EDP 303 Presentations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EDP 303 Presentations


EDP 303 Presentations Lawrence W. Sherman, Ph. D PowerPoint Slides for EDP 303: Assessment and Evaluation in Educational Settings. Linn and Miller (2004) text – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: EDP 303 Presentations

EDP 303 Presentations
  • Lawrence W. Sherman, Ph. D
  • PowerPoint Slides for EDP 303
  • Assessment and Evaluation in Educational
  • Linn and Miller (2004) text

Chapter 1Educational Testing and Assessment
Context, Issues, and Trends
  • Accountability demands
  • State, national and international assessment
  • National content and performance standards
  • Global competition
  • Fairness of uses and interpretations

Chapter 1Educational Testing and Assessment
Context, Issues, and Trends
  • Accountability demands including state, national
    and international assessment programs, national
    content and performance standards, as well as
    global competition, all contribute to increased
    demands for testing assessment. These factors
    have both stimulated and reflected new trends in
    educational measurement. The increased reliance
    on testing and assessment as educational reform
    tools has also raised issues concerning the
    farness of their uses and their interpretations.

Nature of AssessmentChapter 2 issues
  • Maximum Performance
  • Function Determines what individuals can do when
    performing at their best.
  • Example Aptitude and Achievement Tests
  • Typical Performance
  • Function Determine what individuals will do
    under natural conditions
  • Example Attitude, interest and personality
    inventories observational techniques peer

Form of Assessment
  • Fixed Choice Test
  • Function Efficient measurement of knowledge and
    skills, indirect indicator.
  • Example Standardized multiple-choice tests
  • Complex-performance assessment
  • Function Measurement of performance in contexts
    and on problems valued in their own right
  • Example Hands-on laboratory experiment,
    projects, essays, oral presentation

Tests Used in Classroom Instruction
  • Placement
  • Formative
  • Diagnostic
  • Summative

  • Function
  • Determines prerequisite skills, degree of mastery
    of course goals, and or best mode of learning
  • Example
  • Readiness tests
  • Aptitude tests
  • Pretests on course objectives
  • Self-report inventories
  • Observational techniques

Formative Assessment
  • Function
  • Determines learning progress
  • Provides feedback to reinforce learning
  • Corrects learning errors
  • Examples
  • Teacher-made tests
  • Custom-made tests from textbook publishers,
  • Observational techniques

Diagnostic Assessment
  • Function
  • Determines causes (intellectual, physical,
    emotional, environmental) of persistent learning
  • Example
  • Published diagnostic tests,
  • Teacher-made diagnostic tests,
  • Observational techniques

Summative Evaluation
  • Function
  • Determines end-of-course achievement for
    assigning grades
  • Certifying mastery of objectives
  • Examples
  • Teacher-made survey tests
  • Performance rating scales
  • Product scales

Methods of interpreting results
  • Criterion Referenced
  • Function Describes student performance according
    to a specified domain of clearly defined learning
    tasks (e.g., adds single-digit whole numbers)
  • Example
  • Teacher-made tests,
  • custom-made tests from test publishers,
  • observational techniques
  • Norm Referenced
  • Function Describes student performance according
    to relative position in some known group (e.g.,
    ranks 10th out of 30 top 10 percent)
  • Examples
  • Standardized aptitude and achievement tests
  • Teacher-made survey tests,
  • Interest inventories,
  • Adjustment inventories

Chapter 3Instructional Goals and Objectives
Foundations for Assessment
  • What types of learning outcomes do you expect
    from your teaching?
  • Knowledge?
  • Understanding?
  • Applications?
  • Thinking skills?
  • Performance skills?
  • Attitudes?
  • Clearly defining desired learning outcomes is the
    first step in good teaching. It is also
    essential to the assessment of student learning.
    Sound assessment requires relating the assessment
    procedures as directly as possible to intended
    learning outcomes.

Chapter 3 Instructional Goals
  • Types of Learning Outcomes to Consider
  • Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
  • Cognitive Domain
  • Knowledge and intellectual skills/abilities
  • Affective Domain
  • Attitudes, interests, appreciation
  • Psychomotor Domain
  • Perceptual and motor skills

Chapter 3Instructional Goals
  • Other sources for lists of objectives
  • Professional Association Standards
  • State Content Standards
  • OHIO

Chapter 3Instructional Goals
  • Some Criteria for Selecting Appropriate
  • Do the objectives include all important outcomes
    of the course?
  • Are the objectives in harmony with the content
    standards of the state or district and with
    general goals of the school?
  • Are the objectives in harmony with sound
    principles of learning?
  • Are the objectives realistic in terms of the
    abilities of the students and the time and
    facilities available?

