Title: Jason I. Hong
1Human Computer Interaction,Security, and Privacy
2Everyday Security Problems
3Everyday Security Problems
4Everyday Security Problems
5Everyday Security is Important
- People increasingly asked to make trust decisions
- Open this email attachment?
- Install and run this software?
- Enter username and password?
- Consequence of wrong trust decision can be
dramatic - Spyware
- Malware (viruses, worms)
- Identity theft
- But these trust decisions only part of
bigger picture of usable privacy
and security
6Costs of Unusable Security Privacy High
- Still lots of unpatched Windows machines
- Phishing web sites increasing by 28 each month
- Lots of PCs infected with spyware
- Users have more passwords than they can remember
and practice poor password security - Enterprises store confidential information on
laptops and mobile devices that are frequently
lost or stolen
7Grand Challenge
- Give end-users security controls they can
understandand privacy they can control forthe
dynamic, pervasive computing environments of the
future. - - Computing Research Association 2003
8Good Usability is Key
- Still lots of unpatched Windows machines
- Phishing web sites increasing by 28 each month
- Lots of PCs infected with spyware (avg. 25)
- Users have more passwords than they can remember
and practice poor password security - Enterprises store confidential information on
laptops and mobile devices that are frequently
lost or stolen
- Design / implementation failure, but
- Not man-in-middle
- Not encryption failure
- A lot of people dont realize you have to keep
system up to date
9Good Usability is Key
- Still lots of unpatched Windows machines
- Phishing web sites increasing by 28 each month
- Lots of PCs infected with spyware (avg. 25)
- Users have more passwords than they can remember
and practice poor password security - Enterprises store confidential information on
laptops and mobile devices that are frequently
lost or stolen
- SSL, email headers, certificates, URLs pretty
much all in place - A lot of people still fall for simple attacks,
just straight email - Dont realize mail is spoofable
- Cant differentiate fake sites from real web
10Main Points of Todays Talk
- People are a critical and often overlooked aspect
of the systems we design - We need to design systems that mesh well with
peoples existing knowledge and abilities - Otherwise, your security mechanisms will be
- Overlooked (leading people to do the wrong
thing), or - Subverted (so people can get their work done)
- Whirlwind Overview of HCI-Security
- Passwords
- File permissions
- Web
- Design Guidelines
- Whirlwind Overview of HCI-Security
- Passwords
- File permissions
- Web
- Design Guidelines
13PasswordsTypical Advice
- Pick a hard to guess password
- Dont use it anywhere else
- Change it often
- Dont write it down
- Implications?
14Many Homes and Offices
- Password Keeper Software
- Run on PC, in web browser, or handheld
- Only remember one password
- Single sign-on
- Login once to get access to all your passwords
- PwdHash Web Browser plug-in (Stanford)
- User only needs to remember one password
- Automatically hashed by web site
17Graphical Passwords
18Forgotten Password Mechanism
- Email password or magic URL to address on file
- Challenge questions
For all practical purposes, this is the standard
way to access infrequently used sites
19Summary Solving the password proliferation
- Existing solutions (password keepers and
fingerprint readers) let users to cope, but still
have problems - Graphical passwords look promising, but more
research needed - Need to think about solutions that eliminate
passwords altogether
20File Permissions
- Rob Reeder and Roy Maxion (here at CMU)
- Old MS Windows file sharing UI
- Lets say you wanted to make sure user Alice
couldnt see your files - (or let unscrupulous Republican aides see your
21Steps to Do Check Permissions
22Salmon User Interface
23Salmon User Interface
- Add users you are interested in seeing or
modifying permissions for
24Salmon User Interface
- Expand file permissions
- (Turns out that in user studies, some people
didnt realize Change Permissions and Take
Ownership also had to be changed) - Still a lot of permissions, perhaps collapse
into most important
25Salmon User Interface
- Preview effects of permissions before making
changes - Shows effective permissions after merging all
user and group permissions
26Kazaa File Sharing Study
- Good and Krekelberg, CHI 2003
- Given an arbitrary setup of Kazaa, would people
be able to understand what files could in
theory be downloaded by others?
27Kazaa File Sharing Study
28Kazaa File Sharing Study
29Kazaa File Sharing Study
30Kazaa File Sharing Study
- Three main problems with Kazaa UI
- Any guesses?
