Title: JDBC Java Database Connectivity
1JDBC Java Database Connectivity
- Presented By
- Haseeb Yousaf
- Priya Wadhwa
2What is JDBC ??
- The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API for
database-independent connectivity between the
Java and a wide range of databases. - Information is transferred from relations to
objects and vice-versa - databases optimized for searching/indexing
- objects optimized for engineering/flexibility
3JDBC Architecture
Diagram taken from www.javadesign.info/JSE/JDBC/j
4Types Of JDBC Driver
- There are four types of JDBC drivers
- Type 1 JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver
- Type 2 Native-API/Partly Java Driver
- Type 3 Network Protocol Driver
- Type 4 Native Protocol Driver
5Type 1 JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver
- Also know as JDBC-ODBC Bridge
- The Driver makes use of the ODBC driver to
connect to the database. - OS Platform dependent.
- Driver has to be installed on all Client Machine.
- Not fully written in Java
- Not recommended for Web
JDBC-ODBC Driver Architecture
- Also known as the Native-API Driver.
- Makes use of the client-side libraries of the
database to connect. - Dont have to use any ODBC drivers.
- All Client machines has to install driver for
each DB.
Native API/Partly Java Drivers
- Also known as the Pure Java Driver for database
Middleware - Follows a three-tiered approach where the client
sends the JDBC calls through the network to a
middle-tier server - No database library is required on the client
Type 3 Network Protocol Driver Architecture
8Type 4 Native Protocol Driver
- Most Commonly Used Driver.
- Also known as the Direct to Database Pure Java
Driver. - It converts the JDBC calls directly into database
specific calls. - Platform Independent.
- Drivers are written in Java and runs with JVM.
- Vendor Specific Drivers are needed on client.
- Easy to deploy on Different OS
Type 4 Native Protocol driver Architecture
9Connection Process Flow
- Load the driver
- Define the connection URL
- Establish the connection
- Create a Statement object
- Execute a query using the Statement
- Process the result
- Close the connection
10Loading the drivers
- Two ways we can load the drivers in our Java
Application - 1. Internally
- 2. Externally
- Using a single command we can laod a driver
internally - Class.forName(DB.jdbc.driver.DBdriver")
- (where Class.forName loads the specified
class.) - EXTERNALLY
- To use a specific driver, we need to instantiate
it and register it within the driver manager - Driver driver new DB.jdbc.DBDriver()
- DriverManager.registerDriver(driver)
11Connecting to the Database
- Every database is identified by a URL.
- DriverManager class manages connections looks
for the driver that can communicate to the
corresponding database. - The simple command can be use to connect to the
specific database. - Connection con DriverManage
r. - getConnection("jdbcDB")
- Example of URL for database
- Connection con DriverManager.getConnection(
uml.cs.uga.edu3306, abc,xyz)
- Three different interfaces are used
- Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatemen
- We use Statement objects in order to
- Query the database
- Update the database
- All are interfaces, hence cannot be instantiated
- They are created by the Connection
13Executing a Statement
- String stmt "SELECT FROM Student "
- "WHERE studID 1"
- Statement stmt con.createStatement()
- ResultSet rs stmt.executeQuery(stmt)
- The executeQuery method returns a ResultSet
object representing the query result.
14Updating the Database
- String delStmt "DELETE FROM Student
" - "WHERE
studID 1" - Statement stmt con.createStatement()
- int delnum stmt.executeUpdate(deleteStr)
- executeUpdate is used for data manipulation
insert, delete, update, create table, etc.
(anything other than querying!) - executeUpdate returns the number of rows modified
15Prepared Statements
- Prepared Statements Interface introduce for
dynamic execution. - Prepared Statements are used for queries that are
executed many times - They are parsed (compiled) by the DBMS only once
- Column values can be set after compilation
- Instead of values, use ?
- Prepared Statements can be thought of as
statements that contain placeholders to be
substituted later with actual values
16Execute Query with PreparedStatement
- String ppstmt
- "SELECT FROM Course "
- "WHERE id ? And name ?"
- PreparedStatement pstmt con.prepareStatement(pp
stmt) - pstmt.setInt(1, 101)
- pstmt.setString(2, XYZ)
- ResultSet rs pstmt.executeQuery()
17Updating Querying
- String delStr
- DELETE FROM Product "
- "WHERE pid ? And pname gt ?"
