Title: Module 1.1: Introduction (cont.)
1Module 1.1 Introduction (cont.)
- Business Goals and Constraints
- Analyzing Technical Goals
2Understanding the Customer
- A good network design must recognize the
customers requirements - need to make sure your
design meets THEIR needs and not just YOURS! - The Customer may be your own firm, the who
you are designing the network for - Need an overview of a customers requirements
3Business Goals
- Before we look at the technical details, we first
start at the business goals - Start with researching your clients business
- what industry are they in
- their market
- their suppliers
- their products
- their services
- the competition they face
4Business Goals - Continued
- Need to understand the organizational structure
of the client - their separate departments
- lines of business
- vendors
- partners
- remote offices
- This will help characterize traffic flow and
determine user communities
5Business Goals - Continued
- When you understand the corporate structure, you
also identify who the key decision makers are,
who will have final say on your design proposal
when you are finished - You want to understand what are the overall goal
of the network design project
6Questions to Ask
- Why are they doing the network design analysis?
- What will the network be used for?
- How does the customer think the new network will
improve their business practices? - What is the criteria to be used to judge the
7Success Criteria
- What makes the network design a success?
- May be defined differently by the different
stakeholders - company executives
- managers
- end users
- network administrators
- system programmers
- any other person or group who has a stake in the
network design project
8Failure Consequences
- What happens if the project does not meet the
design objectives? - How visible is the project to upper management?
- To what extent could unforeseen behavior of the
new network disrupt business operations?
9The Internet Impact
- The growth of the Internet has made
interconnection with it almost a business
priority for network design - Vast amounts of information is now being shared
within the organization using the internet as a
design example, normally called Intranets.
10Typical Business Goals
- Increase revenue and profit
- Improve corporate communications
- Shorten product development cycles
- Build partnerships with other companies
- Expand into other markets
- Modernize out-dated technologies
- Reduce network costs
- Make more data available to more people
- Improve network security and reliability
11Business Constraints
- Politics and Policies
- Are there people who would like to see you fail?
- What are the companies policy on suppliers
- Budget and Staffing Constraints
- Your design must fit the budget
- Staff abilities may determine some of your design
- Scheduling
12Analyzing Technical Goals
13Analyzing Technical Goals
- Now that we have discussed Business Goals, lets
examine the Technical Goals that we need to
understand and should reflect in the design of a
network - You need to match your network design to fit the
customers technical needs
14Technical Goals Constraints
- Scalability
- Availability
- Network Performance
- Utilization, Throughput, Accuracy, Efficiency,
Delay, and Response Time - Security
- Manageability
- Usability
- Adaptability
- Affordability
- Scalability - how much growth a network design
must support - Need to examine the network needs out a few years
- 3 years as a minimum - Key points to understand
- How many more sites will be added?
- How extensive will the networks be at each site?
- How many more users will be added?
- How many more servers will be added?
- Availability is the amount of time a network is
available to users - Can be expressed as percent uptime
- 165 hours in 168 hours/week 98.21
- Redundancy is used to increase a networks
availability - Availability is also tied to disaster recovery
- 99.70 - 30 minutes outage every week
17Network Performance
- There are several measures to look at
- Utilization
- Throughput
- Accuracy
- Efficiency A key measure
- Protocol Frame Size, Protocol Overhead, and
Routing Protocol Overhead - Delay
- Response Time
18Network Performance - Utilization
- Is the percent of total available capacity
(bandwidth) in use - Bandwidth is measured over a time interval to
determine the amount in use - There are several numbers used to describe when
your network shows delays that impact the
usability of the network - will will examine
these later.
19Network Performance - Throughput
- Throughput is defined as the quantity of
error-free data successfully transferred between
nodes per unit of time - Depends on network access method, the load on the
network and the error rate - Throughput can be expressed in Packets per Second
(PPS) than can be sent by a device with dropping
any packets
20Network Performance -Accuracy
- Accuracy is a measure to ensure that the data
received at the destination must be the same as
the data sent by the source - Data errors are caused by power surges, or
spikes, poor physical connections, failing
devices and electrical noise - Accuracy can be expressed in Bit Error Rate
(BER), typically 1 in 105
21Network Performance -Efficiency
- We measure how effective an operation is
- How much overhead is needed to send traffic
across the network - the traffic has our data in
it - Overhead is due to several factors lets look at
some of them - Network Protocol Frame Size
- Network Protocol Overhead
- Routing Protocol Overheads
22Efficiency and Network Protocol Frame Sizes
- Since application data is sent over frames and
each frame can hold some data. Key is how many
frames do I need to sent my data? (each frame has
some overhead in it) - Novell IPX 1,500 byte Frame Size
- Telnet is only 60 bytes
- HTTP (Web) is 1,500 bytes
- Token Ring uses 4,096 bytes
- ATM used 53 byte cells
23Efficiency and Network Protocol Frame Sizes
24Efficiency and Network Protocol Overhead
- Remember data is packaged in protocol frames that
contain overhead data, some have more overhead
than others - Ethernet - 38 bytes per frame
- IP - 20 bytes per frame
- TCP - 20 bytes per frame
- IPX - 30 bytes per frame
- ATM - 5 bytes per cell
25Efficiency and Network Protocol Overhead
802.2 Logical Link Control header used with
Ethernet and Token Ring
Ethernet w LLC
Token Ring w LLC
26Efficiency and Routing Protocol Overheads
- Remember each routing protocol also use up
network bandwidth - IP RIP - every 30 seconds sends 532 byte packages
- IP IGRP - every 90 seconds sends 1,488 byte
packages - IPX SAP - every 60 seconds sends a 480 byte
27Efficiency and Routing Protocol Overheads
28Network Performance -Efficiency - Summary
- You want to use a protocol that has a large frame
size, and one that also needs only small header
information in each frame - You want an efficient Routing Protocol
- This allows us to transfer more data at a higher
efficiency across our network!
29Network Performance - Delay
- Interactive applications demand minimal delay
when receiving a data stream - Delay must be constant for voice and video
applications other wise you will get jitter
causing disruptions in voice quality and
jumpiness in video streams - Delay can be caused by physics, and by network
devices that move the data within a network (use
buffers to minimize effect)
30Network Performance - Queuing Delay
- Queuing delay is the number of packets in a queue
on a packet switching device - As utilization increases, more packets must wait
in the queue before being put on the wire - Queue depth utilization/(1-utilization)
31Network Performance - Response Time
- Response time is a network performance goal that
users care about most - Users recognize the amount of time to receive a
response from the network system - Users begin to get frustrated when response time
is 100ms (.1 seconds) or so
- Security design is getting to be one of the most
important aspects of network design - Network design must ensure against loss of
business data or disruption of business activity - Need to understand the risk of data loss
- Need to understand ways to get to the data
- Need to understand who wants the data
- There are different ways to manage a network and
the different things to manage - Performance management
- Fault management
- Configuration management
- Security management
- Accounting management
- Usability refers to the ease-of-use with which
network users can access the network and services - Focus is on making the network users job easier
- example is using host naming servers and easy to
use configuration devices such as a DHCP server
- You want to ensure the network can implement new
technologies in the future - You want it to be able to adapt and change with
technology - A flexible network can also adapt to changing
network patterns and quality of service (QoS)
- Affordability is sometimes called
cost-effectiveness - Want to carry the maximum amount of traffic for a
given financial cost - Financial costs include non-recurring equipment
costs and recurring network operating costs - WAN costs are an area where a good design can