Chapter 4 Validity
  • When constructing or selecting assessments, the
    most important questions are
  • (1) To what extent will the interpretation of the
    scores be appropriate, meaningful, and useful for
    the intended application of the results? and
  • (2) What are the consequences of the particular
    uses and interpretations that are made of the
  • (3) A valid test Must be Reliable!

Chapter 4 Validity Issues
  • Nature of Validity
  • Major Considerations in Assessment Validation
  • Content Considerations
  • Construct Considerations
  • Assessment-Criterion Relationships
  • Consideration of Consequences
  • Factors Influencing Validity

Nature of Validity
  • Appropriateness of the interpretation of the
  • Its a matter of degree
  • Specific to some particular use or interpretation
  • Is a Unitary concept
  • Involves an overall evaluative judgment

Major Considerations in Validation
  • Content
  • How it represents the domain of tasks to be
  • Construct
  • Interpretation as a meaningful measure of some
    characteristic or quality
  • Assessment-Criterion Relationship
  • Prediction of future performance (criterion)
  • Consequences
  • How well rsults accompolish intended purposes and
    avoids unintended effects

Chapter 5 Reliability
  • Next to validity, reliability is the most
    important characteristic of assessment results.
  • (1) provides the consistency that makes validity
    possible, and
  • An unreliable test cannot be Valid!
  • (2) reliability indicates the degree to which
    various kinds of generalizations are justifiable.
    The practicality of the evaluation procedure is,
    of course, also of concern to the busy classroom

Chapter 5 ReliabilityIssues
  • Nature of Reliability
  • Determining Reliability by Correlation Methods
  • Standard Error of Measurement
  • Factors Influencing Reliability Measures
  • Reliability of Assessments Evaluated in Terms of
    a Fixed Performance Standard
  • Usability

Chapter 6Planning tests Timing
  • Preparation (Planning)
  • Administration
  • Grading

Chapter 6Planning tests
  • Objective Tests
  • A. Supply Type
  • Short Answer
  • Completion
  • B. Selection Type
  • True-False or Alternative-Response
  • Matching
  • Multiple Choice
  • Performance Assessment
  • Extended Response
  • Restricted Response

Table of Specifications Similar to tables
6.2-6.4 in Chapter 6
Content national Standards State Standard Specific Objective Bloom Taxonomy Bloom Taxonomy Bloom Taxonomy
Content national Standards State Standard Specific Objective Knowledge Understanding Application
1. Short Answer
2. True/False
3. Multiple Choice
4. Matching
Chapter 7 Simple Forms
  • Short-Answer
  • True-false
  • Matching

Short-Answer issuesChapter 7, page 178
  1. Is this the most appropriate type of item for the
    intended learning outcomes?
  2. Can the items be answered with a number, symbol,
    word or brief phrase?
  3. Has text book language been avoided?
  4. Have the items been stated so that only one
    response is correct?
  5. Are the answer blanks equal in length?
  6. Are the answer blanks at the end of the items?
  7. Are items free of clues (such as a or an)?
  8. Has the degree of precision been indicated for
    numerical answers?
  9. Have the units been indicated when numerical
    answers are expressed in units?
  10. Have the items been phrased so as to minimize
    spelling errors?
  11. If revised, are the items still relevant to the
    intended learning outcomes?
  12. Have the items been set aside for a time before

True-False ItemsChapter 7, p. 185
  1. Is this the most appropriate type of item to use?
  2. Can each statement be clearly judged t or f?
  3. Have specific determiners been avoided? (eg.,
    usually, always, etc.)
  4. Have trivial statements been avoided?
  5. Have negative statements (especially double
    negatives been avoided?
  6. Have the items been stated in simple, clear
  7. Are opinion statements attributed to some source?
  8. Are the t and f items approximately equal in
  9. Is there an approximately equal number of true
    and false items?
  10. Has a detectable pattern of answers been avoided?
    (eg., t,F,T,F,T,F,etc.)
  11. If revised, are the items still relevant to the
    intended learning outcome?
  12. Have the items been set aside for a time before
    reviewing them?

Matching ItemsChapter 7, p. 190
  1. Is this the most appropriate type of item to use?
  2. Is the material in the two lists homogeneous?
  3. Is the list of responses longer or shorter than
    the list of premises?
  4. Are the responses brief and on the right-hand
  5. Have the responses been placed in alphabetical or
    numerical order?
  6. Do the directions indicate the basis for
  7. Do the directions indicate that each response may
    be used more than once?
  8. Is all of each matching item on the same page?
  9. If revised, are the items still relevant to the
    intended learning outcomes?
  10. Have the items been set aside for a time before
    reviewing them?

