Title: MonsteR ReVieW Ch 5 and 9
1MonsteRReVieWCh 5 and 9
2The Peloponnesian War left the Greeks weakened.
They were ruled by several foreign powers until
Alexander the Great finally led them to overthrow
the Persian Empire. All of this political
upheaval prompted Greek artists to leave behind
their focus on idealism and rationality in favor
of . S_ _ _ _ _ R_ _ L _ _ _ and
D_ _ _ _
Social Realism and Drama
3- 5-60
- Praxitiles
- Aphrodite of Knidos
- c.350-340 BCE
- Roman Marble copy
- Late Classical pd, Greece
- Pliny superior to all art
- Humanizing the Gods
- Classical solemn grandeur replaced by worldly
sensuousness - Expression is not cold/remote, its open/welcoming
- Everyday human activity
- NUDE female Goddess of Love
- Previous nudity was of slaves or lower class
- Still superhuman beauty (68)
What stylistic period is she from? What
characteristics of that period do we see in this
4- 5-64
- Grave Stele of a Young Hunter
- c.340-330 BCE
- Marble
- Late Classical pd. Greece
- unprecedented psychological intensity
- Father resembles a seer, ponders the fate of his
son - Overt mourning
- HIGH relief
5- 5-66
- Weary Herakles
- Lysippos
- Roman Marble Copy
- Late Classical pd. Greece
- HUMANISTIC Irony of showing extreme muscles and
extreme weariness. Humans can now relate to
this image. - Lysippos rejected the idea that stability and
balance were worthy goals for sculpture - FULLY in the round. Must walk around him to
fully comprehend - Holds the golden apple behind his back
What artist made this piece? Look beyond the
formal qualities (what it looks like, how it was
made, etc.) What conceptual element did he add
to this piece?
6Alexander Rode a horse only he could
tame Foolhardy courage Boundless energy Inspiring
- 5-67
- Head of Alexander the Great
- c. 200-150 BCE
- Marble
- Late Classical Pd. Greece
- This is a COPY of an original full body statue
done by Lysippos - Deep set eyes, parted lips, thick mane of hair
reminiscent of Skopas
- Artist?
- Who is being depicted?
- What artist influenced him??
- This artist is recognized by what??
7Hellenistic Period
- Marked by what event that occurred in 323 BCE?
Death of Alexander the Great
8(No Transcript)
9- 5-79
- Athena Battling Alkyoneos, detail of the
gigantomachy frieze from the Altar of Zeus - Pergamon, Turkey
- c.175 BCE
- Marble
- 76 high
- Athena killing the giant is a reference
- to King Attalos I defeating
- the Gauls
- Athena is quoted or
- copied from the Parthenon
- Frieze
- Baroque Drama
- Figures project from bkgrd
- Here there is much
Where did the image of Athena come from?? What
event is being referenced?
10- 5-80
- Gallic Chieftan killing himself and his wife
- Epigonos(?)
- Roman copy of bronze original from Pergamon,
Turkey - c.230-220BCE
- From Pergamon Acropolis
- Literally shows Attalos I defeating the Gauls
- Chief prefers suicide to surrender
- Viewer must walk around it to appreciate full
emotional intensity - Facial expression
- Exaggerated hard body juxtaposed with wifes limp
body - Theatrical gestures
11- 5-81
- Dying Gaul
- Epigonos (?)
- Roman copy of bronze original from
- Pergamon, Turkey
- c.230-220 BCE
- Fallen Gaul collapses on shield
- Blood pours out of wound in his chest (DRAMA)
- Exaggerated musculature implies he was killed by
an even more impressive Greek
What is the artists opinion of the person hes
depicting? How can we see that in the way he
chose to show this person?
12- 5-82
- Nike of Samothrace
- Marble
- c.190 BCE
- Samothrace, Greece
- From a fountain (art and nature combined)
- Moment before action (about to take flight)
- Right arm was once raised to crown the naval
13- Venus de Milo
- Alexandros of Antioch-on-the Meander
- c.150-125 BCE
- Marble
- Compare to Praxitiles Aphrodite of Knidos
- More modestly draped but more overtly sexual
- Right hand barely held her drapery up near left
hip - Left hand held apple of Paris (which he awarded
her when he judged her the most beautiful
14- 5-86
- Seated Boxer
- c.100-50 BCE
- Bronze
- Rome, Italy
- Athlete subject still respected
- EMOTIONALhulking body, but shown in a moment of
defeat - Copper inlaid drips of blood on face
- Broken nose and teeth
How is this different from previous Greek
sculptures of Athletes??
15What is this depicting?? How is the drama of the
event portrayed??
- 5-89
- Laocoon and his sons
- Athanadoras, Hagesandros, and Polydoros
- Early 1st century CE
- Marble
- Rome, Italy
- Unearthed in 1506 in the presence of Michelangelo
- Triangular Composition (often used to create a
more dynamic, dramatic image) - Shows the story from Vergils Aeneid Laocoon
was a Trojan priest who tried to warn the Trojans
about the Greeks wooden horse (the Trojan
Horse). The gods were on the Greeks side, so
they punished Laocoon by strangling two of his
169-1 Fibula with Orientalizing lions c.650-640
BCE Gold Italy (Etruscan) -Eastern
Influence -Repousse -Granulation fusing of tiny
metal balls to a metal surface
179-2 Model of a typical Etruscan Temple of the 6th
Century BCE, as described by Vitruvius (Etruscan)
-3 cellas -viewed as architecture as opposed to
monumental sculpture (Greek temples were viewed
as monumental sculpture) -terracotta sculptures
on roof -wooden doric inspired columns
189-3 Apulo (Apollo), from the roof of the
Portonaccio Temple c.510-500 BCE Painted
Terracotta Italy (Etruscan)
199-4 Sarcophagus with reclining couple c.520
BCE Painted Terracotta Italy (Etruscan)
209-8 Leopards, Banqueters, and musicians, mural
paintings in the Tomb of the Leopards c.480-470
BCE Italy (Etruscan) 9-9 Diving and fishing,
mural painting from the Tomb of Hunting and
Fishing c.530-520 BCE Italy (Etruscan)
?what is the function of the leopards?? ? What
does the egg symbolize?
219-10 Capitoline Wolf c.500-480 BCE Bronze Italy
229-14 Sarcophagus of Lars Pulena Early second
century BCE Tufa (local stone) Italy (Etruscan)
239-15 Aule Metele (Arringatore) Early first
century BCe Bronze Italy (Etruscan)