Title: Train to Gain Integrated Employment and Skills presentation'
1Train to Gain IES Briefing Januarary 2009
Stephen Lilley
2Funding Levels(1)
3Funding Levels (2)
4Proposed Evidence
Individual Learning Plan / IAG A copy of the ILP
signed by the learner and provider, plus evidence
of the delivery of pre entry information, advice
and guidance. Learner Start Evidence that
demonstrates that the learner has actively
participated in the structured learning programme
as detailed in their individual learning plan for
at least two hours duration. Learner On
programme Evidence that the learner is working
towards or making progress towards the learning
aims identified in their learning plan, including
documentary evidence to confirm the number of
hours of contact time between the provider and
the learner. Entry to employment Evidence that
the learner has commenced a Train to Gain funded
programme of activity the ILR will include
learning aim learners employment status and
employer EDRS. Sustained employment Evidence
that the learner is still in employment and
training 13 weeks after the start of their Train
to Gain funded programme.
5Payment Process
6IES Pilot Process (1)
7IES Pilot Process (2)
8IES Pilot Process (3)
9Any Questions?