Title: A1261752307KfTrE
1Possibility of establishing a multi-national
cooperation mechanism on HPAI Prevention
Control An example of
Regional Cooperation
Bounlay Phommasack, Director of NAHICO, Lao PDR
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2Mechanisms have been tested in the ground
Possibilities of establishing
Results proved that the initiatives have
successfully contributed to the prevention and
control of AI
-Regional cooperation through the development of
cross border cooperation -Coordination within
the country between agriculture health, between
Development Partners within the country focusing
on National Pandemic Preparedness Plan
Using the National Surveillance system available
in each of the GMS countries to run Cross Border
Cooperation. Decentralized system (Health system
as well as surveillance system).
Provide an opportunity to the Provincial as
well as District Health System to play an
important role in optimizing the full use of the
surveillance capabilities of their staff
(learning by doing)
- Involve policy makers, decision
- makers stakeholders at provincial,
- at district as well as at community
- levels to improve the cross border
- cooperation.
- Annual meeting, Quarterly meeting
- as well as other joint activities such
- as malaria survey, dengue investi-
- gation, meeting for developing
- Indicators, exchange information
- contributed to the on going process
- of improving the system.
4System Development
Decentralized/Coordinated system
National National
Provincial Provincial
District District
Villages Villages
5Joint rapid response team b/w SVK-QT and SVK
(Laos) - MKH (Thailand) April 2005
6Quarterly meetings b/w border districts
Through the cooperation, we realized that human
resource is considered as key factor for the
achievement and success of strengthening of
surveillance ssytem
Information exchange mechanisms (within 24
hours, weekly monthly, quarterly sharing
influenced to a great extend the regularity of
the reporting system of the site involved.
- Rapid and transparent information exchange
is a key to prevent international outbreak of the
disease (eg. 1st human H5N1 case in Laos treated
in Thailand)
8 The first regional initiative that addressed
the issue of information exchange in
Able to prove that a sub-regional disease
surveillance information exchange can be made
- The MBDS cooperation was able to put
forward the issue of cross-border cooperation in
the sub-region
- Development mechanisms for cooperation among
sectors within country plus development mechanism
for regional cooperation can contribute to the
collective response to the regional and global
challenges of HPAI
9(No Transcript)
10Thank you!