Chapter 8 Multiple Choice Items Chapter 8, p.
  1. Is this the most appropriate type of item to use?
  2. Does each item stem present a meaningful problem?
  3. Are the item stems free of irrelevant material?
  4. Are the item stems stated in positive terms (if
  5. If used, has negative wording been given special
    emphasis (e.g., capitalized, underlined, etc.)
  6. Are the alternatives grammatically consistent
    with the item stem?
  7. Are the alternative answers brief and free of
    unnecessary words?
  8. Are the alternatives similar in length and form?
  9. Is there only one correct or clearly best
  10. Are the distracters plausible to low achievers?
  11. Are the items free of verbal clues to the answer?
  12. Are the verbal (or numerical) alternatives in
    alphabetical (or numerical) order?
  13. Have none of the above and all of the above been
    avoided (or used sparingly and appropriately?
  14. If revised, are the items still relevant to the
    intended learning outcomes?
  15. Have the items been set aside for a time before
    reviewing them?

Chapter 10 Measuring Complex Achievement
Essay Questions.
  • Some important learning outcomes may best be
    measured by the use of open-ended essay questions
    or other types of Performance assessments.
    Essay questions provide freedom of response that
    is needed to adequately assess students ability
    to formulate problems organize, integrate, and
    evaluate ideas and information and apply
    knowledge and skills.

Essay Questions Check List
  1. Is this the most appropriate type of task to use?
  2. Are the questions designed to measure
    higher-level learning outcomes?
  3. Are the questions relevant to the intended
    learning outcomes?
  4. Does each question clearly indicate the response
  5. Are the students told the bases on which their
    answers will be evaluated?
  6. Have you conceptualized a rubric upon which the
    response will be scored?
  7. Are generous time limits provided for responding
    to the questions?
  8. Are students told the time limits and/or point
    values for each question?
  9. Are all students required to respond to the same
  10. If revised, are the questions still relevant to
    the intended learning outcomes?
  11. Have the questions been set aside for a time
    before reviewing them?

  • Essay tests are the most common example of a
    performance-based assessment, but there are many
    others, including artistic productions,
    experiments in science, oral presentations, and
    the use of mathematics to solve real-world
    problems. The emphasis is on doing, not merely
    knowing on PROCESS as well as PRODUCT.

Suggestions for constructing performance tasks
  1. Focus on learning outcomes that require complex
    cognitive skills and student performances.
  2. Select or develop tasks that represent both the
    content and the skills that are central to
    important learning outcomes.
  3. Minimize the dependence of task performance on
    skills that are irrelevant to the intended
    purpose of the assessment task.
  4. Provide the necessary scaffolding for students to
    be able to understand the task and what is
  5. Construct the task directions so that the
    students task is clearly indicated.
  6. Clearly communicate performance expectations in
    terms of the scoring rubrics by which the
    performances will be judged.

Chapter 12 PortfoliosKey Steps in Defining,
Implementing and Using Portfolios
  1. Specify purpose
  2. Provide guidelines for selecting portfolio
  3. Define student role in selection and
  4. Specify evaluation criteria
  5. Use portfolios in instruction and communication.

Chapter 14 Assembling, Administering, and
Appraising Classroom Tests and Assessments
  • Care in preparing an assessment plan and
    constructing relevant test items and assessment
    tasks should be followed by similar care in
    reviewing and editing the items and tasks,
    preparing clear directions, and administering and
    appraising the results. Classroom assessments
    also can be improved by using simple methods to
    analyze student responses, and building a file of
    effective items and tasks.

Chapter 14 Assembling, Administering,
  • Assembling the Classroom Test
  • Administering and Scoring Classroom Tests and
  • Appraising Classroom Tests and Assessments
  • Building a File of Effective Items and Tasks

Flow Chart of Testing Process
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Chapter 15 Grading and Reporting
  • Grading and reporting student progress is one of
    the more frustrating

Grading and reporting student progress is one of
the more frustrating aspects of teachingthere
are so many factors to consider, and so many
decisions to be made. This chapter will remove
some of the complexity by describing the various
types of grading and reporting systems and
providing guidelines for their effective use.
Chapter 15 Grading and Reporting
  • Functions of Grading and Reporting Systems
  • Types of Grading and Reporting Systems
  • Multiple Grading and Reporting Systems
  • Assigning Letter Grades
  • Record-Keeping and Grading Software
  • Conducting Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Reporting Standardized Test Results to Parents
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