Title: A
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2A Presentation Given by Kerry Ojeda
Monique Templeton
800- 850 Opening/Calendar/Brain Gym 850 -
1000 Language Arts 1000 - 1030
Health/Recess 1030 - 1100 Language Arts 1100
- 1210 Math/Science 1210 1250 Lunch 1250 -
120 Silent reading/Sharing 120
220 Homeroom (Choice time, P.E., Art,
800 - 850 Opening/Calendar/ Brain
Gym 850 - 1000 Language Arts 1000 - 1030
Health/Snack 1030 - 1100 Sing-A-Long 1100 -
1200 Math/Science 1200 1240 Lunch 1240 -
1245 Dismissal
Students will have a music lesson
each Friday morning!
Media Center
Students will have Media Center every Tuesday!
6Weekly Happenings...
Hot Lunch is 2.00 Milk is .35 cents
Star of the Week
Teaching Schedule Mrs. Ojeda will teach on
Monday Tuesday. Mrs. Templeton will teach on
Wednesday Thursday. On Fridays we will rotate!
7Special Pal
Cocoa, our class pal, will be going home with a
student on Mondays will need to return
to school on the following Monday. Be creative
have fun when you write in this journal!
Students will be given homework assignments at
the beginning of each month. Please return them
at the end of the month. A weekly newsletter
from the teachers will come home each Monday.
9Oh Boy! Oh No!
Oh Boy!
Oh No!
5 smile faces A trip to the treasure chest 4
smile faces Choose a poem to have read
to the class 3 smile faces A poem for your
pocket 2 smile faces Keep Trying! 1 smile face
Keep Trying!
Consequences 1st Verbal Warning 2nd Lose a
smile face 3rd Time out in classroom 4th
Time out in another classroom 5th
Phone call to parent
10Balanced Literacy
Read Aloud
Guided Reading
Independent Reading
Write Aloud/ Modeled Writing
Shared Writing
Independent Writing
Guided Writing
Patterning Graphing
Numbers 1-30
Classifying Sorting
Geometry Measurement
Time Money
Addition Subtraction Concepts
Plants Animals
Marine Science
Our Community
Developing Social Skills
Cultural Diversity
14Book Bags
Each Wednesday two children will be chosen to
take home a book bag. These bags contain several
books, games, flashcards, etc. to promote
literacy at home. Please keep the bag in a safe
place at home and return to school on Wednesday!
15Flat Stanley
Students make a paper Flat Stanley and begin a
journal with him for a few days. Then Flat
Stanley and the journal are sent to friends,
relatives, or schools where he is treated as a
guest and his journal is completed. Flat Stanley
and the journal are then returned to the
original sender. Students will plot his travels
on our classroom map of the U.S. and share the
contents of the journal. Often, a Flat Stanley
returns with a pin or postcard from his visit.
You can follow his travels on our web-site!
Please visit our web site http//teachers.eusd.k1
Students will be introduced to a variety of
computer technologies. In order to visit
Internet sites, an Internet agree- ment form
needs to be signed by the student and his/her
parents. Internet sites will be previewed by
- If you would like to volunteer please leave your
name and phone number on the sign-up sheet
located on the table next to the classroom door.
18 Visit us online for information all year
long! PECs web-site athttp//www.eusd.k12.ca.u
s/pe Our classroom web-site http//teachers.eus
d.k12.ca.us/mtempleton You can e-mail
us kojeda_at_eusd.net or mtempleton_at_eusd.net