31Kazaa File Sharing Study
- Three main problems with Kazaa UI
- Downloaded files folder is also shared folder
- Users have to realize this, or very bad things
32Kazaa File Sharing Study
- Three main problems with Kazaa UI
- Downloaded files folder is also shared folder
- Kazaa recursively shares folders
- Again, users have to know this beforehand
33Kazaa File Sharing Study
- Three main problems with Kazaa UI
- Downloaded files folder is also shared folder
- Kazaa recursively shares folders
- Inconsistent views
- Two UIs for doing similar tasks, but show
different information about state of system
34Kazaa File Sharing Study
- 12 users, 10 had used file sharing before
- Figure out what files are being shared by Kazaa
- Download files set to C\ (ie all files on
hard drive C) - Results
- 5 people thought it was My Shared Folder
- which one UI did suggest
- 2 people used Find Files to find all shared files
- This UI had no files checked, thus no files
shared? - 2 people used help, said My Shared Folder
- 1 person couldnt figure it out at all
- Only 2 people got it right
35Summary File Sharing
- Understanding what is and isnt being shared is
difficult - But can lead to bad situations
- Need to make an invisible aspect of system
visible - Need to make controls simple
- Need to provide useful feedback
- More on this in the Design part of talk
- Whirlwind Overview of HCI-Security
- Passwords
- File permissions
- Web
- Design Guidelines
37User Conceptions of Web Security
- Friedman et al, CHI2003
- What do people think the lock icon in browsers
mean? - Survey of 72 people
- 24 rural Maine
- 24 suburban NJ
- 24 high-tech CA
38User Conceptions of Web Security
- Recognize a secure connection vs non-secure
- About half could (https, lock icon)
- Participants asked to draw a secure connection
- 40 got a right answer
- 14 people thought of it as a secure place vs
secure in transit - Ex. Data safe on server and protected by firewall
- High-tech people not always accurate
39Web Cookies
- Cookies are small pieces of data for tracking
- Session state, personalization, etc
- Can also be potential privacy risk
- DoubleClick, web image bugs
- Public understanding of cookies and implications
slowly growing
40Providing Better Awareness
41Acumen Collaborative Filtering
42Summary Web
- Users conceptions of security dont always match
system designers - Current browser cookie interfaces still dont
make sense to users - New approaches should be explored and tested
- Make cookies more visible
- Use community recommendations to manage cookies
- Whirlwind Overview of HCI-Security
- Passwords
- File permissions
- Web
- Design Guidelines
44Design Guidelines
- Whole courses you can take
- Two parts today
- General human-computer interaction (most)
- Specific to hci-security (unfortunately short)
45HCI Approach to UI Design
- Other considerations we wont look at
- Business models, level of fun
46Myths about Good Design
- Myth 1 Good design is just common sense
- why are there so many bad web sites? hard to use
apps? - Myth 2 Only experts create good designs
- experts faster, this course is on simple and
effective techniques anyone can apply - Myth 3 We can fix the user interface at the end
- good design is more than just user interface
- having right features, building those features
right - Myth 4 Good design takes too long / costs too
much - simple and effective techniques that can reduce
total development time cost (finds problems
early on)
47Myths about Good Design (cont.)
- Myth 5 Good design is just cool graphics
- graphics part of bigger picture of what to
communicate how - Myth 6 Customers can rely on documentation
help - help is the last resort of a frustrated customer
- Myth 7 Marketing takes care of understanding
customer needs - does not help you understand behavior
- what people say vs. what they do and what they
actually need - Myth 8 Quality Assurance ensures our product
works - QA makes sure product meets specification, not
what happens w/ real customers on real problems
48Who Builds User Interfaces?
- A team of specialists (ideally)
- graphic designers
- interaction / interface designers
- information architects
- technical writers
- marketers
- test engineers
- usability engineers
- software engineers
- users
49How to Design and Build UIs
- User interface design process
- Usability goals
- User-centered design
- Task analysis contextual inquiry
- Rapid prototyping
- Evaluation
- Programming
50User Interface Development Process
Customers, Products, Business, Marketing
Customers, Products, Business, Marketing
Customers, Products, Business, Marketing
Design Exploration
Design Discovery
Work together to realize the design in
detail. Evaluate with Customers
Customers - Roles (Who) - Tasks (What)
- Context (Stories) Marketing - Business
Priorities - Messages Technology -
Products - Architecture Design -
Leading/competing technologies
Review Iterate
Design Definition - Design Problem Statement -
Targeted User Roles (Who) - Targeted User Tasks
(What) - Design Direction Statements
Specification Hi Fidelity, Refined Design -
Based on customer feedback - Foundation in
product reality - Refined Design description
Proposal Demos/ Lo Fi Prototypes (How)
based on slide by Sara Redpath, IBM Thyra
Trauch, Tivoli
- Design is driven by requirements
- what the artifact is for
- not how it is to be implemented
- e.g., PDA not as important as mobile app.
- A design represents the artifact
- for UIs these representations include (?)
- screen sketches or storyboards
- flow diagrams/outline showingtask structure
- executable prototypes
- representations simplify
Write essay start word processor write
outline fill out outline Start word processor
find word processor icon double click on
icon Write outline write down high-level
ideas . . .
