Title: Information and communications technologies and the economy
1Information and communications technologies and
the economy
- Highlights from
- OECD Information Technology Outlook 2002 and
Electronic commerce Business Impacts Project - Graham Vickery ICCP
2Information Technology Outlook 2002
- ICTs and their role in the economy
- IT firms
- Globalisation of the ICT sector
- The software sector
- E-commerce intensity
- ICT skills and employment
- ICT diffusion and the digital divide
- Technological trends
- IT policies in OECD countries
- Statistics
3ICT investment is a significant share of total
investment in OECD countriesShare of ICT in
total non-residential investment, 2000 ()
4ICTs contribute to growth in producing and using
sectorsLabour productivity growth in selected
OECD countries (), 1995-99
5ICT output declined rapidly from
late-2000Quarterly ICT shipments in the United
States, 1999-2001 Year-to-year growth in
6 but the upturn is close?Monthly
inventory-to-shipments ratio for computer and
electronic products United States, 1999 to
7ICT demand stable across regionsOECD spending by
region / country, 1992-2001
8Telecommunications and software growingOECD ICT
spending by segment, 1992-2001
9Non-OECD ICT demand growing rapidlyICT markets
in selected countries, 1992 and 2001billions of
USD and per cent growth
10Trade in ICT products is dynamic ...Average OECD
imports and exports 1990-2000. 1990100
11.. and in some countries represents a large share
of GDPICT equipment exports / GDP, 1990 - 2000.
12Computers remain the largest traded good OECD
trade in ICT products, 1990-2000Billions current
13IT services trade is even more dynamic than ICT
goods trade ..Spending on IT services and trade,
1995-2000 1995100
14ICT firms very active in MAs ..ICT and total
MAs, 1990-2000. 1990100
15.. now mostly between ICT firmsShare of
horizontal MAs in the ICT sector, 1990-2000.
16ICT industries are RD-intensiveRD expenditure
in selected industries, 1999 or latest year
17Software firms are most RD intensiveAverage RD
intensity in top ICT firms, 2000
18ICT sectors take large share of VCShare of ICT
sectors in total venture capital (), 1995-2000
19ICT sector jobs increasingly importantShare in
business sector employment, 1999
20Demand for ICT skills continues to
grow...Computer workers as a of all
occupations, 1995-1999
21.. and IT graduates are only part of the
supplyTertiary-level graduates in computing as a
of all fields of study
22Software patents are growingPatents granted in
the US, 1990-99 1990100
23User needs for e-commerce indicators
24Most businesses use the InternetProportion of
businesses with ten or more employees using the
Internet for purchasing and selling 2000
25Despite high Internet use, transaction values
still lowInternet or electronic commerce sales
as percentage of industry sales
26Many individuals use the InternetIndividuals
using and ordering goods and services over the
Internet, 2000
27.. but retail sales are also lowInternet sales /
total revenue or sales of the retail sector, 2000
28EBIP 220 firm case studiesNevertheless the
Internet is having large impacts on how firms
conduct businessExpected/actual e-commerce
impacts by business function
29EBIP 220 firm case studies.. Reshaping many
business processesExpected/actual e-com process
impacts by business process
30EBIP 220 firm case studies.. With generally
positive benefits
31Technological trends
- Ubiquitous computing
- Open source
- IPv6
- Wireless
- Peer-to-peer