Title: iCare Reader
1CUbiC Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing
The Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing
(CUbiC) at ASU is an interdisciplinary research
center focused on cutting edge research targeting
a variety of applications. Most ubiquitous
computing research takes a technology-centric
view in solving real-world problems. However,
CUbiC researchers believe that a balanced
technology and problem-centric view is required
in tackling challenging application domains.
In this context, it is important to focus on an
end-user perspective (including the
human-computer interface) which mandates research
explorations in the sensation-perception-cognition
spectrum. Targeting specific applications that
require ubiquitous computing solutions brings out
underlying challenges that need to be addressed.
With our iCare project, we have chosen to target
the area of assistive devices for people who are
The semantic gap
Research areas
iCare Reader The iCare reader is a device that
can be used by people who are blind, deaf-blind,
visually impaired, or dyslexic to read printed
materials not readily accessible to this
population, such as newspapers, books, signage,
and vending machine labels.
Researchers J. Black, P. Green, T.
Hedgepeth, S. Panchanathan
iCare Assistant This system helps blind students
locate course materials on a dynamic network of
information pages easily, and with a minimum of
cognitive navigational load.
Researchers S. Candan, M. Donderler
iCare Human Recogntizer This is a robust,
portable, and highly optimized face, gesture,
gait and movement recognition system to promote
enhanced social interactions for blind
individuals. Rese
archers J. Black, F. Golshani, T. Hedgepeth, S.
iCare Scene Analyzer This extension to the
iCAre-HumanRecognizer project will analyze the
visual environment around a person, and
communicate it to the user in real time, using a
multi-modal interface.
Researchers J. Black, T. Hedgepeth, S.
Panchanathan, H. Sundaram
iCare Cognitive Modeler This project is focused
on cognitive modeling in order to facilitate
intuitive and efficient human-computer
interaction. Re
searchers J. Black, H. Davuclu, D. Homa, M
McBeath, S. Panchanathan