53Web Design Representations
Site Maps
54Usability Goals?
- According to the ISOThe effectiveness,
efficiency, and satisfaction with which specified
users achieve specified goals in particular
environments - This does not mean you have to create a dry
design or something that is only good for novices
it all depends on your goals
55Usability Goals
- Set goals early later use to measure progress
- Goals often have tradeoffs, so prioritize
- Example goals
- Learnable
- faster the 2nd time so on
- Memorable
- from session to session
- Flexible
- multiple ways to accomplish tasks
- Efficient
- perform tasks quickly
- Robust
- minimal error rates
- good feedback so user can recover
- Pleasing
- high user satisfaction
- Fun
56User-centered Design
- Cognitive abilities
- perception
- physical manipulation
- memory
- Organizational / job abilities
- Keep users involved throughout
- developers working with target users
- think of the world in users terms
- understanding work process
- not technology-centered/feature driven
Know Thy User
57Task Analysis Contextual Inquiry
- Observe existing work practices
- Create examples and scenarios of actual use
- Try-out new ideas before building software
58Rapid Prototyping
- Build a mock-up of design so you can quickly test
- Low fidelity techniques
- paper sketches
- cut, copy, paste
- Interactive prototyping tools
- HTML, Visual Basic, HyperCard, Director, Flash,
DENIM, etc. - UI builders
- Visual Studio .NET, JBuilder
59Low-fi Sketches Storyboards
60Low-fi Sketches Storyboards
61(No Transcript)
62(No Transcript)
- Test with real users (participants)
- w/ interactive prototype
- low-fi with paper computer
- Build models
- Low-cost techniques
- expert evaluation
- walkthroughs
- online testing
64Conducting a Test
65Conducting a Test
66Conceptual Models
- Mental representation of how object works how
interface controls affect it - People may have preconceived models that are hard
to change - (4 5) vs. (4 5 )
- dragging to trash?
- delete file but eject disk
- Interface must communicate model
- visually
- online help and documentation can help,
but shouldnt be necessary
fresh food
- Problem freezer too cold, but fresh food just
68Refrigerator Controls
Normal Settings C and 5 Colder Fresh Food C and
6-7 Coldest Fresh Food B and 8-9 Colder
Freezer D and 7-8 Warmer Fresh Food C and
4-1 OFF (both) 0
- What is your conceptual model?
69A Common Conceptual Model
cooling unit
cooling unit
70Actual Conceptual Model
cooling unit
- Now can you fix the problem?
- Possible solutions
- make controls map to users model
- make controls map to actual system
71Design Model User Model
- Users get model from experience usage
- through system image
- What if the two models dont match?
72Conceptual Model Mismatch
- Mismatch between designers users conceptual
model leads to - Slow performance
- Errors
- And inability to recover
- Frustration
- ...
- Make it just work
- Invisible security
- Train the user
- Ex. Corporate training, military
- Unlikely for consumers, however
- Make security and privacy understandable
- Make it visible
- Make it intuitive
- Use metaphors that users can relate to
- Developers should not expect users to make
decisions they themselves cant make - 1. Get the defaults right
- 2. Present choices, not dilemmas
- Chris Nodder (in charge of user experience for XP
75Firefox security assumptions
- Users want to believe that their products are
keeping them secure. - Users do not want to be responsible for, nor
concern themselves with, their own security. - We know more about security than our users do.
- - Blake Ross
76Optimistic vs Pessimistic Security
- Pessimistic Security tries to prevent problems
- Ex. Access control lists
- Basically anything that needs lots of
configuration up front - Optimistic Security tries to detect problems and
fix afterwards - Ex. Emergency rooms
- Ex. Some help desks
- Ex. ATT Friend Finder
- Depends on your goals, needs, and risks
77Main Points of Todays Talk
- People are a critical and often overlooked aspect
of the systems we design - We need to design systems that mesh well with
peoples existing knowledge and abilities - Otherwise, your security mechanisms will be
- Overlooked (leading people to do the wrong
thing), or - Subverted (so people can get their work done)
78Further Reading
79(No Transcript)
80General HCIEmpathy
- Lets say youre an engineer
- Developed a great VCR
- Uber-remote control
- High fidelity
- The whole works!
- However, complaints start coming in
- Cant figure out how to record something
- Cant figure out how to view TV channels when VCR
on - Cant figure out how to change clock time
- Natural engineer reaction?
They must be stupid!
81General HCIEmpathy
- Suppress this, and see things from their point of
view - Slashdot, help desk jokes, etc
- Naïve users
- Naïve brain surgeon?
- We are designing systems for people
- We want to see our systems succeed
- Can be painful process, but empathy and respect
for users necessary to good design