Title: Slicer3 plugins
1Slicer3 plugins
Common architecture for interactive and batch
2Each module has
an entry in the module menu
a panel of user interface controls
3The grand vision
4Slicer Development Effort
- Numbers
- Subversion Commits 3,407
- Lines of Code 371,428
- Bugs Features
- 154 Submitted
- 63 Closed
- Active Developers 33
find . -iname \.h -o -iname \.cxx -o -iname
\.tcl -o -iname \.java -o -name \.py grep -v
svn xargs wc svn log grep "r" cut -d "
" -f 3 sort uniq wc
5Common architecture for interactive and batch
6Slicer Modules
- Built In Modules
- Interact Closely with GUI
- Volume Rendering, Models, Editor
- Command Line Modules
- Batch Mode
- Registration, Filtering, DTI Tractography
- Today we will look only at Command Line Modules
7Existing Command Line Modules
- Demonstration
- Execution Model Tour
- Your new hello world module
- Converters
- Create a DICOM Series
- Dicom DWI loader
- Dicom to Nrrd
- GE Dicom to NRRD Converter
- Orient Images
- Filtering
- Calculate Volume Statistics
- CheckerBoard Filter
- Extract Skeleton
- Histogram Matching
- Otsu Threshold
- Resample Volume/ Resample Volume 2
- Voting Binary Hole Filling
- Zero Crossing Based Edge Detection Filter
- Filtering.Arithmetic Add Images Subtract Ima
8Existing Command Line Modules
- Filtering.Denoising
- Curvature Anisotropic Diffusion
- Gaussian Blur
- Gradient Anisotropic Diffusion
- Median Filter
- Segmentation
- EMSegment Simple
- FreesurferSurfaceSectionExtraction
- Otsu Threshold Segmentation
- Simple region growing
- Filtering.Morphology
- Grayscale Fill Hole
- Grayscale Grind Peak
- Model Generation
- Grayscale Model Maker
- Label Map Smoothing
- Model Maker
- Multiple models example
- Probe Volume With Model (Paint)
9Registration Command Line Modules
- Registration
- Affine registration
- Deformable BSpline registration
- (Utah) Deformable BSpline registration
- Linear registration
- RealignVolume
10Diffusion Command Line Modules
- Diffusion Tensor
- Resample DTI Volume
- Diffusion Tensor Estimation
- Diffusion Tensor Scalar Measurements
- Simple DWI IO Test
- Rician LMMSE Image Filter
- Tractography.Editor ROISelect
- Tractography.Seeding
- Stochastic Tractography
- Generate Connectivity Map
- Stochastic ROI Tract Filter
- Stochastic Stochastic Tractography Filter