- PreparedStatement pstmt con.prepareStatement(de
lStr) - pstmt.setString(2, XYZ)
- pstmt.setInt(1, 1000)
- int delnum pstmt.executeUpdate()
18Restrictions in PreparedStatements
- Cant Use PreparedStatement for all records
- Only can be use to retrieve a single column
value. - E.g.
- PreparedStatement pstmt
con.prepareStatement("select from ?") - pstmt.setString(1, myFavoriteTableString)
- This statement doesnt work as it is retrieving
the whole table - ? is used for conditional statements.
- ResultSet objects provide access to the tables
generated as results of executing queries - Only one ResultSet per Statement can be open at
the same time! - The table rows are retrieved in sequence
- A ResultSet maintains a cursor pointing to its
current row - The next() method moves the cursor to the next
20Methods for ResultSet
- boolean next()
- activates the next row
- the first call to next() activates the first row
- returns false if there are no more rows
- void close()
- disposes of the ResultSet
- allows you to re-use the Statement that created
it - automatically called by most Statement methods
21ResultSet Methods
- Type getType(int columnIndex)
- returns the given field as the given type
- indices start at 1 and not 0!
- Type getType(String columnName)
- same, but uses name of field
- less efficient
- For example getString(columnIndex),
getInt(columnName), getTime, getBoolean,
getType,... - int findColumn(String columnName)
- looks up column index given column name
22ResultSet Example
- Statement stmt con.createStatement
() - ResultSet rs stmt. executeQuery("select
name,age from Employees") - // Print the result
- while(rs.next())
System.out.print(rs.getString(1) "")
System.out.println(rs.getShort("age")) - In the above example,, the records that are
generated by the execute query are stored as
RecordSet Object. The RecordSet method next
is used to retrieve the required columns
23ResultSet MetaData
- A ResultSetMetaData is an object that can be used
to get information about the properties of the
columns in a ResultSet object - An example write the columns of the result set
- ResultSetMetaData rsmd
rs.getMetaData() - int numcols rsmd.getColumnCount(
) -
- for (int i 1 i lt numcols
i) - System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnLabel(i)
" ") -
- This metadata object is using getColumnLabel()
method to retrieve the column name of the result
set columns
24Stored Procedures in JDBC
- A stored procedure is a set of SQL queries that
are grouped together to perform a certain task - They can be used to perform DDL, DML and other
SQL tasks. - Different DBMS have different syntax to create a
stored procedure. - eg. Create procedure studid()
- as
- select studID from student s,
course c where s.studID c.studID -
25Stored Procedures in JDBC
- In order to call a stored procedure in a JDBC ,
you have to store it as a String object - eg
- String callproc Create procedure
as select studID from student s, course c
where s.studID c.studID - As the stored procedure is stored in a String ,,
it becomes a normal object. - Statement object can be used to compile and store
this stored procedure as a DB object as.. - Statement stmt
con.createStatement() - stmt.executeQuery(call
26CallableStatement Interface.
- The third kind of interface for executing
statements is CallableStatements. - preparedCall() method is used to call a procedure
that is stored as a database object. -
- CallableStatement cs
con.preparedCall(callproc) - ResultSet rs cs.executeQuery()
- The class CallableStatement is a subclass of
PreparedStatement. - CallableStatement can be used for IN, OUT and
INOUT parameters
27Closing the Objects
- Remember to close the Connections, Statements,
Prepared Statements and Result Sets - Four methods for
- con.close()
- stmt.close()
- pstmt.close()
- rs.close()
- An SQLException is actually a list of exceptions
catch (SQLException e) while (e ! null)
System.out.println(e.getSQLState()) System.ou
t.println(e.getMessage()) System.out.println(e.g
etErrorCode()) e e.getNextException()
- Transaction
- More than one statement that must all succeed
(or all fail) together - If one fails, the system must reverse all
previous actions - Also cant leave DB in inconsistent state halfway
through a transaction - COMMIT complete transaction
- ROLLBACK cancel all actions
30Transaction and JDBC
- Transactions are not explicitly opened and closed
in JDBC - The connection has a state called AutoCommit mode
- if AutoCommit is true, then every statement is
automatically committed - if AutoCommit is false, then every statement is
added to an ongoing transaction - Default true
31Setting the Auto-Commit
- The following statement is used to set the Auto
Comment - setAutoCommit(boolean val)
- If you set AutoCommit to false, you must
explicitly commit or rollback the transaction
using Connection.commit() and Connection.rollback(
) - Note DDL statements (e.g., creating/deleting
tables) in a transaction may be ignored or may
cause a commit to occur - The behavior is DBMS dependent