquire on Spreadsheet Journals
Enter Journal Headers and Lines
Validate Journal defaults
Journals posted to the GL
Create the Flat File
Upload Journals
26Key Points
Inquire on Spreadsheet Journals
- Remember the following when performing an
Inquiry - Spreadsheet Journals will not be available for
viewing online until they have been uploaded. - Only data that has been saved and/or posted can
be viewed through these pages - You cannot update information through these pages
- If you want to use the parameters in a future
search, save when you exit these pages
27Walk-through and Exercise
Inquire on Spreadsheet Journals
- Lets log-in to Core-CT.
- Now we will walk-through the process together
for - Journal Inquiry
- Ledger Inquiry
- WLA Path
- General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journals gt
View Procedures gt Viewing Journal Inquiry - General Ledger gt Using Spreadsheet Journals gt
View Procedures gt Viewing Ledger Inquiry
- Wrapping Up Enter and Process Spreadsheet
Journals - Summary of Completed Course Objectives
- Creating Spreadsheet Journals using the Excel
template - Saving Spreadsheet Journals to a Flat File
- Uploading Spreadsheets into Core-CT
- Inquiring on Spreadsheet Journals in Core-CT
- Final Questions
30Sandbox Goals/ Action Plan/ Adjourn
- After this class, Central/Agency users can
- Use the Sandbox environment as a database that
has been set up to utilize for practice on
Core-CT to keep reinforcing what you have learned
today. - Use all of the exercises completed here in class
as job aids in the Sandbox environment when you
return to your agencies. - Fill out the Action Plan sheet so the
participants can plan when they will be utilizing
the Sandbox and can make the commitment to do so. - Complete the course evaluation forms.
- Wrap up and Adjourn the class.
- http//www.core-ct.state.ct.us/user/practice/Defau