Title: Reliability and Validity Oral presentations
1Reliability and ValidityOral presentations
- Personality Lab
- December 1, 2009
2Satisfaction with Life
- 1 - Strongly disagree 4 Neutral 7-Strongly
Agree - Â
- _____1. In most ways my life is close to my
ideal. - _____2. The conditions of my life are excellent.
- _____3. I am satisfied with my life.
- _____4. So far I have gotten the important
things I want in - life.
- _____5. If I could live my life over, I would
change almost - nothing.
- _____6. I love SPAM.
- What is a reliable person?
- Reliability Bullseye Example
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7Satisfaction with Life
- 1 - Strongly disagree 4 Neutral 7-Strongly
Agree - Â
- _____1. In most ways my life is close to my
ideal. - _____2. The conditions of my life are excellent.
- _____3. I am satisfied with my life.
- _____4. So far I have gotten the important
things I want in - life.
- _____5. If I could live my life over, I would
change almost - nothing.
- _____6. I love SPAM.
8Types of Reliability
- Test Retest
- How did your scores compare across two occasions?
- Why does test-retest tell us?
- Any time when test-retest is not desired?
9Types of Reliability, cont.
- Internal Consistency
- Average item-total correlations
10Types of Reliability, cont.
- Internal Consistency
- Average item-total correlations
11Types of Reliability, cont.
- Internal Consistency
- Average item-total correlations
12Types of Reliability, cont.
- Internal Consistency
- Split-Half Reliability
- Spearman-Brown Formula
- R2r/1 r
13Types of Reliability, cont.
- Internal Consistency
- Split-Half Reliability
- Spearman-Brown Formula
- R2r/1 r
14Types of Reliability, cont.
- Internal Consistency
- Split-Half Reliability
- Spearman-Brown Formula
- R2r/1 r
15Types of Reliability, cont.
- Internal Consistency
- Cronbachs Alpha
- Average of All Split-Half Reliabilities
- Face
- Concurrent
- Minnesota Multi Phasic Personality Inventory
17Validity, cont.
18Oral Presentations
- KISS principle
- Introduce
- Results
- Conclusion
19Oral Presentations
- KISS Principle The KISS principle stands for
Keep it simple stupid. You should always be
aware of your audience and tailor your talk so
that everyone can understand it. - Introduce You should begin by indicating how
the topic you have chosen is an important one.
You might want to give some real life examples.
Then, just like in your papers, you will want to
briefly set the stage for your own research by
discussing previous relevant research.
20Oral Presentations, cont.
- Results When you present results to an audience
you want to carefully select a subset of results
that best represents the main point(s) that you
want to get across. Do not present every finding
you have and risk the possibility of overwhelming
and boring your audience - Conclusion Tell your audience what you found,
why it is important and interesting, what you
think should be done in the future to bolster
confidence in your results and other research
that might serve as a natural extension of your
current research. Take home message that
summarizes your entire research